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sobjornstad committed Jul 11, 2020
1 parent bdf5c2e commit fdb9b6a
Showing 1 changed file with 18 additions and 249 deletions.
267 changes: 18 additions & 249 deletions
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@@ -1,255 +1,24 @@
Anki **Lyrics/Poetry Cloze Generator** (LPCG) is an add-on for
[Anki]( to make it easier to study long passages of verbatim
text, like poetry or song lyrics.
Anki **Lyrics/Poetry Cloze Generator** (LPCG) is an add-on for [Anki][]
to make it easier to study long passages of verbatim text,
like poetry or song lyrics.

<img style="float: right;" width=400px border="1" src=screenshots/studying.png>
LPCG is licensed under the GNU AGPL version 3,
or at your option, any later version.

This is LPCG 1.2.1. Versions in the 0.x series were standalone Python scripts
that had to be installed and run separately from Anki; the add-on approach
taken by 1.0 and above should be much easier to set up and use for most users.
Version 1.2.0 and above support Anki 2.1 only; 2.0 is no longer supported.

<img style="float: right;" height=300px border="1" src=screenshots/iphone.png>
## How do I...

* **Install LPCG**: Visit its [AnkiWeb page][awp].
* **Use LPCG**: Visit the [documentation on Read the Docs][doc].
* **Get help with LPCG**: See the [getting help][] section of the documentation.
* **Contribute to LPCG**:
Post on the `Issues` tab of this repository, or submit a pull request.
* **See what's changed**:
See the [changelog][] page of the documentation.

* <a href="#Support">Support</a>
* <a href="#Theory">Theory</a>
* <a href="#Installation">Installation</a>
* <a href="#Use">Use</a>
* <a href="#Editing_LPCG_notes">Editing LPCG notes</a>
* <a href="#Summary_of_the_LPCG_note_type">Summary of the LPCG note type</a>
* <a href="#Customization">Customization</a>
* <a href="#Appendix_Initial_memorization">Appendix: Initial memorization of

<a id="Support">


If you have any questions which are not answered by this manual, you can email
me at

If you have found a bug or wish to suggest an improvement, you can post on the
issue tracker or submit a pull request [at

<a id="Theory">


(For clarity, in the remainder of this documentation, I’ll discuss “poetry,” but everything applies equally to songs, speeches, or whatever.)

Memorizing poetry can be a tough problem for Anki users: it isn’t obvious how
to divide it into discrete cards. People often try one of the following

* Putting the whole poem onto one card. This is a bad idea because if you have
trouble with any part of the poem, you’ll have to fail the entire card, and
you will review far more often than you need to.
* Creating one card per line and defining an order for the cards, so Anki asks
for the lines in order. Aside from this being impossible in the current
version of Anki, spaced repetition scheduling doesn’t work properly unless
the cards are in random order.

LPCG takes a different approach: it generates cards that can stand on their own
and make perfect sense in random order. Each card shows two lines from the poem
and then asks you to recite the third line following them. One card is created
per line, so that each line is tested exactly once.

In my experience, this is not a good way to *memorize* poetry: not seeing the
full context makes initial acquisition quite frustrating. However, it is a good
way to *review* poetry. This is fine, because as most Anki users know, the big
problem isn’t learning things in the first place, it’s remembering them for
long periods of time.

If you don’t know a good way of initially learning poems, look at the <a
href="#Appendix_Initial_memorization">Initial memorization</a> section at the
end of this manual.

<a id="Installation">


LPCG can be installed from [its AnkiWeb
page]( The source is available [at
GitHub]( LPCG, like Anki, is licensed
under the [GNU AGPL3](

<a id="Use">


To add a poem to your collection, choose **Tools → Import Lyrics/Poetry**. You
will see the following window:

![The import dialog](screenshots/importing.png)

The options should be fairly self-explanatory. Note that the **Title** field
will be used to warn you if you already have this poem in your collection, as
well as appearing at the top of each of your cards.

The large text box, called the *poem editor*, contains the text from which your
cards will be generated. You can either type or paste a poem directly into the
editor or open a plain text file somewhere on your computer using the **Open
file** button. Lines beginning with the comment character `#` are ignored;
everything else in the editor will be treated as the text of your poem.

LPCG understands blank lines between stanzas as stanza breaks. The ends of
stanzas will be marked with the character **** (this is a conventional marker
for end-of-stanza in some fields), and the very end of the poem will be marked
with the character ****.

You can include one level of indentation by placing any number of spaces or
tabs at the beginning of the indented line(s). The LPCG note type also applies
a hanging indent to any lines that do not fit on the screen in their entirety.

Here is an example of a correctly formatted poem:

# from “Little Gidding,” movement II
# by T.S. Eliot

Ash on an old man’s sleeve
Is all the ash the burnt roses leave.
Dust in the air suspended
Marks the place where a story ended.
Dust inbreathed was a house –
The wall, the wainscot and the mouse.
The death of hope and despair,
This is the death of air.

