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Ads helper library

stable release version License: MIT 🇵🇰

AdsHelper Android is a light weight library that enables developers to integrate Ads in a fast and secure fashion. Currently this SDK supports Google AdMob and Facebook Ads network. Keeping coming back from amazing updates and new Ad networks.


Here we have an overview of how you can start integrating this SDK into your app:

Add the dependency in gradle (Module)

implementation 'com.github.sofittech:AdsHelper-Android:x.y.z'

If you need Facebook-Only Implementation, add the following dependency in gradle:

implementation 'com.github.sofittech:AdsHelper-Android:x.y.z-FACEBOOK'

Get jetpack service by adding in gradle (Project) repository

maven { url '' }

Add meta data for admob in manifest with test id if not available

     android:value="@string/admob_app_id" />

Add Admob test-Id in strings class:

<string name="admob_app_id">ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713</string>

A sample builder for your application class:

private fun setAds() {
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
         AdsHelper.Builder(context = applicationContext)

     } else if (UtilsID.verifyInstallerId(applicationContext)) {
         AdsHelper.Builder(context = applicationContext)
And build ads as required (AdMob, Facebook) and (Banner, Interstitial and native ad) in builder class as shown.

Verify Installer ID method (Checks if the app was installed directly from PlayStore) :

fun verifyInstallerId(context: Context): Boolean {
   val validInstallers: List<String> =
   val installer = context.packageManager.getInstallerPackageName(context.packageName)
   return installer != null && validInstallers.contains(installer)

AdHelper view for banner Ads:

     app:setTopBorder="true" />

Load banner ad(Facebook or AdMob) in on Create of existing activity like:

AdsHelper.showFacebookBanner(MainActivity.this, findViewById(; //Facebook Banner
AdsHelper.showAdMobBanner(MainActivity.this, findViewById(; //Admob Banner

Loading facebook interstitial Ad:

// The parameter “false” in the above function ask for auto load ad next time (in 15 seconds)

Loading Admob interstitial Ad:


Then show the interstitial Ad where you want like:

AdsHelper.showInterstitialAd(MainActivity.this, AdNetwork.Facebook); 
// The second argument will bb your preferred network type for the interstital ad.