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Problem: Spring Web MVC

Javadoc Maven Central


Spring boot

Add the starter module to your dependencies. That is all you will need to get a default working configuration (you can customize it by implementing advice traits):


The autoconfiguration will configure problem-spring-web to handle all problems plus Spring Security problems if Spring Security is detected


If you're not using Spring Boot, add the following dependency to your project:



If not using the starter module, make sure you register the required modules with your ObjectMapper:

public ProblemModule problemModule() {
    return new ProblemModule();

public ConstraintViolationProblemModule constraintViolationProblemModule() {
    return new ConstraintViolationProblemModule();

The following table shows all built-in advice traits:

Advice Trait Produces
│   ├──ProblemAdviceTrait depends
│   ├──ThrowableAdviceTrait 500 Internal Server Error
│   └── UnsupportedOperationAdviceTrait 501 Not Implemented
│   ├──MethodNotAllowedAdviceTrait 405 Method Not Allowed
│   ├──NotAcceptableAdviceTrait 406 Not Acceptable
│   └──UnsupportedMediaTypeAdviceTrait 415 Unsupported Media Type
│   ├──MessageNotReadableAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request
│   ├──MultipartAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request
│   └──TypeMismatchAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request
│   └──SocketTimeoutAdviceTrait 504 Gateway Timeout
│   ├──MissingServletRequestParameterAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request
│   ├──MissingServletRequestPartAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request
│   ├──NoHandlerFoundAdviceTrait 404 Not Found
│   ├──NoSuchRequestHandlingMethodAdviceTrait 404 Not Found
│   └──ServletRequestBindingAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request
    ├──ConstraintViolationAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request
    └──MethodArgumentNotValidAdviceTrait 400 Bad Request

You're free to use them either individually or in groups. Future versions of this library may add additional traits to groups. A typical usage would look like this:

class ExceptionHandling implements ProblemHandling {


The NoHandlerFoundAdviceTrait in addition also requires the following configuration:

    add-mappings: false
    throw-exception-if-no-handler-found: true

If you're using Spring Boot, make sure you disable the ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration:

@EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration.class)


If not using the starter module, the Spring Security integration requires additional steps:

class ExceptionHandling implements ProblemHandling, SecurityAdviceTrait {

public class SecurityConfiguration extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {

    private SecurityProblemSupport problemSupport;

    public void configure(final HttpSecurity http) {


To return valid problem objects upon authentication exceptions, you will also need to implement the SecurityAdviceTrait, this is already sufficient:

public class SecurityExceptionHandler implements SecurityAdviceTrait {


The optional failsafe integration adds support for CircuitBreakerOpenException in the form of an advice trait:

class ExceptionHandling implements ProblemHandling, CircuitBreakerOpenAdviceTrait {


An open circuit breaker will be translated into a 503 Service Unavailable:

HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Content-Type: application/problem+json

  "title": "Service Unavailable",
  "status": 503

Swagger/OpenAPI Request Validator

The optional integration for Atlassian's Swagger Request Validator adds support for invalid request/response exceptions as a dedicated advice trait:

class ExceptionHandling implements ProblemHandling, OpenApiValidationAdviceTrait {
