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This repository contains a reference solution for notifying incoming source data files for Agile Data Engine Notify API ( in Google Cloud Platform.

The repository is provided for reference purposes only and the solution may require modifications to fit your use case. Note that this solution is not part of the Agile Data Engine product. Please use at your own caution.


  • Terraform templates for deploying required GCP resources
  • Python functions for deploying Cloud Functions

Notifier architecture & process

Reference Notifier solution for GCP:

Notifier architecture

Notifying process

  1. Source data files are created into a source data bucket by an external process (i.e. not Agile Data Engine nor the Notifier). This source data bucket is not part of the Notifier solution and must be managed separately.
  2. Pub/Sub tracks OBJECT_FINALIZE and OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE cloud events in the source data bucket and triggers the add_to_manifest function.
  3. The function gets the data source configuration file datasource-config/datasources.json from the configuration bucket and compares the event url to the configured data sources.
  4. If the data source is identified, the function calls Notify API to search for open manifests for the data source.
  5. If open manifests are found, the function will add the file to the latest open manifest.
  6. If open manifests are not found, a new one will be created and the file added there.
  7. If single_file_manifest is set to true for the data source in the configuration file, the manifest will also be notified (closed).
  8. Notification of data sources where single_file_manifest is set to false is done with the notify_manifest function which is triggered by scheduler jobs. Scheduler jobs are configured in the template.


This solution uses the adenotifier Python library. Please specify a version in requirements.txt to prevent issues with library upgrades.



Deployment tools

  1. Install Google Cloud CLI.
  2. Install Terraform. Note that the templates in this repository are created for Terraform v1.2.7 and GCP provider hashicorp/google-beta v4.31.0. Using other versions may require changes to the templates.
  3. Login to GCP:
gcloud auth application-default login --project your-gcp-project-id

GCP resources

  1. Go through the main Terraform template, the scheduler jobs template and the example variable values. Modify the templates according to your needs and policies, set values for variables.

  2. Run terraform init to initialize the working directory:

cd terraform
terraform init
  1. The templates use terraform workspaces to manage environments and resource naming. Create/select a workspace, for example:
terraform workspace new dev
terraform workspace select dev
  1. Run terraform plan to preview deployment, check output:
terraform plan
  1. Run deployment:
terraform apply


Update the Notify API secret in the Secret Manager

The secret is deployed without a value. Add a new version in the Google Cloud console in the following format:

	"base_url": "https://external-api.{environment}.datahub.{tenant}",
	"api_key": "{your-api-key}",
	"api_key_secret": "{your-api-key-secret}"


  • {tenant} is the SaaS tenant, e.g. s1234567.
  • {environment} is the Runtime environment name, e.g. dev, test or prod.

Agile Data Engine support will provide the secrets.

Provide the public IP addresses to Agile Data Engine support

Agile Data Engine support needs to add the public IP address to the allowed list before the deployed solution can connect to Notify API. If you have deployed multiple environments, provide IP addresses of each environment to the support team.

Data source configuration

Configure data sources into the configuration file datasources.json. The Terraform template deploys this to the configuration bucket to path datasource-config/datasources.json. See specifications for the configuration format in the adenotifier library readme. Additionally, configure the following attributes for each data source. They are used for identifying the data source:

Attribute Mandatory Description
storage_bucket x Storage bucket name where the source file is located.
folder_path x Folder path to the source file.
file_extension Optional: File extension of the source file.

See configuration examples in configuration/datasources.json.

Scheduler jobs

Notification of manifests of data sources where single_file_manifest is set to false must be scheduled with Cloud Scheduler jobs. Otherwise files would only be collected to manifests, but the manifests would never be closed and loaded by Agile Data Engine. Define scheduler jobs in the Terraform template.


OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE events are tracked to enable re-notifying files with simple metadata changes, e.g. by updating a metadata timestamp.


Agile Data Engine reference solution for Notify API in Google Cloud Platform







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