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Reddit Demo

Source for Solana Reddit demo, which uses the solana token program to run the Reddit benchmark challenge. This is a fork of the solana-program-library repo.

Build the token program

These programs cannot be built directly via cargo and instead require the build scripts located in Solana's BPF-SDK.

Download or update the BPF-SDK by running:

$ ./ update

Build the token program:

$ ./ build <program>

Running the token demo

Set the RPC_URL environment variable to point to the cluster desired:

export RPC_URL=
export RPC_URL=

You'll need npm installed, then perform the following:

$ cd token/js
$ npm install
$ npm run bench -- --num_accounts 1 --num_transfer 1 --num_burn 1 --num_mint 1 --payer_account payer.json --id 0 --num_payers 4

That should print a message like:

Loading payer account from payer.json loaded 9Rd5aWW84WtnM2QznNHqN1FmtEyb6hUf4eewp9BFBvE1

If the network you are running on doesn't have a faucet, then fund that key with some sol, then run the program again, adjusting the arguments to the desired accounts/tranfers to generate:

$ npm run bench -- --num_accounts 10 --num_transfer 1000 --num_burn 1000 --num_mint 10 --payer_account payer.json --id 0 --num_payers 4

To run more than one instance, there is another script

./ <number-of-instances>

That will run a number of demo programs in parallel.