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A dialog system framework for conversational services.

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This project isa abandoned and substituted with naif

(( dialogs ))

A dialog system for workflows, means: conversations as a compositions of finite-state machine-based dialogs, to delivery business application for instant messaging services through text/speech chat bots.

Introduction / Motivation

I'm not a NLP (natural language processing) expert, I confess in advance, but I'm obsessioned to find a pratical software implementation for this specific goal:

To find a simple solution to allow people use instant messengers to converse with a chat bots to get some application/business services, by example in e-commerce/e-payment realms.

As a proof of concept, I consider here an hypothetical online-shopping chat bot service (someone call this: conversational commerce) as a real application example of what I mean with term service.

Conversational workflows ?

My approach is very naif; I call it a bottom-up way, in opposition to fashioned artificial intelligence top-down approach trying to emulate a vast colloquial intelligence. Instead my goal is to realize simple, specialized chat bot dialog systems able to converse with a human to achieve a specific 'deterministic' simple workflows on some specific business context: as example of these conversational chatbot services, imagine a dialog system that guide a buyer of an ecommerce shop, implemented as a instant messaging bot, to submit an online shopping order, or that guide user to do some financial, banking or any payment transaction, or to book some service conversing with a chatbot. Conversational workflows through instant messging could be the alternative to web paradigma now accesible via website/mobile apps.

Each elemental dialog as a finite state machine

The basic gist:

To model natural language dialogs, between a person and a chatbot, as state machines-based elementals (atomic) dialogs that can be composed together to achieve some more complex workflow goal (service).

The simplest dialog: Request/Reply

Let's consider an elemental dialog as a black-box that have to manage two basic message events:

  • request: a message coming from a user
  • reply: a message back to the user

The black-box realize some elaborations on input data, producing output data:

  • input data: some data that initialize the dialog
  • output data: some data produced after the elaboration of user request/interaction
                         input data
+------+              +-------------------+
|      |  request     | chatbot           |       
|      |  ----------> | elaboration =     |
| user |              |                   |
|      |  <---------- | user interaction  | 
|      |        reply | + data processing |     
+------+              +-------------------+     
                        output data

DSL for a state machine based dialog

Each elemental dialog must be programmed as a finite state machine, that follow prefixed states, triggered by user statements, (text) message requests, during conversation.

Let's consider by example a Dialog::List elemental dialog to add/remove items from an abstract list of items. This dialog can be modeled as a finite state machine with three internal states: :add_item, :del_item, :confirm_list(in addition to :start and :finish states) :

 |         :start                                |
 |          |       go :add_item                 |
 |   +----+ |       +---+                        |
 |   |    | |       |   |                        |
 |   |    v v       v   |                        |
 |   |   +-----------+  |                        |
 |   |   | :add_item |--+                        | call Item::iterpret  
 |   |   |           |---------------------------|---->
 |   |   +-----------+                           | 
 |   |      |            go :confirm_list        |
 |   |      |            +------------------+    |
 |   |      |            |                  |    |
 |   |      v            v                  |    |
 |   |   +---------------+   +-----------+  |    |
 |   +---| :confirm_list |-->| :del_item |--+    |
 |       +---------------+   +-----------+       |
 |          |                                    |
 |          |                                    |
 |          v                                    |
 |         :finish                               |

The Ruby class Dialog realize a small DSL (Domain Specific Language) to implement a dialog as a state machine, supplying few methods:

  • request the user text message request
  • reply the message feedback to user
  • go trigger next state into the same machine
  • back close the dialog, returning to the caller dialog
  • call call an external dialog or a sequence of dialogs

The Ruby code chunk here below show the machine for state add_item:

# file: list.rb
module Dialogs 
  class List < Dialog

    # state: add
    def add(item)
      case item
      when yes_i 
        go :add, add_more_o

      when no_i || exit_i 
        if data.empty?
          reply aborted_o 
          return back :finish

        go :confirm, confirm_o 

      when help_i  
      when list_i 
        go :add, add_more_o

        # NLP understanding
        interpret item

        # add line to data text
        data.push item

        # back to the same state
        go :add, add_more_o 

Dialog state triggering

How states are triggered ? The 'engine' of a dialog is just a standard read-evaluate-print-loop (REPL) done by the request method of abstract class Dialog:

  loop do
    # istantiate dialog loading last session
    dialog = self.load 
    text = unless (dialog.state == :start) 

    dialog.request text

The request method of abstract class Dialog do the dynamic method dispatch, calling the method with the name of the state:

  # call the method corresponding to the actual state
  def request(user_data)

What about dialog data ?

