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Message from the developer

As duck is being rewritten, this documentation might contain incorrect informations. I will get it up to date asap.


Ducklogo is a developer tool which brings abstraction to the terminal.

Examples usage

C++ : compile


$ g++ -o ./binary1.4.3 main.cpp Logger.cpp AnotherFile.cpp MyClass.cpp -lm -Wall


$ @ build

Go : create packages


$ mkdir myNewPackage
$ touch myNewPackage/myNewPackage.go


$ @ pack myNewPackage

git: add, commit, push


$ git add *
$ git commit -a -m "My message"
$ git push origin master


$ @ gcp "My message"


name installation process
curl apt install curl or brew install curl or whatever
go official tutorial


  • Download the latest version of duck here

  • Move it into /usr/local/bin and name it duck

  • Run ln -s /usr/local/bin/duck /usr/local/bin/@ to add @ support

  • Download the project.conf in ressources/duck.conf (on the repo) and put it in /etc/duck/duck.conf

  • Start using duck !

One-line Installation

Currently not available

Installing duck from sources is a very easy step.

Once you have curl and go installed, just run :

WARNING : Due to recent changes, this script is being rewritten. You can still install duck but not with the script.

$ curl | bash

This will download the installation script and execute it. Ensure to have sudo permissions.

Manual Installation

This will come later.


duck is available under the alias @ to speed up the command-writing process.

if @ is not available for you, run ln -s $(which duck) /usr/local/bin/@

usage: @ <action> [args]

command description
@ init add duck to your project
@ install pkg download and install package pkg
@ lings view loaded lings
@ exec run your project
@ repo-list print a list of installed repositories
@ mkdir mkdir a directory if it doesn't exist
@ buid build your project

To see the list of all available commands, type @ help

Getting started

Create a new directory for your projects

$ mkdir my-project
$ cd my-project

Init a duck repo in this directory

$ @ init
Name: tictactoe
Lang: go
Main: game.go

Install the packages you want

see the official repo here to discover packages

$ @ install snwfdhmp/std
$ @ install snwfdhmp/go
$ @ install snwfdhmp/cpp
$ @ install snwfdhmp/junk

Make a ling

Lings are duck's most interesting part. They are custom commands you build to avoid repeating commands.

Examples :

This Will execute
@ pack MyPackage mkdir MyPackage && touch MyPackage/MyPackage.go
@ gcp "My message" git add * && git commit -a -m "My message" && git push


You can use different $tags in a ling

Tag Description Example
$main Your project's main file main.go
$name Your project's name myAwesomeProject
$path Path to your project /home/snwfdhmp/my-project
$1, $2, ..., $9 Commands arguments (like in shell) @ create toto => mkdir toto && touch toto/toto.go

Example lings using tags :

This Will execute
@ build go build -o $path/$name
@ junk fileToThrow.txt mv fileToThrow.txt $path/.junk

Sample package

Packages contain lings

You can build packages to import/export lings.

Create a file in YOURPROJECT/.duck/YOURNAME/PKGNAME.pkg


			"Description":"compile project",
			"Commands":["go build -o $name $main"],
			"Description":"create a new package",
				"mkdir $1",
				"touch $1/$1.go"
			"Description":"go run your project",
				"go run $main"


Duck is currently closed to contributions.

However, please feel free to open issues.


  • snwfdhmp (I'm currently the only one on this project.)

Thanks to