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Tools for Elden Ring

Written by Lua


  • Please start Elden Ring without EAC, there are two methods:
    1. (Suggested) Create a steam_appid.txt in the same folder of eldenring.exe, put 1245620 in the txt file, then start game with eldenring.exe.
    2. Backup and delete start_protected_game.exe, rename eldenring.exe to start_protected_game.exe

Live-Streaming Tool


  • Start
    • Run livestreamingtool.bat, it will find running game process automatically.
      • When game is started, the tool will try to output to text files from reading game memory blocks
      • When game is closed, output text files will be cleaned up
    • By default, the tool writes to info.txt, items.txt and bosses.txt in output folder, you can read them in your live-streaming tools (Set text Encoding to UTF-8 for some tools)
      • info.txt: Game and character information, including game time, NG+ count, death count, runes, character levels and attributes.
      • items.txt:
        • Rread bag and box to calculate progress of item collections, weapons and armors are supported currently.
        • Display current equipped items.
      • bosses.txt: show progress of boss slains, you can switch the output in 2 modes:
        • 165 bosses (Display total progression and current region progression).
        • 15 rememberance bosses.
  • Customization
    • Edit _config_.lua in folder livestreamingtool, to change some options
    • Modify info.lua, items.lua and bosses.lua in folder livestreamingtool to change output content. You may need some knowledge about Lua language.