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This is a base iOS scaffold project that has basic configuration & setup created. So we can reduce the efforts of basic project setup & project level boilerplate code.



There are following 3 schemes configured:

  1. scaffold => For running app in production environment.
  2. scaffold-stage => For running app in staging environment.
  3. scaffold-dev => For running app in develop environment.

Scheme-wise bundle ids are overridden. So that the same application with different environments can be installed simultaneously on the same device.


Uses SwiftLint for ensuring code standards are followed appropriately.

Static Resources Generation

Uses R.Swift to generate static resources used in the project.



Monitors the health of the application. More info


Collects the default analytics like Screen Views, App Opens, etc. It can be extended further to collect custom events. More info



Codemagic.yaml file has been added at the root of source code. It contains sample pipeline for Development build.

How To Build?
  1. Connect the project repository to codemagic using this guide. Codemagic will auto-detect the yaml file which has sample workflow added.
  2. Select dev workflow and select the branch from which buid to be generated. Start Build and it should generate the dev build.
What to be configured?
  1. Code Signing assets like Certificates, Profiles, etc. needs to be changed based on project's bundle ids and environments. More info
  2. For code signing profiles, following is recommended:
  • Local distribution (QA, Client Releases, etc) - adhoc profiles
  • Store / TestFlight distribution - appstore profiles.
How to distribute?

Once codemagic generates the artifacts, we can distribute the ipa in various ways.

  1. Using Firebase App Distribution. More info. One can automate the firebase distribution as mentioned here.
  2. Using platforms like Diawi
  3. Sharing raw ipa to user which is less convenient as user needs iTunes to install the build to the device in this case. (Not Recommended)