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vue-pop is a plugin for Vue 3 to manage pop-ups and notifications.



You can install vue-pop with npm:

$ npm i -S @sneppy/vue-pop

Basic usage

Create a new instance of Pop and install it with the Vue app:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { Pop } from '@sneppy/vue-pop'

import App from './App.vue'

export let pop = new Pop()


Place <pop-view/> somewhere in the DOM tree. That's where the pop-ups will be spawned:

	<div id="App">

Next, import the Pop instance where needed and use Pop.push() to push a popup window on the stack:

import { pop } from '@/main'
import SomePopUpComponent from './SomePopUpComponent.vue'

export default {
	setup() {

		const onClick = () => pop.push({
			comp: markRaw(SomePopUpComponent)

Starting with vue-pop@3.1.0 you need to explicitly mark the component as non-reactive with markRaw()

You can close the topmost pop-up anytime using Pop.pop().

Props can be passed down to the pop-up component like this:

	comp: markRaw(SomePopUpComponent),
	props: {
		title: 'Message title',
		text: 'Message text'

You may also listen for events emitted by the pop-up component:

	comp: markRaw(ConfirmDialogComponent),
	props: {
		message: 'Are you sure you want to exit',
		onConfirm: () => submit(),
		onCancel: () => pop.pop()

See the v-on paragraph in Vue 3 documentation

By default, vue-pop will listen for a 'close' event and close the pop-up.

// ConfirmDialogComponent
emit('close') // This will close the pop-up, just like calling pop.pop()

vue-pop comes with a built-in wrapper, which is enabled by passing the component as a prop:

	props: {
		comp: ConfirmDialog,
		message: 'Are you sure you want to exit'
	// ...

The wrapper component generates the following tree:


You can also import a built-in style for the wrapper, or provide your own style:

import '@sneppy/vue-pop/dist/index.css'


vue-pop provides an helper class to handle simple notifications. To enable it, create a new Notif instance right after creating the Pop instance:

let pop = new Pop
let notif = new Notif(pop)

You will also need to create a dedicated view somewhere:

	<div id="App">
		<pop-view name="notif"/>

The name="notif" attribute designate the view as the notification view.

The notif object has various methods that determine the type of notification:

method type
log or info log message
done or doneall success message
warn warning message
error error message

All methods accept a plain string message and a time duration (in milliseconds):

notif.done('User profile updated', 3000)

If the time duration is undefined the notification will be displayed until notif.pop() is called.

By default, notifications are displayed in a bar that fills the top of the screen. You can set the position of notifications using the pos="(left|center|right|fill) (top|middle|bottom)" attribute on <pop-view/>:

<pop-view name="notif" position="right bottom"/>

You will also need to import the built-in stylesheet, or provide your own.

Advanced Usage

vue-pop can handle multiple views.

Each view is identified by a unique name attribute. In order to address a certain view, you must provide its name in Pop.push() and Pop.pop():

<pop-view name="messages"/>
<pop-view name="other"/>
	comp: markRaw(Component)
}, 'messages')


If two or more views share the same name, they will display the same pop-up

The main view has no name.

You can wrap a view in a transition component to apply enter and leave animations to the pop-up:

<transition name="fade">

Check out other Vue libraries:

  • Stallone is an elegant and intuitive library to create REST API clients;
  • vue-menu is a Vue 3 plugin to create custom context menus.