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Change behavior of adding headers to default to replacing header valu…
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adamw committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent 097d29e commit 1ac6594
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Showing 4 changed files with 104 additions and 64 deletions.
114 changes: 70 additions & 44 deletions core/src/main/scala/sttp/client4/requestBuilder.scala
Expand Up @@ -68,73 +68,83 @@ trait PartialRequestBuilder[+PR <: PartialRequestBuilder[PR, R], +R]
def options(uri: Uri): R = method(Method.OPTIONS, uri)
def patch(uri: Uri): R = method(Method.PATCH, uri)

def contentType(ct: String): PR =
header(HeaderNames.ContentType, ct, replaceExisting = true)
def contentType(mt: MediaType): PR =
header(HeaderNames.ContentType, mt.toString, replaceExisting = true)
def contentType(ct: String): PR = header(HeaderNames.ContentType, ct)
def contentType(mt: MediaType): PR = header(HeaderNames.ContentType, mt.toString)
def contentType(ct: String, encoding: String): PR =
header(HeaderNames.ContentType, contentTypeWithCharset(ct, encoding), replaceExisting = true)
def contentLength(l: Long): PR =
header(HeaderNames.ContentLength, l.toString, replaceExisting = true)
header(HeaderNames.ContentType, contentTypeWithCharset(ct, encoding))
def contentLength(l: Long): PR = header(HeaderNames.ContentLength, l.toString)

/** Adds the given header to the end of the headers sequence.
* @param replaceExisting
* If there's already a header with the same name, should it be replaced?
/** Adds the given header to the headers of this request. If a header with the same name already exists, the default
* is to replace it with the given one.
* @param onDuplicate
* What should happen if there's already a header with the same name. The default is to replace.
def header(h: Header, replaceExisting: Boolean = false): PR = {
val current = if (replaceExisting) headers.filterNot( else headers
withHeaders(headers = current :+ h)
def header(h: Header, onDuplicate: DuplicateHeaderBehavior = DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Replace): PR =
onDuplicate match {
case DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Replace =>
val filtered = headers.filterNot(
withHeaders(headers = filtered :+ h)
case DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Combine =>
val (existing, other) = headers.partition(
val separator = if ( "; " else ", "
val combined = Header(, ( :+ h.value).mkString(separator))
withHeaders(headers = other :+ combined)
case DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Add =>
withHeaders(headers = headers :+ h)

/** Adds the given header to the end of the headers sequence.
* @param replaceExisting
* If there's already a header with the same name, should it be replaced?
/** Adds the given header to the headers of this request.
* @param onDuplicate
* What should happen if there's already a header with the same name. See [[header(Header)]].
def header(k: String, v: String, replaceExisting: Boolean): PR =
header(Header(k, v), replaceExisting)
def header(k: String, v: String, onDuplicate: DuplicateHeaderBehavior): PR =
header(Header(k, v), onDuplicate)

/** Adds the given header to the end of the headers sequence. */
/** Adds the given header to the headers of this request. If a header with the same name already exists, it's
* replaced.
def header(k: String, v: String): PR = header(Header(k, v))

/** Adds the given header to the end of the headers sequence, if the value is defined. Otherwise has no effect. */
/** Adds the given header to the headers of this request, if the value is defined. Otherwise has no effect. If a
* header with the same name already exists, it's replaced.
def header(k: String, ov: Option[String]): PR = ov.fold(this)(header(k, _))

/** Adds the given headers to the end of the headers sequence. */
/** Adds the given headers to the headers of this request. If a header with the same name already exists, it's
* replaced.
def headers(hs: Map[String, String]): PR = headers( => Header(t._1, t._2)).toSeq: _*)

/** Adds the given headers to the end of the headers sequence.
* @param replaceExisting
* If there's already a header with the same name, should it be replaced?
/** Adds the given headers to the headers of this request. If a header with the same name already exists, it's
* replaced.
def headers(hs: Map[String, String], replaceExisting: Boolean): PR =
if (replaceExisting) hs.foldLeft(this)((s, h) => s.header(h._1, h._2, replaceExisting))
else headers(hs)

/** Adds the given headers to the end of the headers sequence. */
def headers(hs: Header*): PR = withHeaders(headers = headers ++ hs)

