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soeren committed Dec 12, 2009
0 parents commit f84cc8c
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Showing 42 changed files with 2,303 additions and 0 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions App/Optimizer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-- Optimizer module
-- Executes Constant Folding and Dead Code Elimination
-- sequentially until no furhter change are possible in
-- order to minimize the program as far as possible
module App.Optimizer where

import DataFlow.Generic (hasChangedP)
import Optimizer.DeadCode
import Optimizer.ConstFold

optimize p = if hasChangedP p p' then optimize p' else p
p' = opt p
opt = deadCode . constFold
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions App/Sanity.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
-- Sanity Checks
module App.Sanity (sane) where

import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe

import DataFlow.Generic (vars, args, fvS, fvA, calledFuncs)
import DataFlow.RD
import While.ParserAS

-- All used variables defined?
varsDef' d s = S.isSubsetOf (S.fromList $ fvS s) (S.fromList d)
varsDef (Prog d f s) = varsDef' (vars d) s &&
all (\(Func _ _ a d s _) -> varsDef' (args a ++ vars d) s) f

-- Missing defined variables
missVarDef' d s = S.difference (S.fromList $ fvS s) (S.fromList d)
missVarDefF (Func _ f a d s _) = (\v -> f ++ ":" ++ v) $ missVarDef' (args a ++ vars d) s
missVarDef (Prog d f s) = S.toList $ S.union (missVarDef' (vars d) s) (S.unions $ map missVarDefF f)

missVarDefErr p = "The following variables are not defined:\n" ++ show (missVarDef p)

-- Contain 't' a certain statement indicated by True return of isStat
hasStat isStat t = isStat t || case t of
If _ _ s1 s2 -> hasStat' s1 || hasStat' s2
While _ _ s -> hasStat' s
Seq s -> any hasStat' s
_ -> False
hasStat' = hasStat isStat

isReturn (Return _ _) = True
isReturn _ = False

hasReturn = hasStat isReturn

-- Returns invalid if in program body or no return in any function
invalidReturns (Prog _ f s) = hasReturn s || any (not . hasReturn . getFuncS) f

getFuncS (Func _ _ _ _ s _) = s

retErr _ = "Found return in program body or no return in a function"

isWrite (Write _ _) = True
isWrite _ = False

hasWrite = hasStat isWrite

-- Fails if no write within program or any function contains a write statement
writeProg (Prog _ f s) = not (hasWrite s) || any (hasWrite . getFuncS) f

writeErr _ = "Program body should contain write statement and no write in functions"

isRead (Read _ _) = True
isRead _ = False

hasRead = hasStat isRead

-- Fails if any function contains a read statement
readFuncs (Prog _ f _) = any (hasRead . getFuncS) f

readErr _ = "No read statement within functions"

-- Find uninitialized variables using RD
initLook rd l v = fromJust $ lookup v $ S.toList $ fromJust $ lookup l rd
isInit rd l v = initLook rd l v /= 0
isInit' rd = all . isInit rd

-- Var uninitialized if RD for label 'l' contains a (v, 0)
notInit rd l = map fst . filter ((==) 0 . snd) . map (\v -> (v, initLook rd l v))

-- Traverse s to find a statement with usage of uninitialized variables
uninit rd s = case s of
Assign _ a l -> uninit' a l
Write a l -> uninit' a l
Return a l -> uninit' a l
If _ _ s1 s2 -> uninit rd s1 ++ uninit rd s2
While _ _ s -> uninit rd s
Seq s -> concatMap (uninit rd) s
_ -> []
uninit' a l = if isInit' rd l $ fvA a then [] else [(l, notInit rd l $ fvA a)]

-- Find uninitialized vars in a function
uninitF f@(Func _ _ _ _ s _) = uninit (fst $ rdF f) s

-- Find unitialized vars in a program
uninitP p@(Prog _ f s) = uninit (fst $ rd p) s ++ concatMap uninitF f

-- Fails if program contains usage of uninitalized vars
uninitVars = not . null . uninitP
uninitVarsErr p = "Usage of uninitialized variables:\n" ++
unlines (map (\(l, vs) -> "Label " ++ show l ++ " with variables: " ++ show vs)
$ uninitP p)

-- Return tuple of called and declared functions
funcsDef' p@(Prog _ f _) = (cf, df)
cf = calledFuncs p
df = map getFn f
getFn (Func _ fn _ _ _ _) = fn

-- List functions called, but not declared
missFuncDef p = S.toList $ S.difference (S.fromList cf) (S.fromList df)
(cf, df) = funcsDef' p

-- All called functions declared?
funcsDef p = S.isSubsetOf (S.fromList cf) (S.fromList df)
(cf, df) = funcsDef' p

missFuncDefErr p = "Undefined functions called:\n" ++ show (missFuncDef p)

-- Execute all defined sanity checks and return errors if check failed
sane p = mapMaybe (\(c, e) -> if c p then Just (e p) else Nothing) checkers
checkers = [(not . varsDef, missVarDefErr),
(not . funcsDef, missFuncDefErr),
(invalidReturns, retErr),
(writeProg, writeErr),
(readFuncs, readErr),
(uninitVars, uninitVarsErr)
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions App/Slicing.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
-- Program Slicing
module App.Slicing (slice) where

import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List (nub)

import While.ParserAS
import DataFlow.Generic (getBlock, getLabel, scopeFunc, getFunc,
callGraph, validLabel, calledFuncsSNonGreedy)
import qualified DataFlow.RD as RD

