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rafaelbrandao edited this page Jun 28, 2012 · 20 revisions

How to build Showshoe

Get or build Qt :

Get and build QtWebKit, the WebKit2 port :

Building Snowshoe :

  • Get the source :
  • Export needed variables:
    • PATH pointing to the Qt5 bin directory
    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to the WebKit2 lib directory
  • Run qmake
  • Run make or nmake (on Windows)
  • Enjoy!

Run Snowshoe :

  • Don't forget to add the bin path of your WebKit build to your PATH so QtWebProcess executable can be found.
  • Make sure QML_IMPORT_PATH points to the builddir/imports to load the QtWebKit plugin.
  • Make sure also that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is correctly set.

Snowshoe on Nokia N9

  • Follow the instructions to install QtWebKit on N9.
  • Get the source files of Snowshoe.
  • Install the Harmattan SDK and restart your user session.
  • Run "/scratchbox/login" just to make sure HARMATTAN_ARMEL is selected. Otherwise select it using "sb-menu" inside scratchbox. If you get "ERROR: ‘/scratchbox/sbin/chroot-uid’ is not suid ROOT" then type "sudo chmod u+s /scratchbox/sbin/chroot-uid".
  • Run the Snowshoe script "tools/" to install the dependencies on your scratchbox. You should run this script from Snowshoe base directory (not inside tools).
  • Adjust the ip inside the script inside 'tools' to the IP of your device. The default is, the IP for the usb connection.
  • Run the script from the project root dir. It'll copy the project to scratchbox, build and scp it to the connected device. If you get a build error "cannot find -lfontconfig" then log into scratchbox and type "apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev"
  • On the device, add the Qt5 binary dir to PATH with "export PATH=/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH" and then run it with "./snowshoe --mobile" If you hit the error "module "" is not installed" when running snowshoe, then go to your N9 device and type "apt-get install qt-components2"