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Bump devnet, cairo-lang, eth-utils (#933)
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* Bump devnet, cairo-lang, eth-utils

* Add workflow_dispatch to checks.yml

* Update requirements.txt

* Use starknet-compile-deprecated

* Fix tests

* Remove eth-tester
  • Loading branch information
drknzz committed Apr 5, 2023
1 parent 674452b commit a6a0368
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Showing 7 changed files with 315 additions and 292 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/workflows/checks.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ on:
- master
- development

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543 changes: 285 additions & 258 deletions poetry.lock

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,14 +22,13 @@ crypto-cpp-py = "^1.2.0"
marshmallow = "^3.15.0"
marshmallow-oneofschema = "^3.0.1"
typing-extensions = "^4.3.0"
cairo-lang = "^0.11.0"
eth-utils = "<2.0.0"
cairo-lang = "^"
eth-utils = "^2.1.0"
furo = "^2022.12.7"
marshmallow-dataclass = "<8.5.0"

docs = ["sphinx", "enum-tools"]
eth-tester = ["tester"]

pytest = "^7.2.2"
Expand All @@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ pyright = "^1.1.298"
pytest-cov = "^4.0.0"
isort = "^5.11.4"
pytest-rerunfailures = "^11.1"
starknet-devnet = "0.5.0a1"
starknet-devnet = "0.5.0a2"

[tool.poe.tasks] = "pytest -n auto -v --reruns 10 --only-rerun aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError --cov=starknet_py starknet_py"
Expand Down
40 changes: 18 additions & 22 deletions requirements.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,32 +8,31 @@ async-timeout==4.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
attrs==22.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
autodocsumm==0.2.10 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
babel==2.11.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
base58==2.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
beautifulsoup4==4.11.2 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
bitarray==2.7.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
cachecontrol[filecache]==0.12.11 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
cachetools==5.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
cairo-lang== ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
cairo-lang== ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
certifi==2022.12.7 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
charset-normalizer==2.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
colorama==0.4.6 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10" and sys_platform == "win32"
crypto-cpp-py==1.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
cssutils==2.6.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
cytoolz==0.12.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
cytoolz==0.12.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10" and implementation_name == "cpython"
dict2css==0.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
docutils==0.18.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
domdf-python-tools==3.5.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
ecdsa==0.18.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
enum-tools[sphinx]==0.9.0.post1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-abi==2.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-account==0.5.9 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-hash==0.3.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-hash[pycryptodome]==0.3.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-keyfile==0.5.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-keys==0.3.4 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-rlp==0.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-typing==2.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-utils==1.10.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-abi==4.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-account==0.8.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-hash==0.5.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-hash[pycryptodome]==0.5.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-keyfile==0.6.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-keys==0.4.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-rlp==0.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-typing==3.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
eth-utils==2.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
exceptiongroup==1.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
fastecdsa==2.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
frozendict==1.2 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
Expand All @@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ idna==3.4 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
imagesize==1.4.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
importlib-metadata==5.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
iniconfig==1.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
ipfshttpclient==0.8.0a2 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
jinja2==3.0.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
jsonschema==4.17.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
lark==1.1.4 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
Expand All @@ -58,19 +56,17 @@ marshmallow-oneofschema==3.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3
marshmallow==3.17.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
mpmath==1.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
msgpack==1.0.4 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
multiaddr==0.0.9 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
multidict==6.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
mypy-extensions==0.4.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
natsort==8.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
netaddr==0.8.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
numpy==1.23.5 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
packaging==23.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
parsimonious==0.8.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
parsimonious==0.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
pipdeptree==2.3.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
platformdirs==2.5.4 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
pluggy==1.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
prometheus-client==0.15.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
protobuf==3.19.5 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
protobuf==4.22.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
pycryptodome==3.15.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
pygments==2.13.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
pyrsistent==0.19.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
Expand All @@ -79,8 +75,9 @@ pytest==7.2.2 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
pytz==2022.6 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
pywin32==305 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10" and platform_system == "Windows"
pyyaml==6.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
regex==2023.3.23 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
requests==2.28.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
rlp==2.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
rlp==3.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
ruamel-yaml-clib==0.2.7 ; platform_python_implementation == "CPython" and python_version < "3.10" and python_version >= "3.9"
ruamel-yaml==0.17.21 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
six==1.16.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
Expand All @@ -102,14 +99,13 @@ sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.5 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_versio
sympy==1.11.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
tabulate==0.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
tomli==1.2.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
toolz==0.12.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
toolz==0.12.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10" and implementation_name == "pypy" or python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10" and implementation_name == "cpython"
typeguard==2.13.3 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
typing-extensions==4.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
typing-inspect==0.8.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
urllib3==1.26.13 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
varint==1.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
web3==5.31.4 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
web3==6.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
webencodings==0.5.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
websockets==9.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
websockets==11.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
yarl==1.8.1 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
zipp==3.10.0 ; python_version >= "3.9" and python_version < "3.10"
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions starknet_py/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,10 +56,10 @@

# fmt: off

EXPECTED_HASH = 0x31e5eaebb50a32a6f6a1df5c2fe56a3568fe393249046bcec29df3371b0ed41
EXPECTED_HASH_WITH_IMPORTS = 0x15c4b33c7ca117c4af320137fa837f5d4dc0c59142b9cf1cfde05cb539d0f21
EXPECTED_ADDRESS = 0x26cbdbfba327039b9cf53825844af4af1d853d4846f7383859cfa44d4775664
EXPECTED_ADDRESS_WITH_IMPORTS = 0x59c61849a74ea80ad8254dae4a1d7d8868cf12eceb903e57b8d0cb2d9e11294
EXPECTED_HASH = 0x1b7ff95ab8d3014242466b6be492c4deaff837dba12101b1503ff39a4414a2b
EXPECTED_HASH_WITH_IMPORTS = 0x6e09f5ac501db94c496929bfe514f50d75c2616500f237365bf6f41dc4518f9
EXPECTED_ADDRESS = 0x5d8713791fe84699fcf9d222fc56de2c994c53bdb4cd61073263c752a41afbc
EXPECTED_ADDRESS_WITH_IMPORTS = 0x55bfdaaf736c3f3039f70dfe146970ca827f2b81e3a4e8d69ae0bda634d0e59

search_path = CONTRACTS_DIR

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion starknet_py/net/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def test_declare_compress_program(balance_contract):
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions starknet_py/tests/e2e/mock/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ CONTRACTS_COMPILED_DIRECTORY="$MOCK_DIRECTORY"/contracts_compiled
find $CONTRACTS_COMPILED_DIRECTORY -maxdepth 1 -type f -delete

# compile Cairo test contracts
echo "Compiling Cairo contracts with $(poetry run starknet-compile --version)"
echo "Compiling Cairo contracts with $(poetry run starknet-compile-deprecated --version)"

for contract in "$CONTRACTS_DIRECTORY"/*.cairo; do
Expand All @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ for contract in "$CONTRACTS_DIRECTORY"/*.cairo; do

echo "Compiling $contract..."
# run starknet-compile
poetry run starknet-compile $account_contract_flag --cairo_path $CONTRACTS_DIRECTORY:$MOCK_DIRECTORY --output $output --abi $abi $contract
# run starknet-compile-deprecated
poetry run starknet-compile-deprecated $account_contract_flag --cairo_path $CONTRACTS_DIRECTORY:$MOCK_DIRECTORY --output $output --abi $abi $contract

Expand Down

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