-- Checks if pi is a valid label of program p
-- If so it performs the slicing, otherwise returns the empty list
slice p pi = if validLabel p pi
then S.toList $ progSlice' p Nothing pi
else []

-- Performs the program slice for the scope the pi is located
-- in. Return set of highlighted labels
progSlice' p@(Prog _ _ s) mask pi = S.insert pi slice
-- Perform actual program slicing
slice = pSlice p func (fst rd) s' pi S.empty mask

-- Find name of function the PI is located in
fname = scopeFunc p pi

-- Obtain function given by its name 'fname'
func = if isJust fname then getFunc p $ fromJust fname else Nothing

-- Perform RD analysis on scope: either function or program
(rd, s') = rdScope func
rdScope Nothing = (RD.rd p, s)
rdScope (Just fn@(Func _ _ _ _ s _)) = (RD.rdF fn, s)

-- should never happen
pSlice _ Nothing _ _ pi _ _ | pi < 0 = S.empty

-- inter-procedural slicing
pSlice p (Just f) _ _ pi _ _ | pi < 0 = S.unions ps'
-- Perform program slicing for every
-- label the function is called
ps' = map (\(f, l) -> progSlice' p (Just (l, (f, pi))) l) callers

-- Obtain callgraph and filter out only the function we are interested in
callers = filter (\(f', _) -> fn == f') $ callGraph p
fn = getFuncName f
getFuncName (Func _ f _ _ _ _) = f

-- intra-procedural/program slicing
pSlice p fn rd s pi l mask = if isNothing b' then S.empty
else S.union h' $ S.unions . S.toList $ (\i -> pSlice p fn rd s i (S.union l h) mask) h
-- Filter out negative labels (due to dependency on arguments). Should not occur in final program slice
h' = S.filter ((<) 0) h

-- Filter out duplicates, so we do not analyse labels twice
h = S.filter (not . (`S.member` l)) $ S.unions [parentLabels, relVarsLabels, relFuncs]

-- Obtain labels of the scope (if/while)
parentLabels = S.fromList $ scopeLabels pi s

-- Relevant variable tuples from RD and their corresponding labels
relVarsLabels = snd relVarsTuples
relVarsTuples = S.filter (\(x, _) -> (x `elem` vs)) $ fromJust $ lookup pi rd

-- Relevant function calls
relFuncs = S.fromList $ relFuncLabels p fs

-- Relevant vars occuring in PI block 'b'
vs = if maskMatch mask then relVars mask b else relVars Nothing b

-- Relevant function calls occuring in PI block 'b'
fs = if maskMatch mask then relFuncCalls p mask b else relFuncCalls p Nothing b
b' = getBlock pi s
b = fromJust b'
maskMatch Nothing = False
maskMatch (Just m) = pi == fst m

-- Obtain relevant function calls and it labels
relFuncLabels p = map fl . catMaybes . map (getFunc p)
fl (Func _ _ _ _ _ l) = l
relFuncCalls p Nothing = nub . map fst . calledFuncsSNonGreedy p []
relFuncCalls p (Just (_, (f, _))) = filter (f ==) . relFuncCalls p Nothing

-- Returns the relevant variables of a statement
-- It navigates through the statment tree, concatenating the
-- relevant variables
relVars mask s = case s of
Assign _ a _ -> varsA mask a
Write a _ -> varsA mask a
Return a _ -> varsA mask a
If b _ _ _ -> varsB mask b
While b _ _ -> varsB mask b
_ -> []
-- Obtain variables in arithmetic epxression, without mask applied
varsA Nothing t = case t of
Var n -> [n]
AOp _ a1 a2 -> varsA mask a1 ++ varsA mask a2
FuncCall _ as -> concatMap (varsA mask) as
_ -> []

-- Obtain variables in arith. expr., with mask applied.
-- Mask applies to function calls and its arguments
varsA (Just (_, (f, i))) t = case t of
FuncCall f' as | f == f' -> concatMap (varsArg i) $
zip [-1,-2..] as
AOp _ a1 a2 -> varsA mask a1 ++ varsA mask a2
_ -> []

-- Obtain variables for relevant arguments
varsArg i a = if i == fst a then varsA Nothing $ snd a else []

-- Obtain variables in boolean expression
varsB mask t = case t of
BUnOp _ e -> varsB mask e
BOp _ e1 e2 -> varsB mask e1 ++ varsB mask e2
RelOp _ e1 e2 -> varsA mask e1 ++ varsA mask e2
_ -> []

-- In case the statement is inside one or several if/while,
-- it returns the concatenation of the labels of each of those
scopeLabels l s = case s of
Seq s -> concatMap (scopeLabels l) s
_ | l == getLabel s -> [l]
If _ l' s1 s2 -> scopeLabels' l' s1 ++ scopeLabels' l' s2
While _ l' s' -> scopeLabels' l' s'
_ -> []
scopeLabels' l' s' = let x = scopeLabels l s' in if null x then [] else l' : x

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