In the above sketched request/reply dialog, I mentioned input and output data. Let's see in the list dialog example here what I mean: the list abstract dialog manage a list data structure, so an Array, in Ruby language. This array could be initialized as a void array:

  # initial data for a (void) list

At the end of the dialog, output data could be an array containing some items (text strings). By example, if the list is a shopping cart to order some food to a pizza-maker, data could be something like this:

  # final data for a ShoppingCartList, after a dialog interaction
    "1 pizza Margherita, aggiunta: molti capperi", 
    "2 pizze Capricciose",
    "1 lattina di birra Moretti",
    "2 mezze minerali"

Generally speaking, I see data as a specific attribute of each elemental dialog type, so data are conceptually different for each dialog type. Data are the result of a conversation, to be eventually processed by some external (to dialog) service that consume data.

TODO: data management and processing concept is still incomplete and code to be refined.

Separate the state-machine from language literals

As you note there is no any language text hard-coded in the Ruby code above; all input texts (no_i, help_i, etc.) and output texts (add_more_o, conform_o, etc.) are contained in private methods, in a separate file, dependent on language. Here below a chunk example for a List dialog talking in Italian language (BTW, I'm Italian):

# file: list_lang_it.rb
module Dialogs 
  class List < Dialog
    # input methods
    def yes_i

    def del_i

    # output methods

    def confirm_o
      "confermi lista ?"

    def confirmed_o
      "lista confermata!"

    def del_o(max_num)
        "quale item vuoi cancellare (1-#{max_num}) ?", 
        "cosa vuoi togliere (1-#{max_num}) ?"

My choice have been to made each dialog language agnostic, moving internationalization/natural language translations in separate files (one for each language: by example: list_lang_it.rb for Italian language, list_lang_en.rb for English, etc.).

Implementation code Note: I feel that encapsulate literals inside methods is a compromise, in terms of readibility and performance, between a spaghetti-code (hard-code texts inside the state machine logic code), and using some template engine (at first my aim was to use Michel Mertens' mote gem, but I now prefer the text-inside-methods approach). Also the choice to use regex to process user choice is debatable, I admit. A temporary decision

Language-agnostic ?

I thought ((dialogs)) project as a man-machine text (or speech) based interface among people and chatbots. So when we refer to 'languages', we mean natural languages! That's pretty correct, but please note ((dialogs)) fully separate the state machine logic from any specific language, that could be neither a natural language, neither a 'text-based' stream! In facts you could imagine language requests/replies in any sort of binary-format! By example we could imagine MessagePack, as a possible language; in this case we can consider the dialog system as a machine-to-machine communication meta-language.

Introspection and helpers

Each dialog state is associated to a relative help method (pseudo-state) that reply to user the possible choices/action on the relative state. In this way user alway know 'how to do' in a dialog conversation, asking 'help' about what to do. I call this: state introspection.

TODO: At a higher level each dialog elemental must be instrospected asking a description of the dialog. This could be done just with a description text file associated to the dialog.

Sessions and data storage ?

Another basic concept under the woods, is to separate the dialogs state-machine logic from conversational sessions data. Ruby class Session is in charge to store/retrieve a storage (in-memory or persistent):

  • dialog path: a stack containing conversation history of nested dialogs
  • dialog state: the inners state of the state-machine
  • dialog data: for a certain user session.


  • define and fix data structures, a bit confused and incomplete now.
  • add a suitable session persistence to disk (a key/value like REDIS or relational DB), maybe using Moneta gem.

Application dialogs as compositions of elementals

A complex dialog in some real application could be see as a composition of elemental-subdialogs (each of these modeled as a state-machine) and part of a library of subjects. In this Ruby language implementation, each sub-dialog is represented as a subclass of abstract Dialog.