There are flood and drouth
Over the eyes and in the mouth,
Dead water and dead sand
Contending for the upper hand.
The parched eviscerate soil
Gapes at the vanity of toil,
Laughs without mirth.
This is the death of earth.

When you’re done, click **Add notes** to add the poem to your collection.

<a id="Editing_LPCG_notes">

Editing LPCG notes

Sooner or later you will probably find that you made a typo in one of your
poems. To correct the typo properly, you should *search for the typo in the
browser*, rather than just pressing edit, since it will be on three different
notes. Two of the errors will be in the *Context* field and one will be in the
*Line* field.

<a id="Summary_of_the_LPCG_note_type">

Summary of the LPCG note type

The four fields of the note type are as follows:

* **Line**: Contains the line this card asks you to recite.
* **Context**: Contains the two lines prior to *Line*. Note that this looks
kind of oddly spaced in the editor (but normal in review) because the editor
doesn’t use the same styling as the review window.
* **Title**: The title of the poem that this line comes from.
* **Sequence**: The line number (counting only text lines, not comments or
blank lines) of *Line* in the original poem.

Note that LPCG takes the approach of creating a series of unrelated notes
rather than a single note. Creating one note per poem would have a number of
serious disadvantages:

* Sibling burying would get in the way – it can of course be turned off, but
this would be confusing to some users.
* The amount of template boilerplate required would be absurd, and extremely
large templates can cause syncing and other issues.
* LPCG would not be able to support poems of arbitrary length, since note types
cannot contain an arbitrary number of fields or card types; at some point you
would have to create multiple notes for the same poem, which would break the
neat correspondence anyway.

The Sequence field helps to mitigate the disadvantages of having separate notes
– by searching for a given poem (e.g., `"note:LPCG 1.0" "Title:My Poem"`) and
then sorting by the Sequence field, you can still see and select the whole poem
at once.

<a id="Customization">


If you’d like to customize the width of indents, you can make some changes in the styling section of the card types dialog:

* **Hanging indent** (when a line is too long for the screen): Change
`margin-left` and `text-indent` in the `.lines` class. They should be
inverses of each other (e.g., if `text-indent` is 30 pixels, `margin-left`
should be -30 pixels). You’ll also need to change `margin-left` in the
`.cloze` section to match `text-indent`.
* **Manual indent** (when an indent is given in the original poem text): Change
`margin-left` in the `.indent` class.

The end-of-stanza and end-of-poem markers can be changed in the add-on config
(choose **Tools → Add-ons**, select LPCG in the list on the left, and click the
**Config** button).

As of version 1.3, LPCG inverts the color of cloze deletions in night mode,
as the default solid blue is quite difficult to read in night mode on many
screens. If you don't like the color, you can change it in the styling rule
`.nightMode .cloze`. If you want it back to how it was in LPCG 1.2, just
leave the `{braces}` empty instead of removing the rule -- if you remove the
rule, LPCG will assume you haven't gotten the update yet and inject the code
back into your template next time you start Anki.

<a id="Appendix_Initial_memorization">

Appendix: Initial memorization

The LPCG method requires you to memorize your poems before you start reviewing
them in Anki. As alluded to in the <a href="#Theory">Theory</a> section, there
are a lot of good ways to memorize poetry initially; it’s retaining it that’s
hard. If you already know how to memorize poetry, don’t listen to me, just use
your own method. But if you don’t have a good method, here’s one that works
well for me.

1. If you haven’t already, read through the poem carefully so you have a
general idea of how it goes.
2. Read through the poem again, line by line. This time, immediately after you
read each line, look away from the page and repeat the line back. If you
stumble or get it wrong, try again until you get it right: read the line
again, then look away and repeat it again. It is helpful but not strictly
necessary to speak out loud.
3. Repeat step 2, but take two lines at a time – then repeat with three, four,
five, and six. You will find it gets a little bit harder each time, but not
much, since you’re getting more familiar with the poem as well; before you
know it you’ll be able to remember six lines at a time. It is unnecessary to
continue this process beyond six lines.
4. Set the poem aside until the next day – it is truly remarkable how much
easier it is to continue after a good night’s sleep. Do not skip this step!
The rest will be easy if you do it and quite frustrating if you don’t.
5. Try reciting the poem straight through. If the text is easy, you may have it
already; otherwise, go back and work on any spots you don’t have down yet.
No particular method is necessary at this point. Don’t work for more than a
few minutes; just touching all the difficult spots is enough.
6. The next day, repeat step 5. Most likely the poem will now come very
naturally to you. Particularly difficult texts may require one more day.

Once you have the poem learned, don’t forget to put it into Anki if you want to
remember it beyond the next couple of weeks – this is when LPCG comes into

It is totally fine to take breaks during step 3, even doing it over several
days; you’ll spend 90% of your concentrated time in this step, and it’s not
helpful to try to work when you’re tired.
[getting help]:

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