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Simon Torres edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 9 revisions

This information might be outdated

For latest documentation see

Welcome to the Goodman Spectroscopic Tool wiki!


How to use the Pipeline: Quick introduction on how the pipeline operates and how you can use it. (Interactive operation not covered)

Software Versioning: Proposition on how to number versions of the pipeline.

Development Notes: Notes on how to create html documentation from docstrings including instalation of dependencies.

Dealing With Requirements: How to create a requirements.txt file that will help users to install dependencies.

Reference Comparison Lamps Library: Status of the Reference Comparison Lamps Library. A collection of wavelength-calibrated lamps used for visual reference in the interactive wavelength calibration mode.

Installing on Ubuntu 16.04: Instructions to install the goodman pipeline on a brand new Ubuntu installation.

Installing on Centos 7: Instructions to install the goodman pipeline on a brand new Centos 7 installation.

Notes from Meeting 2016-12-21: Meeting with the Observatory's Director in order to evaluate the progress and define new strategies and goals.

Notes from Meeting 2017-04-28 General Evaluation and critical Planning.