/** Adds the given headers to the end of the headers sequence. */
def headers(hs: Seq[Header], replaceExisting: Boolean): PR =
if (replaceExisting) hs.foldLeft(this)((s, h) => s.header(h, replaceExisting))
else headers(hs: _*)
def headers(hs: Header*): PR = hs.foldLeft(this)(_.header(_))

def auth: SpecifyAuthScheme[PR] =
new SpecifyAuthScheme[PR](HeaderNames.Authorization, this, DigestAuthenticationBackend.DigestAuthTag)
def proxyAuth: SpecifyAuthScheme[PR] =
new SpecifyAuthScheme[PR](HeaderNames.ProxyAuthorization, this, DigestAuthenticationBackend.ProxyDigestAuthTag)
def acceptEncoding(encoding: String): PR =
header(HeaderNames.AcceptEncoding, encoding, replaceExisting = true)
def acceptEncoding(encoding: String): PR = header(HeaderNames.AcceptEncoding, encoding)

/** Adds the given cookie. Any previously defined cookies are left intact. */
def cookie(nv: (String, String)): PR = cookies(nv)

/** Adds the given cookie. Any previously defined cookies are left intact. */
def cookie(n: String, v: String): PR = cookies((n, v))

/** Adds the cookies from the given response. Any previously defined cookies are left intact. */
def cookies(r: Response[_]): PR = cookies(r.cookies.collect { case Right(c) => c }.map(c => (, c.value)): _*)

/** Adds the given cookies. Any previously defined cookies are left intact. */
def cookies(cs: Iterable[CookieWithMeta]): PR = cookies( => (, c.value)).toSeq: _*)
def cookies(nvs: (String, String)*): PR =
(headers.find( == HeaderNames.Cookie).map(_.value).toSeq ++ => p._1 + "=" + p._2)).mkString("; "),
replaceExisting = true

/** Adds the given cookies. Any previously defined cookies are left intact. */
def cookies(nvs: (String, String)*): PR = header(
HeaderNames.Cookie, => p._1 + "=" + p._2).mkString("; "),
onDuplicate = DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Combine

private[client4] def hasContentType: Boolean = headers.exists(
private[client4] def setContentTypeIfMissing(mt: MediaType): PR =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,3 +374,19 @@ final case class PartialRequest[T](
* The type of request
trait RequestBuilder[+R <: RequestBuilder[R]] extends PartialRequestBuilder[R, R] { self: R => }

/** Specifies what should happen when adding a header to a request description, and a header with that name already
* exists. See [[PartialRequestBuilder.header(Header)]].
sealed trait DuplicateHeaderBehavior
object DuplicateHeaderBehavior {

/** Replaces any headers with the same name. */
case object Replace extends DuplicateHeaderBehavior

/** Combines the header values using `,`, except for `Cookie`, where values are combined using `;`. */
case object Combine extends DuplicateHeaderBehavior

/** Adds the header, leaving any other headers with the same name intact. */
case object Add extends DuplicateHeaderBehavior
39 changes: 25 additions & 14 deletions core/src/test/scala/sttp/client4/RequestTests.scala
Expand Up @@ -66,35 +66,46 @@ class RequestTests extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {

it should "properly replace headers" in {
emptyRequest.header("H1", "V1").header("H1", "V2").headers shouldBe List(Header("H1", "V1"), Header("H1", "V2"))
emptyRequest.header("H1", "V1").header("H1", "V2", replaceExisting = true).headers shouldBe List(Header("H1", "V2"))

emptyRequest.header(Header("H1", "V1")).header(Header("H1", "V2")).headers shouldBe List(
emptyRequest.header("H1", "V1").header("H1", "V2").headers shouldBe List(Header("H1", "V2"))
emptyRequest.header("H1", "V1").header("H1", "V2", onDuplicate = DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Add).headers shouldBe List(
Header("H1", "V1"),
Header("H1", "V2")
emptyRequest.header(Header("H1", "V1")).header(Header("H1", "V2"), replaceExisting = true).headers shouldBe List(
.header("H1", "V1")
.header("H1", "V2", onDuplicate = DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Combine)
.headers shouldBe List(Header("H1", "V1, V2"))

emptyRequest.header(Header("H1", "V1")).header(Header("H1", "V2")).headers shouldBe List(Header("H1", "V2"))
.header(Header("H1", "V1"))
.header(Header("H1", "V2"), onDuplicate = DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Add)
.headers shouldBe List(
Header("H1", "V1"),
Header("H1", "V2")

