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File metadata and controls

350 lines (259 loc) · 9.97 KB

Key Concepts & Data Model

This section is meant to explain the concepts and data model that we use to represent input and output data.

The main task that this lib performs is Information Extraction, or Intent Parsing, to be even more specific. At this point, the output of the engine may still not be very clear to you.

The task of parsing intents is actually two-folds. The first step is to understand which intent the sentence is about. The second step is to extract the parameters, a.k.a. the slots of the sentence.


In the context of information extraction, an intent corresponds to the action or intention contained in the user's query, which can be more or less explicit.

Lets' consider for instance the following sentences:

"Turn on the light"
"It's too dark in this room, can you fix this?"

They both express the same intent which is switchLightOn, but they are expressed in two very different ways.

Thus, the first task in intent parsing is to be able to detect the intent of the sentence, or say differently to classify sentences based on their underlying intent.

In Snips NLU, this is represented within the parsing output in this way:

    "intentName": "switchLightOn",
    "probability": 0.87

So you have an additional information which is the probability that the extracted intent correspond to the actual one.


The second part of the task, once the intent is known, is to extract the parameters that may be contained in the sentence. We called them slots.

For example, let's consider this sentence:

"Turn on the light in the kitchen"

As before the intent is switchLightOn, however there is now an additional piece of information which is contained in the word kitchen.

This intent contains one slot, which is the room in which the light is to be turned on.

Let's consider another example:

"Find me a flight from Paris to Tokyo"

Here the intent would be searchFlight, and now there are two slots in the sentence being contained in "Paris" and "Tokyo". These two values are of the same type as they both correspond to a location however they have different roles, as Paris is the departure and Tokyo is the arrival.

In this context, we call location a slot type (or entity) and departure and arrival are slot names.


We may refer equally to slot type or entity to describe the same concept

Slot type vs. slot name

A slot type or entity is to NLU what a type is to coding. It describes the nature of the value. In a piece of code, multiple variables can be of the same type while having different purposes, usually transcribed in their name. All variables of a same type will have some common characteristics, for instance they have the same methods, they may be comparable etc.

In information extraction, a slot type corresponds to a class of values that fall into the same category. In our previous example, the location slot type corresponds to all values that correspond to a place, a city, a country or anything that can be located.

The slot name can be thought as the role played by the entity in the sentence.

In Snips NLU, extracted slots are represented within the output in this way:

    "rawValue": "Paris",
    "value": {
      "kind": "Custom",
      "value": "Paris"
    "entity": "location",
    "slotName": "departure",
    "range": {
      "start": 28,
      "end": 41
    "rawValue": "Tokyo",
    "value": {
      "kind": "Custom",
      "value": "Tokyo"
    "entity": "location",
    "slotName": "arrival",
    "range": {
      "start": 28,
      "end": 41

In this example, the slot value contains a "kind" attribute which value here is "Custom". There are two classes of slot types or entity:

  • Builtin entities
  • Custom entities

Builtin Entities and resolution

Snips NLU actually goes a bit further than simply extracting slots, let's illustrate this with another example:

"What will be the weather tomorrow at 10am?"

This sentence contains a slot, "tomorrow at 10am", which is a datetime. Here is how the slot extracted by Snips NLU would look like in this case:

  "rawValue": "tomorrow at 10am",
  "value": {
    "kind": "InstantTime",
    "value": "2018-02-10 10:00:00 +00:00",
    "grain": "Hour",
    "precision": "Exact"
  "range": {
    "start": 20,
    "end": 36
  "entity": "snips/datetime",
  "slotName": "weatherDate"

As you can see, the "value" field here contains more information than in the previous example. This is because the entity used here, "snips/datetime", is what we call a Builtin Entity.

Snips NLU supports multiple builtin entities that are typically strongly typed entities such as date, temperatures, numbers etc, and for which a specific extractor is available.

These entities have special labels starting with "snips/" and making use of them when appropriate will not only give better results, but it will also provide some entity resolution such as an ISO format for a date.

Builtin entities and their underlying extractors are maintained by the Snips team. You can find the list of all the builtin entities supported per language in the Snips NLU Ontology repository. The Snips NLU uses the powerful Rustling library to extract builtin entities from text.

On the other hand, entities that are declared by the developer are called custom entities.

Custom Entities

As soon as you use a slot type which is not part of Snips builtin entities, you are using a custom entity. There are several things you can do to customize it, and make it fit with your use case.

Entity Values & Synonyms

The first thing you can do is add a list of possible values for your entity.

By providing a list of example values for your entity, you help Snips NLU grasp what the entity is about.

Let's say you are creating an assistant which purpose is to let you set the color of your connected light bulbs. What you will do is define a "color" entity. On top of that you can provide a list of sample colors by editing the entity in your dataset as follow:

  "color": {
    "automatically_extensible": true,
    "use_synonyms": true,
    "data": [
        "value": "white",
        "synonyms": []
        "value": "yellow",
        "synonyms": []
        "value": "pink",
        "synonyms": []
        "value": "blue",
        "synonyms": []

Now imagine that you want to allow some variations around these values e.g. using "pinky" instead of "pink". You could add these variations in the list by adding a new value, however in this case what you want is to tell the NLU to consider "pinky" as a synonym of "pink":

  "value": "pink",
  "synonyms": ["pinky"]

In this context, Snips NLU will map "pinky" to its reference value, "pink", in its output.

Let's consider this sentence:

Please make the light pinky

Here is the kind of NLU output that you would get in this context:

  "input": "Please make the light pinky",
  "intent": {
    "intentName": "setLightColor",
    "probability": 0.95
  "slots": [
      "rawValue": "pinky",
      "value": {
        "kind": "Custom",
        "value": "pink"
      "entity": "color",
      "slotName": "lightColor",
      "range": {
        "start": 22,
        "end": 27

The "rawValue" field contains the color value as written within the input, but now the "value" field has been resolved and it contains the reference color, "pink", that the synonym refers to.

Automatically Extensible Entities

On top of declaring color values and color synonyms, you can also decide how Snips NLU reacts to unknown entity values.

In the light color assistant example, one of the first thing to do would be to check what are the colors that are supported by the bulb, for instance:

["white", "yellow", "red", "blue", "green", "pink", "purple"]

As you can only handle these colors, you can enforce Snips NLU to filter out slot values that are not part of this list, so that the output always contain valid values, i.e. supported colors.

On the contrary, let's say you want to build a smart music assistant that will let you control your speakers and play any artist you want.

Obviously, you can't list all the artist and songs that you might want to listen to at some point. This means that your dataset will contain some examples of such artist but you expect Snips NLU to extend beyond these values and extract any other artist or song that appear in the same context.

Your entity must be automatically extensible.

Now in practice, there is a flag in the dataset that lets you choose whether or not your custom entity is automatically extensible:

  "my_custom_entity": {
    "automatically_extensible": true,
    "use_synonyms": true,
    "data": []