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Terraform AKS module

This module creates AKS cluster with network dependency.


The easiest way to use this repository is to create module like in example below:

module "aks" {
  source                         = "../../"
  cluster_name                   = "test-aks"
  prefix                         = "test"
  resource_group_name            = "test-group"
  address_space                  = ""
  subnet_prefixes                = ["", "", ""]
  subnet_names                   = ["subnet1", "subnet2", "subnet3"]
  net_profile_service_cidr       = ""
  net_profile_docker_bridge_cidr = ""
  net_profile_dns_service_ip     = ""
  cluster_sku_tier               = "Paid"
  registry_sku_tier              = "Basic"
  agents_size                    = "standard_d4s_v3"
  agents_count                   = 3
  agents_max_count               = 4
  agents_min_count               = 3
  enable_auto_scaling            = false
  kubernetes_version             = "1.22.2"
  orchestrator_version           = "1.22.2"
  use_cluster_admins_group       = true
  use_for_each                   = true

Because of bug in API azure active directlry group for administrators have to be created manually Please see below declaration and create it manually:

resource "azuread_group" "aks_cluster_admins" {
  display_name     = "AKS-cluster-admins"
  owners           = [data.azuread_client_config.current.object_id]
  security_enabled = true

We are using this resource with data object:

data "azuread_group" "aks_cluster_admins" {
  count = var.use_cluster_admins_group ? 1 : 0
  display_name = var.admins_group_name


No requirements.


Name Version
azuread 2.31.0
azurerm 3.38.0


Name Source Version
aks Azure/aks/azurerm 6.5.0
network Azure/network/azurerm ~> 5.0


Name Type
azurerm_container_registry.acr resource
azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool.node_pools resource
azurerm_resource_group.cluster resource
azurerm_role_assignment.aks_to_acr resource
azuread_client_config.current data source
azuread_group.aks_cluster_admins data source


Name Description Type Default Required
address_space The list of the address spaces that is used by the virtual network. string n/a yes
admins_group_name Group name for AKS admins string "AKS-cluster-admins" no
agents_count The number of Agents that should exist in the Agent Pool. Please set agents_count null while enable_auto_scaling is true to avoid possible agents_count changes. number n/a yes
agents_labels (Optional) A map of Kubernetes labels which should be applied to nodes in the Default Node Pool. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. map(string)
"nodepool": "defaultnodepool"
agents_max_count Maximum number of nodes in a pool number n/a yes
agents_max_pods The maximum number of pods that can run on each agent. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. number 100 no
agents_min_count Minimum number of nodes in a pool number n/a yes
agents_size The default virtual machine size for the Kubernetes agents string "Standard_D2s_v3" no
agents_tags (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the Node Pool. map(string)
"Agent": "defaultnodepoolagent"
cluster_name Cluster name string n/a yes
cluster_sku_tier Description: The SKU Tier that should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are Free and Paid string "Paid" no
cluster_tags (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the cluster resources. map(string) {} no
enable_auto_scaling Enable node pool autoscaling bool false no
enable_host_encryption Enable Host Encryption for default node pool. Encryption at host feature must be enabled on the subscription: bool false no
kubernetes_version Specify which Kubernetes release to use. string "1.24.3" no
net_profile_dns_service_ip IP address within the Kubernetes service address range that will be used by cluster service discovery (kube-dns). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
net_profile_docker_bridge_cidr IP address (in CIDR notation) used as the Docker bridge IP address on nodes. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
net_profile_service_cidr The Network Range used by the Kubernetes service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
network_tags (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the network. map(string) {} no
node_pools Manages Node Pools within a Kubernetes Cluster
vm_size = string
enable_auto_scaling = bool
node_count = optional(number)
min_count = optional(number)
max_count = optional(number)
node_labels = optional(map(string))
node_tags = optional(map(string))
{} no
orchestrator_version Specify which Kubernetes release to use for the orchestration layer. string "1.24.3" no
os_disk_size_gb Disk size of nodes in GBs. number 50 no
prefix The prefix for the resources created in the specified Azure Resource Group string n/a yes
private_cluster_enabled Create private cluster bool false no
registry_name Override default name for azure container registry string null no
registry_sku_tier Basic string n/a yes
resource_group_name Resource group name string n/a yes
resource_group_tags (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource group. map(string) {} no
subnet_names A list of public subnets inside the vNet. list(string) n/a yes
subnet_prefixes The address prefix to use for the subnet. list(string) n/a yes
use_cluster_admins_group Enable if group AKS-cluster-admins is created bool n/a yes
use_for_each Use for_each instead of count to create multiple resource instances. bool n/a yes


Name Description
admin_client_certificate The client_certificate in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_admin_config block. Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
admin_client_key The client_key in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_admin_config block. Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
admin_cluster_ca_certificate The cluster_ca_certificate in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_admin_config block. Base64 encoded public CA certificate used as the root of trust for the Kubernetes cluster.
admin_host The host in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_admin_config block. The Kubernetes cluster server host.
admin_password The password in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_admin_config block. A password or token used to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
admin_username The username in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_admin_config block. A username used to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
client_certificate The client_certificate in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_config block. Base64 encoded public certificate used by clients to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
client_key The client_key in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_config block. Base64 encoded private key used by clients to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
cluster_ca_certificate The cluster_ca_certificate in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_config block. Base64 encoded public CA certificate used as the root of trust for the Kubernetes cluster.
cluster_id The azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's id.
cluster_name The aurerm_kubernetes-cluster's name.
container_registry_name n/a
host The host in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_config block. The Kubernetes cluster server host.
password The password in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_config block. A password or token used to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.
registry_name n/a
resource_group_name n/a
username The username in the azurerm_kubernetes_cluster's kube_config block. A username used to authenticate to the Kubernetes cluster.