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02 Summary of changes with pictures

Jelle Meeus edited this page May 19, 2024 · 3 revisions
  • New Naxxramas difficulty 10man heroic which hosts level 60 version of Naxxramas
  • Restore flying Naxxramas in Plaguewood
  • Enter from either Stratholme instance, through a teleporter located in Plaguewood near the original entrance or the original entrance with an optional patch
  • Power level adjustments (WIP) to vanilla values


Attunement kill quest Echoes of War T3 quests t3 quest

Frost Resistance

Frost Resistance frozen rune


requirement to craft blacksmith items (old screenshot) craft_requirement


Omarion teaches crafting recipes. With conditions, must be atleast revered/exalted and have high enough skill omarion


Boss + Trash loot boss loot trash loot

Trash NPCs

old trash mobs



RP, scripted Atiesh RP tarsis


  • add floating Naxxramas
  • meeting stone,
  • teleport object inside ziggurath
  • optional original entrance

with custom patch the original teleporter can be brought back in outside

teleporter inside ziggurath teleporter

Optional teleport hub


Stratholme entrance

beta entrance, gate opens if attuned stratholme

Boss mechanics

some vanilla boss mechanics are restored

  • Heigan: tp room
  • Razu: 4 horsemen
  • Horsemen: Mograine, movable, shield wall, spirits that continue to cast mark

horsemen razuvious heigan