SOGEBOT 13.0.1
Fixes issues with generating zip file
- new UI update is not compatible with previous versions
Bug Fixes
- customvariables - trigger variable change on ui change (#4734), Fixes #4732 (78af1bfb)
- emotes - trigger warning affiliate/partner message once, Fixes #4727 (e01b4b2b)
- events - properly import emotes (44d27935)
- locales - add missing announcements category (dc44bc61)
- locales - add missing widget title, Fixes #4723 (aa21b644)
- main - check UI packages versions and update if applicable version (d1646cbd)
- migration - add migration of several overlays (#4728), Fixes #4717 (c8fb1954)
- migration - remove unused key (eb5260d7)
- overlay - update API for emotes combo (324479de)
- panel - map missing overlays links (c069c006)
- panel - send 404 if file is not cached (35cb48df)
- quickactions - add missing customvariable API (#4731), Fixes #4730 (41fc11e5)
- - update sogebot ui related packages on start, Fixes #4722 (9668026c)
- eventlist - add reward redeems support (#4736), Fixes community#291 (fbc8862d)
- gamble - add !gamble wins to see how many jackpots user won (#4740), Fixes community#217 (c1555d9d)
- overlay - add eventlist settings (#4741), Fixes #4735 (7c852aa3)
- quickactions - add customvariable support (#4729) (6c1438a9)
- userinfo - add submonths to !me command (#4737), Fixes community#273 (af19cfba)
- vuetify - add vuetify UI (#4575) (2649e3f6)