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Releases: softlayer/softlayer-python


17 Oct 00:12
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  • #1026 Support for Reserved Capacity
    • slcli vs capacity create
    • slcli vs capacity create-guest
    • slcli vs capacity create-options
    • slcli vs capacity detail
    • slcli vs capacity list
  • #1050 Fix post_uri parameter name on docstring
  • #1039 Fixed suspend cloud server order.
  • #1055 Update to use click 7
  • #1053 Add export/import capabilities to/from IBM Cloud Object Storage to the image manager as well as the slcli.


06 Aug 19:53
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  • #1006, added paginations to several slcli methods, making them work better with large result sets.
  • #995, Fixed an issue displaying VLANs.
  • #1011, Fixed an issue displaying some NAS passwords
  • #1014, Ability to delete users


18 Apr 18:26
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[5.4.4] - 2018-04-18

  • Changes: v5.4.3...master

  • fixed hw list not showing transactions

  • Re-factored RestTransport and XMLRPCTransport, logging is now only done in the DebugTransport

  • Added print_reproduceable to XMLRPCTransport and RestTransport, which should be very useful in printing out pure API calls.

  • Fixed an issue with RestTransport and locationGroupId


30 Mar 18:55
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[5.4.3] - 2018-03-30

  • Changes: v5.4.2...master

  • Corrected to current create-options output

  • Allow ordering of account restricted presets

  • Added lookup function for datacenter names and ability to use slcli order with short DC names

  • Changed locatoinGroupId to check for None instead of empty string

  • Added a way to try to cancel montly bare metal immediately. THis is done by automatically updating the cancellation request. A human still needs to read the ticket and process it for the reclaim to complete.


16 Mar 15:47
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5.4.2 - 2018-02-22

  • Changes: v5.4.1...master

  • add GPU to the virtual create-options table

  • Remove 'virtual' from the hardware ready command.

  • Carefully check for the metric tracking id on virtual guests when building a bandwidth report.

  • Do not fail if the source or destination subnet mask does not exist for ipv6 rules.


05 Feb 22:54
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  • Improve error conditions when adding SSH keys
  • added type filters to package-list, auto-removes bluemix_services on package listing
  • Add boot mode option to virtual guest creation
  • Update documentation for security group rule add
  • Add fix for unsetting of values in edit SG rules


15 Jan 22:22
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  • Changes: v5.3.2...v5.4.0

  • Upgraded Requests and Urllib3 library to latest. This allows the library to make use of connection retries, and connection pools. This should prevent the client from crashing if the API gives a connection reset / connection timeout error

  • reworked wait_for_ready function for virtual, and added to hardware managers.

  • fixed block/file iops in the slcli block|file detail view

  • Added sub items to hw detail --price, removed reverse PTR entries

Added to CLI

  • slcli order
$ ./slcli order
Usage: slcli order [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  category-list      List the categories of a package.
  item-list          List package items used for ordering.
  package-list       List packages that can be ordered via the...
  package-locations  List Datacenters a package can be ordered in.
  place              Place or verify an order.
  preset-list        List package presets.


18 Dec 23:10
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General Updates

  • Changes: v5.3.1...master

  • Expanded @retry useage to a few areas in the hardware manager

  • Added INTERVAL options to block and file replication

  • Fixed pricing error on hw detail --price

  • Added sub items to hw detail --price, removed reverse PTR entries

Added to CLI

  • slcli dedicatedhost


11 Dec 17:38
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[5.3.1] - 2017-12-07

Added to CLI

  • slcli block volume-modify
  • slcli file volume-modify

[5.3.0] - 2017-12-01

  • Changes: v5.2.15...v5.3.0
  • Added a retry decorator. currently only used in setTags for VSI creation, which should allos VSI creation to be a bit more robust.
  • Updated unit tests to work with pytest3.3


30 Oct 21:59
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  • Changes: v5.2.14...master
  • Added dedicated host info to virt detail
  • #885 - Fixed createObjects on the rest api endpoint
  • changed securityGroups to use createObject instead of createObjects
  • Always set the endpoint_url by defaulting to the public URL if the endpoint type cannot be determined.
  • resource metadata update