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Super Road Blaster is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System written in 65816-Assembler.

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Super Road Blaster v1.2 sourcecode for Super Nintendo

Please note:
This release enables you to build the game ROM file, but does not build msu datafile
& msu audio files by default.
The tools & provisions to build these are there,
but have been disabled because they require the original video file from the iPhone
version of the game and also because the building will take ages, as the conversion
tools are written in python and not optimized at all.
Therefore, these files will have to be taken & copied from the regular release of
the game instead.

Requirements to build game ROM:
-os: linux 
  -WLA DX 9.5a
  -python 2.7.2 (not tested with python 3+! Will probably need adjustments.)
  -snesbrr by DMV27

Compilation instructions:

-download, compile & install wla dx 9.5a by Ville Hellin

-download, compile & install snesbrr by DMV27

-download, compile & install python 2.7.2. Other versions might work, but might
 require modifications to tools.

-unpack Super Road Blaster sourcecode

-enter source folder, run make

-download regular Super Road Blaster release and manually copy manifest xml,
 msu datafile and pcm soundfiles into ./build folder.

-run game with emulator, preferably bsnes v070.

General concept:
This game is written purely in 65816-Assembler.
Apart from that, this game builds upon an abstraction layer that takes ideas
from object oriented programming intended to enhance flexibility.
Also, most of the used resources such as work RAM, video RAM, color palettes,
DMA channels and such are allocated dynamically to optimize resource usage and
lessen the burden of resource micro-management.
However, the abstraction layer also imposes a performance drop.
The whole abstraction concept is severely limited by WLA DX's capabilities.
Also, you'll find that I use many terms familiar from object oriented programming,
but use them to adress functionality that deviates from the commonly accepted meaning.

Some advantages of representing almost everything in the game, from textlayers,
sound interface, scores, sprites and even keypress events by objects:

-it's possible to generate any number of instances of objects whenever required
 without having to micro-manage data access.
 For example, it's possible to have any number of active control scripts operating
 individually at the same time.

-objects presenting uniform interfaces can be grouped, selected and processed in a
 generalized fashion.
 For example, one might select all objects implementing the dimension interface
 (i.e. objects that have a visible representation onscreen) and sort them by their
 z-position for correct visual priority.
 The same sorting method can equally be employed to sort highscores by selecting all
 objects of type score.
 Another example: In Super Road Blaster, the dashboard during gameplay consists of
 a background layer, a steering wheel sprite and an HDMA effect to switch video modes,
 each represented by an object having a specific property ("isDash").
 By grabbing all objects with that specific property, it's possible to move them
 around in unison, without having to worry about their specific implementation details.

  -a set of named methods coupled with variable members, grouped under a common class
  -defined with CLASS macro, which also denotes all public (=externally accessible)
  -has at least three default methods (init,play,kill).

  -instanciation of a class, consisting of an entry on the object stack, aswell as
   a private (=not externally accessible) slice of ram in the zero-page area
   (some sort of heap) called object zp.  
  -created with NEW macro, which takes class name and optional parameters passed
   to the object constructor(method init) and returns object hash (sort of a
   pointer/reference to instanciated object that gets adjusted automatically
   if object moves around on object stack).
  -always has default methods init(constructor, called on instanciation),
   play(called once every frame), kill(destructor, called upon object deletion).
  -lives until object is explicitly deleted/killed.
  -methods of object are called with CALL macro, which takes method, object hash
   and optional parameters

-object stack
  -despite the name not a stack, but rather a list of currently active objects.

-object hash
  -unique reference/pointer to an object consisting of class id, pointer to object
   in object stack and instancation counter.
  -will be generated upon object instanciation, required to call methods on
   instanciated object.
  -will be adjusted automatically if object moves around on object stack.

-object zp:
  -block of memory linked to object instance containing objects private member
  -commonly refered to with prefix "this." inside object code.

-object properties:
  -each object has a set of bitflags called properties that are used to select
   and group objects.
   Examples are "isSprite"(representing a sprite onscreen),
   "isSerializable"(being serializable and subsequently save & loadable from & to
   battery-backed SRAM), "isHdma"(representing an HDMA effect) etc.

  -static game-independant core functionality such as IRQ, DMA-channel handling
   and VRAM/CGRAM allocation.

  -despite the name, there is no inheritance parent/child model between classes at all.
  -instead, inheritance files contain methods that are by default
   implicitly "inherited" by any class.