Conversational E-commerce Example

Lets consider by example a conversational ecommerce as real application of complex dialog. Suppose that we want to realize a text based ecommerce; we want purchase chatting through an instant messenger chatbot (a bot), where the workflow is in this case 'send an online shopping order'. Online shopping is a pretty standard pattern (or workflow): we can consider this simplified ecommerce order submission as composed by three almost sequential dialogs: add items to a cart list, specify the time and delivery address, send order. DialogOrder is a nesting of some subdialogs:

  • CartList, to add items to our cart
  • DeliveryAddress, to specify delivery address
  • DeliveryTime, to specify required delivery time The final action of dialog is to send our text order to a seller:
          |     sub-dialog       sub-dialog              sub-dialog          |
order     |     +----------+     +-----------------+     +--------------+    |   +---------------------+
--------> | --> | CartList | --> | DeliveryAddress | --> | DeliveryTime | -----> | collect dialog data |
          |     +----------+     +-----------------+     +--------------+    |   | send order to shop  |
          |        | ^                     |^              |^                |   +---------------------+
          |        v |                     ||              ||                |
          |     +--------------------+     ||              ||                |
          |     | ItemsUnderstanding |     ||              ||                |
          |     +--------------------+     ||              ||                |
          |     sub-dialog    |^           ||              ||                |
                              v|           v|              v|
                      +---------------+  +--------------------+     
                      | shop          |  | user profiling     |
                      | catalog items |  | database           |
                      | database      |  |                    |
                      +---------------+  +--------------------+

Dialogs Taxonomy

TODO: think about it. Explain the difference between abstract dialog (as an abstract dialog) and application dialog (as an instance of the abstract dialog, personalized for some application context).

Performance vs Intelligence trade-off

There is some Natural Language Understanding in this scenario ? The state-machine implementation of a dialog is a dump / imperative / 'robotic' way to conceive a dialog with a human, and there is not a real 'deep' understanding or learning. Pretty true, I admit. In the dialog analyzed here as example, the semantic understanding/interpretation is 'delegated' inside the Item::interpret method on the add_item state method. The understanding of a product item, inserted by user, is delegated to this interpret method.

There is no any (artificial) intelligence in this dialog system framework, I admit, but the trade-off is simplicity (short simple fast interactions are very important for a business service supplied by a chatbot upon an instant messaging app. Speed performance and focus on target goal (to supply a specific domain service with a deterministic dialog)!

User interaction means Supervisioned Learning for free

Let's imagine what could have to do this Item::interpret method, considering by example that user added this product:

    "1 pizza Margherita, aggiunta: molti capperi", 

BTW,i in Italy "Pizza Margherita" is the basic kind of pizza and "aggiunta: nolti capperi" means: "add-on: many capers".

A possible smart NLP domain expert system could recognize that user want nr.1 of product type: pizza Margherita, with add-on: "many capers". Maybe the semantic backend processor could access a product catalog database o verify if the shop is really able to delivery this kind of product. Finally the processor could ask the user a doublecheck confirmation on inserted item. If the user finally say "yes! I want it!", in this case we can say that the system can really learn in a supervised, production-ready way!

Again, this understanding/learning process is out of scope from the state-machine architecture. But this state-machine dialog-driven system is a framework to focus some domain specific "intelligent" backend expert, just to a very specific domain (in the case of the example: to recognize an item an learn/take decision about it).

(dialog)) could be considered as a driven dialog framework that encapsulate an external "expert system".

Instant Messaging Plug-in Architecture

I conceived ((dialog)) having in mind amazing Bot Platform, but my aim is to realize the dialog system as a server (in a client-server architecture) independent from any specific instant messaging platform / APIs. For this reason I started to code interchangeable client adapters

TODO: implement ((dialogs)) as a socket/tcp server, implementing something like Ruby TCP Chat.

Testing dialogs on a terminal

The first client adapter is the terminal. Here a terminal dialog interaction (thanks ), testing List dialog.

TODO: complete the client adapter code for the Telegram Bot Platform.


  • make up the dialog template generator (like Rails generate, to generate boilerplate code for a new dialog).
  • make a gem.

WARNING: Project is now in a very draft release, just a proof of concept! Ruby implementation is bad now and really incomplete. I apologize and any contribution/help on coding is very welcome.




A dialog system framework for conversational services.






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