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Simple pomodoro timer for the command line. It is built using .NET 7.

How to install

The tool can be installed as a dotnet tool:

dotnet tool install -g tomate

The tool does currently only support notifications for Linux systems. As an alterantive on Windows, you can download the application from the Releases section.

How to use

start          Start a new pomodoro session

config         Configure the pomodoro timer

list-config    Show the configuration

help           Display more information on a specific command.

version        Display version information.

For example to start a new pomodoro session with your configured default settings simply call

tomate start

You also have the option to pass the parameters directly to the start command:

-f, --focus-minutes          Set the length of your focus time in

-s, --short-break-minutes    Set the length of your short break in

-l, --long-break-minutes     Set the length of your long break in

-i, --long-break-interval    Set the number of focus sessions
                               before a long break

-c, --cycles                 Set the amount of cycles to run

Contribute / Build it yourself

Clone the repository and use the NUKE pipeline to compile or pack the application:

nuke pack