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Dungeon Crawler

A Fate- and Diablo-style dungeon crawler game, made with Unity, using C#. Made as part of OTMK18.


Most recent release: v1.0.0



.md-files are in Finnish, but i.e. the diagrams in the architecture file are in English.

Määrittelydokumentti (Specification document)

Tuntikirjanpito (Time tracking)

Arkkitehtuurikuvaus (Architecture / diagrams)

Käyttöohje (Install instructions / how to play)

HTML docs from XML-tags

Easy way

The ready-generated HTML-files are as a package in the Documentation folder. Clone the repo, unpack the file (HTML-documentation.tar.gz), open the html-folder and open the index.html-file with some browser.

Generating by hand

You can probably get this done with something like Visual Studio as well. However, Doxygen offers an easy way to do it and it works on Win, Mac and Linux:

Install Doxygen (simple installation for Linux here), navigate to root of project, run command 'doxygen dungeon-crawler.conf', navigate to the generated html folder, run 'firefox index.html' (or use your favourite web browser).

Running tests and checks and such


Unit tests are located in the Assets/Editor folder. In order to run them, open the project in Unity, open the Test Runner (Window - Test Runner), select EditMode and double-click on a test, file, or folder.

Code analysis

I use ReSharper for code analysis. In order to run the analysis, open the project in Unity, select Assets - Open C# Project, open the generated .sln file with an IDE with ReSharper (I use JetBrains Rider), and run code analysis (In Rider, Code - Inspect code). My ReSharper settings are still default.


Dungeon crawler with procedural level generation






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