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Online Appendix for PROFES 2023 Paper

Testing search querries


SUBJAREA(COMP) TITLE-ABS-KEY( ( ("software test") OR ("software testing") OR ("test automation") OR ("test oracle") OR ("test generation") OR ("system test") OR ("system tests") OR ("system testing") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro-service") ) )


(("All Metadata": "software test") OR ("All Metadata": "software testing") OR ("All Metadata": "test automation") OR ("All Metadata": "test oracle") OR ("All Metadata": "test generation") OR ("All Metadata": "system test") OR ("All Metadata": "system tests") OR ("All Metadata": "system testing")) AND (("All Metadata": microservice*) OR ("All Metadata": "micro service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-services"))


(( Title:("software test") OR Title:("software testing") OR Title:("test automation") OR Title:("test oracle") OR Title:("test generation") OR Title:("system test") OR Title:("system tests") OR Title:("system testing")) AND (Title:(microservice*) OR Title:("micro service") OR Title:("micro services") OR Title:("micro-service") OR Title:("micro-services"))) OR (( Abstract:("software test") OR Abstract:("software testing") OR Abstract:("test automation") OR Abstract:("test oracle") OR Abstract:("test generation") OR Abstract:("system test") OR Abstract:("system tests") OR Abstract:("system testing")) AND ( Abstract:(microservice*) OR Abstract:("micro service") OR Abstract:("micro services") OR Abstract:("micro-service") OR Abstract:("micro-services"))) OR (( Keyword:("software test") OR Keyword:("software testing") OR Keyword:("test automation") OR Keyword:("test oracle") OR Keyword:("test generation") OR Keyword:("system test") OR Keyword:("system tests") OR Keyword:("system testing")) AND ( Keyword:(microservice*) OR Keyword:("micro service") OR Keyword:("micro services") OR Keyword:("micro-service") OR Keyword:("micro-services")))


( ("software test") OR ("software testing") OR ("test automation") OR ("test oracle") OR ("test generation") OR ("system test") OR ("system tests") OR ("system testing") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro services") OR ("micro-service") OR ("micro-services") )

Monitoring search querries


SUBJAREA(COMP) TITLE-ABS-KEY (( (benchmark OR "fault localization" OR "root cause analysis") AND (tracing OR anomal* OR "dynamic analysis" OR "telemetry data" OR "fault injection" OR "case study") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro services") OR ("micro-services") OR ("micro-service")))


( (("All Metadata": benchmark) OR ("All Metadata": "fault localization") OR ("All Metadata": "root cause analysis")) AND (("All Metadata": tracing) OR ("All Metadata": anomal*) OR ("All Metadata": "dynamic analysis") OR ("All Metadata": "telemetry data") OR ("All Metadata": "case study") OR ("All Metadata": "fault injection") ) ) AND (("All Metadata": microservice*) OR ("All Metadata": "micro service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro services") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-service") OR ("All Metadata": "micro-services"))


(( (Title: (benchmark) OR Title: ("fault localization") OR Title: ("root cause analysis")) AND ( Title: (tracing) OR Title: (anomal*) OR Title: ("dynamic analysis") OR Title: ("telemetry data") OR Title: ("case study") OR Title: ("fault injection") ) ) AND (Title: (microservice*) OR Title: ("micro service") OR Title: ("micro services") OR Title: ("micro-service") OR Title: ("micro-services"))) OR (( (Abstract: (benchmark) OR Abstract: ("fault localization") Abstract: ("root cause analysis")) AND ( Abstract: (tracing) OR Abstract: (anomal*) OR Abstract: ("dynamic analysis") OR Abstract: ("telemetry data") OR Abstract: ("case study") OR Abstract: ("fault injection") ) ) AND ( Abstract: (microservice*) OR Abstract: ("micro service") OR Abstract: ("micro services") OR Abstract: ("micro-service") OR Abstract: ("micro-services"))) OR (( (Keyword: (benchmark) OR Keyword: ("fault localization") Keyword: ("root cause analysis")) AND (Keyword: (tracing) OR Keyword: (anomal*) OR Keyword: ("dynamic analysis") OR Keyword: ("telemetry data") OR Keyword: ("case study") OR Keyword: ("fault injection") ) ) AND ( Keyword: (microservice*) OR Keyword: ("micro service") OR Keyword: ("micro services") OR Keyword: ("micro-service") OR Keyword: ("micro-services")))


( (benchmark OR "fault localization" OR "root cause analysis") AND (tracing OR anomal* OR "dynamic analysis" OR "telemetry data" OR "case study" OR "fault injection") ) AND ( (microservice*) OR ("micro service") OR ("micro services") OR ("micro-services") OR ("micro-service"))


Online Appendix for PROFES 2023 Paper






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