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yaksvk committed Jul 13, 2014
1 parent 2e6aa1e commit 1bf4d4f
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Showing 2 changed files with 179 additions and 24 deletions.
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1 +1,15 @@
This is a scraper that runs on [Morph]( To get started [see the documentation](
Evidencia nehnuteľného majetku štátu v správe riadených organizácií
kapitoly MF SR.

This scraper scrapes the data from the Ministry of Finance of The
Slovak Republic. It processes the PDF list of the real-estate
property of the state.

The source data are published PDF documents, the structure is horrible
and the accuracy is not 100% yet.

Source URL:

187 changes: 164 additions & 23 deletions
@@ -1,23 +1,164 @@
# This is a template for a Python scraper on Morph (
# including some code snippets below that you should find helpful

# import scraperwiki
# import lxml.html
# # Read in a page
# html = scraperwiki.scrape("")
# # Find something on the page using css selectors
# root = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
# root.cssselect("div[align='left']")
# # Write out to the sqlite database using scraperwiki library
#['name'], data={"name": "susan", "occupation": "software developer"})
# # An arbitrary query against the database
#"* from data where 'name'='peter'")

# You don't have to do things with the ScraperWiki and lxml libraries. You can use whatever libraries are installed
# on Morph for Python ( and all that matters
# is that your final data is written to an Sqlite database called data.sqlite in the current working directory which
# has at least a table called data.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This scraper scrapes the data from the Ministry of Finance of The
Slovak Republic. It processes the PDF list of the real-estate
property of the state.


site_url = '' # main page
start_page = 'Default.aspx?CatID=4733' # subpage url
header_row = 0 # use row number N as headers
column_count_row = 1 # use row number N as column indexes (optional)
ignore_rows = 2 # ignore first N rows per page (must set explicitly, even if header is set, eg. N = 1 with headers)
column_count = 38
diff_vert = 3
diff_horiz = 6

cellmap = {
66: 'ID',
79: 'ID2',
226: 'Zariadenie',
378: 'Typ',
406: 'Druh',
475: 'Druh2',
631: 'Inventárne číslo',
684: 'Rok nadobudnutia a kraj',
740: 'Názov okresu',
794: 'Názov obce',
867: 'Názov KÚ',
925: 'Ulica',
994: 'Číslo VL',
1021: 'Spoluvl. podiel',
1069: 'Výmera v m^2',
1179: 'Parcelné číslo',
1209: 'Kolaudácia a správca objektu',
1323: 'Užívateľ objektu',
1423: 'Obstarávacia cena v EUR',
1459: 'Zostatková cena v EUR',


import scraperwiki
import urllib2
import lxml
import lxml.html
import sys
import re
import collections

def process_columns(row):
Column post-processing (accepts a row of results)
The values are inconsistent across columns - values bleed to previous/next cells, this function
attemps to create a list of consistent and usable values.

# specify a standard list of colums for every row in the final resultset
item = collections.OrderedDict()
cols = 'id organizacia zariadenie typ druh_1 druh_2'.split(' ')

for col in cols:
item[col] = None

# id, organizacia
if re.match('^\d+$', row['ID']):
item['id'] = int(row['ID'])
item['organizacia'] = row.get('ID2', None)
results = re.findall('^(\d+) (.*)$', row['ID'])
if results:
item['id'] = int(results[0][0])
item['organizacia'] = results[0][1]
return None
# zariadenie
item['zariadenie'] = row.get('Zariadenie', None)

# typ
item['typ'] = row.get('Typ', None)

# druh
item['druh_1'] = row.get('Druh', None)
item['druh_2'] = row.get('Druh2', None)

return item

html = scraperwiki.scrape(site_url + start_page)

# get all pdf links
root = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
pdf_urls = root.cssselect("li.pdf > a")

for pdf_url in pdf_urls:
pdf_url_text = site_url + pdf_url.get('href')
print pdf_url_text

pdf_text = scraperwiki.scrape(pdf_url_text)
data = scraperwiki.pdftoxml(pdf_text)

tree = lxml.etree.fromstring(data)
#tree = lxml.etree.parse('data.xml')

missed_rows_global = 0
for p, page in enumerate(tree.xpath('page')):
print "processing page" + page.get('number')

rows = {}
xmlcells = page.xpath('text')
lastrow = 0
missed_rows = 0

for xmlcell in xmlcells:
top = int(xmlcell.get('top'))

for dev in range(diff_vert+1):
if top+dev in rows:
elif top-dev in rows:
rows[top] = []

pagedata = []
for key in sorted(rows.keys()):

itemvalues = {}

for column in rows[key]:

left = int(column.get('left'))

for dev in range(diff_horiz+1):
if left+dev in cellmap:
itemvalues[cellmap[left+dev]] = column.xpath('string()')
elif left-dev in cellmap:
itemvalues[cellmap[left-dev]] = column.xpath('string()')

# we only want records with an ID
id = itemvalues.get('ID', '')
if re.match('^\d+ \D.*', id) or (re.match('^\d+$', id) and 'ID2' in itemvalues):
itemvalues_processed = process_columns(itemvalues)
if itemvalues_processed is not None:
missed_rows += 1
missed_rows += 1['id'],data=pagedata)
print "Missed rows: %s" % missed_rows
missed_rows_global += missed_rows

print "Processed %s pages. Missed %s rows." % (p+1, missed_rows_global)

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