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fuzzy finder for local PDFs.


Since we were in need of a fuzzy finder for around 2,700 PDFs containing sensitive information at work, I tried to fill this gap with this locally operating application.

The backend is powered by NodeJS (with ECMAScript modules), the frontend is run by HTML + Vanilla Javascript + BootstrapCSS. After parsing the PDFs, the text is cached in a sqlite database. I tried to achieve type safety with JSDocs + using a Typescript-LSP.


-   NodeJs 20+
-   npm 10+
-   express 4.18+
-   pdf-parse-fork 1.2+
-   sqlite3 5.1+

run project

npm install
node ./backend/server.mjs

the frontend is available @http://localhost:3000


image-1 image-2 image-3 image-4