.headers(Map("H1" -> "V1", "H2" -> "V2"))
.headers(Map("H1" -> "V11", "H3" -> "V3"))
.toSet shouldBe Set(Header("H1", "V1"), Header("H2", "V2"), Header("H1", "V11"), Header("H3", "V3"))
.headers(Map("H1" -> "V1", "H2" -> "V2"))
.headers(Map("H1" -> "V11", "H3" -> "V3"), replaceExisting = true)
.toSet shouldBe Set(Header("H2", "V2"), Header("H1", "V11"), Header("H3", "V3"))

.headers(Header("H1", "V1"), Header("H2", "V2"))
.headers(Header("H1", "V11"), Header("H3", "V3"))
.headers shouldBe List(Header("H1", "V1"), Header("H2", "V2"), Header("H1", "V11"), Header("H3", "V3"))
.headers(Header("H1", "V1"), Header("H2", "V2"))
.headers(List(Header("H1", "V11"), Header("H3", "V3")), replaceExisting = true)
.headers shouldBe List(Header("H2", "V2"), Header("H1", "V11"), Header("H3", "V3"))

it should "use same headers regardless of order in which body() and headers() are called" in {
emptyRequest.headers(Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json")).body("1234").headers.toSet shouldBe Set(
Header("Content-Type", "application/json"),
Header("Content-Length", "4")

emptyRequest.body("1234").headers(Map("Content-Type" -> "application/json")).headers.toSet shouldBe Set(
Header("Content-Type", "application/json"),
Header("Content-Length", "4")
Expand Up @@ -288,19 +288,19 @@ trait SyncHttpTest

"decompress using gzip" in {
val req = compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip", replaceExisting = true)
val req = compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
val resp = req.send(backend)
resp.body should be(Right(decompressedBody))

"decompress using deflate" in {
val req = compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "deflate", replaceExisting = true)
val req = compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "deflate")
val resp = req.send(backend)
resp.body should be(Right(decompressedBody))

"work despite providing an unsupported encoding" in {
val req = compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "br", replaceExisting = true)
val req = compress.header("Accept-Encoding", "br")
val resp = req.send(backend)
resp.body should be(Right(decompressedBody))
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions docs/requests/
Expand Up @@ -10,17 +10,20 @@ basicRequest.header("User-Agent", "myapp")

As with any other request definition modifier, this method will yield a new request, which has the given header set. The headers can be set at any point when defining the request, arbitrarily interleaved with other modifiers.

While most headers should be set only once on a request, HTTP allows setting a header multiple times. That's why the `header` method has an additional optional boolean parameter, `replaceExisting`, which defaults to `true`. This way, if the same header is specified twice, only the last value will be included in the request. If previous values should be preserved, set this parameter to `false`.
While most headers should be set only once on a request, HTTP allows setting a header multiple times, or with multiple values. That's why the `header` method has an additional parameter, `onDuplicate`, which by default is set to `DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Replace`. This way, if the same header is specified twice, only the last value will be included in the request. Alternatively:

* if previous values should be preserved, set this parameter to `DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Add`
* if the values of the headers should be combined using `,`, or in case of cookies with `;`, use `DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Combine`

There are also variants of this method accepting a number of headers:

```scala mdoc:compile-only
import sttp.client4._
import sttp.model._

basicRequest.header(Header("k1", "v1"), replaceExisting = false)
basicRequest.header(Header("k1", "v1"), onDuplicate = DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Add)
basicRequest.header("k2", "v2")
basicRequest.header("k3", "v3", replaceExisting = true)
basicRequest.header("k3", "v3", DuplicateHeaderBehavior.Combine)
basicRequest.headers(Map("k4" -> "v4", "k5" -> "v5"))
basicRequest.headers(Header("k9", "v9"), Header("k10", "v10"), Header("k11", "v11"))
Expand Down

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