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Python Package Exercise

An exercise to create a Python package, build it, test it, distribute it, and use it. See instructions for details.

Package Description

The package pytify_stats is a Python package that runs basic stats gathered from the Spotify API. It can currently get stats such as artist information, track information, and an artist's top ten tracks.

Function Documentation

def authenticate(self):

    Authenticates the Spotify user to be able to use this package.
    Return: access_token = Token that allows you to access the Spotify data.

def search(self, headers,name,keyword):

    Searches the Spotify database for the queried item 
    Inputs: headers = Headers for the HTTP response, name = the name of the item you want to search, keyword = the type of item.
    Return: artist_id = the id of the item you are looking for

def get_top_ten(self, artist):

    Retrieves the top ten songs of an artist.
    Input: artist = The artist you are searching for
    Return: retStr = the string that contains an enumerated list of the artist's top 10 songs.

def get_song(self, song):

    Retrives the song from the query.
    Input: song = The song to look for.
    Return: An array containing the name of the song and its length in milliseconds.

def analyze(self, song):

    Returns an analysis of a song and its key information.
    Input: song = The song to be analyzed.
    Return: feature_list = The list of features, such as key, tempo, etc. that the song contains.'

def search_for_artist(self, artist_name):

    Search for an artist by name.
    Input: artist_name = the name of the artist to search for.
    Return: dict = About the artist.

def get_artist_albums(self, artist):

    Retrieve the albums of a given artist.
    Input: artist = The artist to search for.
    Return: album_names = The list of albums the artist has released.

How to Use

Here is how to set it up:

  1. Run this code in the terminal:
pip install pytify-stats==0.0.9
  1. Import it in your python file:
from pytify_stats import client
  1. Create a new account or log in here. Go to the dashboard, create an app and retrieve your new ID and SECRET

  2. Authenicate using the Client class

The example below demonstrates how to do this:

from pytify_stats import client

spy = client.Client(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)

top_ten = spy.get_top_ten("J. Cole")

song = spy.get_song("She Knows")

album = spy.get_artist_albums("J. cole")


Put your client_id and client_secret you've recieved from Spotify in place of the parameters of the Client class

How to Contribute

  1. Download the source code and open it on a code editor

  2. Install pipenv and install the following:

pipenv install requests pipenv install python-dotenv pipenv install pytest

  1. Make changes and run unit test for it

  2. Push changes onto a new branch on GitHub

  3. Make a pull request and wait for a review. If accpeted, the branches will be merged and the new code will be uploaded to PyPi

Pypi Package Link



3-python-package-exercise-team-7 created by GitHub Classroom







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