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Contributing to Marcotti

Howard Hamilton edited this page Feb 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements, and ideas are welcome, with the exception of contributions regarding sport betting. A separate repository will be created to include modules for sport betting and trading.

Bug Reports

In order to report a bug effectively, you need to include the following:

  1. Include a short and self-contained Python snippet that reproduces the problem.
  2. Explain why the current behavior is wrong or not desired and what you expect instead.

Submit the bug report as an Issue on the Github repository page.

Contribute to Codebase

As you've probably noticed, the code uses Git for version control and is hosted on [GitHub] ( If you're not familiar with Git, there are plenty of online resources where you can learn.
Here are a few of them:

Things you need to do (this will be fleshed out later):

  • Fork the repository, then clone it to your machine.
  • Create a feature branch (DO NOT work in the master branch)
  • Create a local development environment
  • Make your changes, and abide by PEP8 as much as possible.
  • Write test cases and verify that the entire test suite passes for the schema in question.
  • Make precise commits with appropriately descriptive messages. Commit messages of type "Made changes" make me mad.
    And sad.

Contribute to Documentation

The documentation is in two parts: this wiki, and the docstrings in the code itself.

The wiki is written in GitHub Flavored Markdown, and the docstrings are written in reStructuredText.

Rewriting sections for clarity is greatly appreciated, and is a simple way to contribute.