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Project Description

pyFilmFinder is a Python package designed to simplify the process of discovering and exploring films. Leveraging TMDB (The Movie Database), the package delivers personalized recommendations, enhancing the film-viewing experience by helping users discover films that align with their unique tastes and preferences.


  • Fetch a list of films based on specified genres, cast, and release year.
  • Search for films based on a specified keyword.
  • Fetch a list of films similar to the specified film.
  • Fetch detailed information about the specified film.


You can install the package via pip:

pip3 install pyfilmfinder


Once installed, you can call pyfilmfinder from the command line with the desired command and flags.

Find Films

The find command has three optional arguments:

  1. genres: Specifies the genre(s) of the films. This can be a single genre or a comma-separated list of genres. Available options are action, adventure, animation, comedy, documentary, drama, family, fantasy, history, horror, music, mystery, romance, science-fiction, thriller, tv-movie, war, western.

  2. cast: Specifies the cast of the films. This can be the name of an actor/actress. For multiple cast members, separate their names with commas.

  3. year: Specifies the release year of the films.

Example usage:

python3 src/pyFilmFinder find

This command will fetch a list of films.

Search Keyword

The search command takes one argument:

  1. keyword: Specifies the keyword to search for films.

Example usage:

python3 src/pyFilmFinder search "LoTR"

This command will search for films related to "LOTR".

Find Similar Films

The similar command takes one argument:

  1. film_id: Specifies the ID of the film to find similar movies for.

Example usage:

python3 src/pyFilmFinder similar 12

This command will fetch a list of movies similar to the film with the ID 12.

Film Details

The details command takes one argument:

  1. film_id: Specifies the ID of the film to fetch detailed information for.

Example usage:

python3 src/pyFilmFinder details 693134

This command will fetch detailed information about the film with the ID 693134.


3-python-package-exercise-mjet created by GitHub Classroom







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