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Simpleflex is a simple, lightweight Webserver written in java. It supports Websites scripted with Beanshell and integration of servlets in a very easy way.


Setup as Standalone Server

Setup as an Embedded Server

Serve a single WebApp on localhost

HashMap<String,Object> settings = new HashMap<>();
// ...

Your WebApp will be served on localhost on port 8080. It will be accessible as default app and on path /app.

  • http://localhost:8080/
  • http://localhost:8080/app

Complex Setup

// The Global Configuration
GlobalConfig gc = new GlobalConfig();

// A Security Manager if necessary. We do not need one.
SecurityManagerConfig smc = null;

// The Domain Configurations.
List<DomainConfig> dcs = new ArrayList();

// We only need one, listening on the domain localhost.
DomainConfig localhostDomain = new DomainConfig("localhost");

// As Default App, we use the internal Default App that serves Files.
WebAppConfig defaultApp = new WebAppConfig(
  "" /*we do not need a name for the default App*/);
// Now we setup the default app with the document root...
// we set the default app

// Now we set up new App on path /myawesomeapp:
WebAppConfig awesomeApp = new WebAppConfig(
  "com.yourCompany.awesomewebapp.App", // <- this class has to be in the classpath
  "myawesomeapp" /* < !! */);
// Put some configurations
// and add the app

List<ch.hom3.simpleflex.conf.LogConfig> lcs = new ArrayList();
StartupOutputNotifiable son = new StartupOutputPrintln();
List<GlobalModuleConfig> moduleConfigs = new ArrayList();


new SimpleFlexBase(gc, smc, dcs, lcs, son, moduleConfigs).start();

Implement a WebApp

The WebApp Interface

The WebApp Interface consists of four Methods:

  • public void start(String name, HashMap<String,Object> config, SimpleFlexAccesser sfa)
  • public WebDoc process(Request request)
  • public long maxPostingSize(String requestedPath)
  • public void quit()

If the server starts up, the WebApp is instantiated and the start() Method is called. Here you can setup your WebApp with the settings provided in config. name holds the name of the WebApp as it is shown in the URL. If your WebApp was installed as a default App, served on the root of the URL-Path, this String is empty. The sfa-Object provides access to some functionality of the server.

If the server is running, it will accept HTTP-Connections of the port you configured. If a client makes a request, the server will check to which WebApp he has to route the request. If this is determined and the request has a body, the WebApp's maxPostingSize() method is called. If the bodys data is larger than the value provided there, the request will be rejected. If the request is accepted, the process() Method will be called, where you do your Magic and return an object that implements the WebDoc Interface.

In case Simpleflex will be quitted, the quit() Method will be called where you can cleanup all the mess, flush Steams and close connections, if necessary.

The Request object

The WebDoc Interface

The WebDoc Interface consists of eight Methods:

  • public long size()
  • public String mime()
  • public String name()
  • public String dataType()
  • public byte[] byteData()
  • public InputStream streamData()
  • public void close()
  • public boolean isCachable()

size() returns the contents size in bytes. mime() returns its mime type. mime() has to return either WebDoc.DATA_STREAM or WebDoc.DATA_BYTE, depending on the type of data that is provided. byteData() has to return a byte array, holding the responses body. streamData() should provide an Inputstream to the responses body. close() will be called if the transition is done, to cleanup. And isCachable() can return whatever you want. It is currently not in use.

The classpath contains several implementations of this interface. From simple file serving, over zip file creation to JSON Serving...

Custom Headers in the Response

If you want to serve custom HTTP headers in your responses, implement the Interface OptionalHeaders in your WebDocs. Its method fields has to return an array of HeaderField.


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