SOGEBOT 11.15.1
Bug Fixes
- alerts - cast amount to string (#4144), Fixes #4143 (73e602aa)
- alerts - guard undefined alert (#4145), Fixes #4142 (88376602)
- alerts - missing " after setting image style (#4146), Fixes #4140 (133443af)
- api - use old API as well to change game (#4149) (e01ad6cc)
Bug Fixes
- moderation - use unicode word boundary for link regex (#4132), Fixes community#183 (2821d3d4)
- ui - properly populate font list (#4138), Fixes #4137 (2f622eb4)
- ui - show correct import/skip information (#4131), Fixes #4130 (87e1e151)
- pubg - add new pubg integration (#4133), Fixes community#77 (eda17c78)