  -interfaces are predefined methods and variable members that each class
   implementing the interface in question also implements.
  -as an example, any class implementing the "dimension"-interface will
   automatically implement methods and member variables to expose object position.

  -abstract classes are classes that may not be instanciated themselves, but
   provide useful methods useable by other objects in their vicinity.
   For example, abstract.Sprite.65816 implements a couple of methods to
   automatically allocate memory and start sprite animations, which are used by
   all other sprite objects.

-garbage collection
  -there is no implicit garbage collection.
  -even if nobody holds a pointer (=object hash) to an object, it is kept alive
   until it is explicitly killed.
  -a killed object will be marked deleted, then actually removed and its memory
   freed after all objects in the current frame have had their play-methods triggered.

  -not a separate scripting language, but rather an object of type script controlling
   logical game flow.
   For example, each video chapter, the highscore screen and the title screen each
   have their own script controlling game flow.

  -a provision for generically iterating/looping over sets of objects by their
   class ids or properties.
  -each object implementing the iterator interface maintains its own iterator state
   and target variables.

-unit tests
  -a sadly rather incomplete set of unit tests to make sure the engine is working

source folder structure
  -sounds: sound effect samples in wav-format. Get converted to brr-format samples.

  -songs: music in ProTracker mod-format. A couple of limitations are imposed on
    these because of hardware limitations. (sample length/loop points must
    be dividable by 16, maximum filesize limited to ~50kbytes)

  -sprites: folders containing sprite graphics (usually in png format, but other
    common graphics formats are supported aswell). These get converted to
    sprite animation files. Each individual graphics file represents a
    frame in the resulting animation.

  -font: font graphics files

  -backgrounds: Background graphic files, get converted to background animation
    files (though Super Road Blaster only uses static backgrounds)

  -events: xml files containing timing & action information that drive gameplay.
    These are used to both cut up the original video file into chapters
    aswell as generate script files that control gameplay (written to ./data/chapters)

  -config: global static definitions, macros and such that get included in every
    sourcecode file.

  -core: core functionality such as booting, IRQ handling, dynamic memory allocation
    for WRAM,VRAM,CGRAM,DMA channels and such.

  -definition: aliases for SNES registers, MSU-1 registers etc.

  -object: contain specific classes of objects that handle individual parts
    of the game. For example, each background layer type, each HDMA effect,
    the MSU1 interface, the audio interface and the like are each represented by
    their own object.

  -text: text variables used throughout the game.

  *.script: top-level control scripts

-tools uses to write graphics animation files
    (sprite or backgrounds). Animations consists of multiple graphics frames
    sharing common palettes (maybe comparable to gif-animations, but without
    timing information). handles graphics conversion to various SNES formats.
    Supports a vast array of input file formats. Can output background and
    sprite graphics. Can optimize graphics (Merge similar-looking tiles)
    and palettes. Slow. converts music in ProTracker mod-format to custom SNES format.
    A couple of limitations are imposed on these because of hardware limitations.
    (sample length/loop points must be dividable by 16, maximum filesize limited
    to ~50kbytes) takes video image files in ./data/chapters/* and creates
    msu1 datafile consisting of chapters which in turn contain video frames in
    snes format. takes wav-format audio files from ./data/chapters/* and
    converts them to custom msu1 audio format. just a couple of helpful stuff to handle user input. parses event xml files in ./data/events and generates a
    folder for each in ./data/chapters containing chapter id, chapter script
    and (optionally) video frames in png-format and audio data in wav-format.
    Also optionally triggers ffmpeg to generate chapter video frames from input
    video in ./data/video and triggers gimp to smoothen out frame graphics to let
    them compress better using gimp-batch-convert-indexed.scm.

Initial program flow:
-first of all, code in ./src/core/boot.65816 is executed, which initializes
  all core modules, then instanciates script ./src/main.script and enters mainloop.

-next, ./src/main.script instanciates a copy of the MSU-1 interface and
  initializes highscore data (from battery-backed sram if applicable).

-after that, control is passed to ./src/msu1.script, which instanciates
  audio interfaces, displays and then passes control
  to ./src/data/chapters/logo_intro/chapter.script.

-finally, all further game action is controlled by events in currently
 active chapter scripts, which are located in ./src/data/chapters/ and
 have been generated from chapter xml files in ./src/data/events/


Super Road Blaster is a game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System written in 65816-Assembler.






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