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Calver release is an action that dynamically generates github release tags based on calnder versioning. The generated tag is a combination of today's date based on date format passed to the action and an incremental digit which indicates release number for the specified day.

For instance if date format is YYYYMMD and today is 08/22/2022, then the first and second releases of the day will be

  • 2022082.1
  • 2022082.2

Formating Date

This action uses moment.js and JS date format, here is few examples of supported date formats tokens

  • YYYY: 4-digit year '2022'
  • YY: 2-digit year '22'
  • MMMM: Full-length month 'August'
  • MMM: 3 character month 'Aug'
  • MM: Month of the year, zero-padded '08'
  • M: Month of the year '22'
  • DD: Day of the month, zero-padded '22'
  • D: Day of the month '22'
  • Do: Day of the month with numeric ordinal contraction '22nd'
  • HH: hour

Date formats Examples

you can separate year, month and day by ., - and more

  • YYYYMMD: 20220822
  • YYYY-MM-D: 2022-08-22
  • YYYY.MM.D: 2022.08.22


  - uses: snsinahub/calver-release@v1.2.0
      # Repository name 
      # default: ${{ github.repository }}
      # required: false
      repo: ''
      # Token to access to the repository
      # GITHUB_TOKEN can be used to access to the same repository
      # If you'd like to access to another repository you can use either PAT(Personal Access Token) Or use a service account
      # Using Service Account with least permissions is recommended 
      # default: ${{ github.token }}
      # required: false
      # Release tag date format 
      # default: YYYYMMD
      # required: false

      # Local timezone 
      # default: America/New_York
      # required: false

      # required: false
      # default: ''
      # required: false
      # default: ''
      # required: false
      # default: '.'


Name Description
newTag Get latest release tag and increment the iteration by 1


Use default values

- name: checkout
  uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: get a new tag
  id: tag-generator
  uses: snsinahub/calver-release@v1.2.0  
- name: print new tag
  run: |
    echo ${{ steps.tag-generator.outputs.newTag }}

Passing Date format

- name: checkout
  uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: get a new tag
  id: tag-generator
  uses: snsinahub/calver-release@v1.2.0
    repo: "${{ github.repository }}"
    token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
    date_format: "YYYYMMD"
- name: print new tag
  run: |
    echo ${{ steps.tag-generator.outputs.newTag }}

Passing Date format and timezone

- name: checkout
  uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: get a new tag
  id: tag-generator
  uses: snsinahub/calver-release@v1.2.0
    repo: "${{ github.repository }}"
    token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
    date_format: "YYYY-MM-D"
    time_zone: "America/New_York"
- name: print new tag
  run: |
    echo ${{ steps.tag-generator.outputs.newTag }}

Adding prefix

- name: get a new tag
  id: tag-generator
  uses: snsinahub/calver-release@v1.2.0
    date_format: "${{ github.event.inputs.date_format }}"   
    tag_prepend: ${{ github.event.inputs.tag_prepend }}    
    append_prepend_separator: ${{ github.event.inputs.append_prepend_separator }}

Adding postfix

- name: get a new tag
  id: tag-generator
  uses: snsinahub/calver-release@v1.2.0
    date_format: "${{ github.event.inputs.date_format }}"   
    tag_append: ${{ github.event.inputs.tag_append }}
    append_prepend_separator: ${{ github.event.inputs.append_prepend_separator }}

Adding both prefix and postfix

- name: get a new tag
  id: tag-generator
  uses: snsinahub/calver-release@v1.2.0
    date_format: "${{ github.event.inputs.date_format }}"   
    tag_prepend: ${{ github.event.inputs.tag_prepend }}
    tag_append: ${{ github.event.inputs.tag_append }}
    append_prepend_separator: ${{ github.event.inputs.append_prepend_separator }}

External References