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Solana Workshops

🧑‍🚀 Hello fren, have you attended any of these workshops?

✏️ Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for instructions on contributing new workshops or modifying existing ones.

📗 Learning

You can find details in each workshop's for lessons you can learn from each workshop.

Workshop Description Author
✏️ Getting Started with Solana 101 A non-technical presentation on Solana basics. Colin Ogoo
🏎️ Solana for Beginners Crash Course A crash course for beginners. Covers basics such as transactions, accounts, tokens, and a HelloWorld smart contract (program). Joe Caulfield
⚙️ Deep Dive into Writing Solana Programs An extensive look at writing Solana Programs in Rust, with a preview of different frameworks like Anchor and Seahorse. Joe Caulfield
🎑 NFT Minter A simple web page for uploading an image and minting it into an NFT. Joe Caulfield
🎆 SVG Generator Rendering an SVG image from randomized strings stored in a Solana on-chain account. Courtney Jensen & Joe Caulfield
📓 Solana Journal A simple journal entry dApp writing entries to the Solana blockchain. Joe Caulfield
🐦 Solana Twitter A mock Twitter social media site built on top of on-chain data. Joe Caulfield
🪓 Battle Royale A fun little game leveraging on-chain data. Joe Caulfield
🪙 Token Swap Token swapping platform mimicing a DEX. Joe Caulfield
🍕 Building a Storefront with Solana Pay A storefront dApp capable of taking payments of SPL tokens using the Solana Pay SDK and Transaction Requests Joe Caulfield
Valentin Madrid
☄️ Ship Your First xNFT Building an xNFT and deploying it to Backpack Valentin Madrid