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370 lines (322 loc) · 17.9 KB

File metadata and controls

370 lines (322 loc) · 17.9 KB


2.2.0 Graphite


New features

  • Menu
    • Added popper-class and disabled attributes for SubMenu, #9604 #9771
    • Horizontal Menu now supports multi-layered SubMenu, #9741
  • Tree
    • Added node-contextmenu event, #9678
    • Now you can customize node template using scoped slot, #9686
    • Added getNode, remove, append, insertBefore, insertAfter, getCheckedKeys, getHalfCheckedNodes, getHalfCheckedKeys methods and check event, #9718 #9730
  • Transfer
    • Added clearQuery method, #9753
  • Select
    • Added popper-append-to-body attribute, #9782

Bug fixes

  • Table
    • Fixed clicking expanding icon of an expandable row triggers row-click event, #9654
    • Fixed layout not update when column width is changed by user dragging, #9668
    • Fixed style issue when summary row co-exists with fixed columns, #9667
  • Container
    • Fixed container components not stretching in IE11, #9655
  • Loading
    • Fixed Loading not showing when the value of v-loading is changed to true in the mounted hook, #9722
  • Switch
    • Fixed two native click events are triggered when Switch is clicked, #9760

2.1.0 Charcoal


New features

  • Cascader
    • Added focus and blur events, #9184 (by @viewweiwu)
  • Table
    • The filter-method now has a third param column, #9196 (by @liyanlong)
  • DatePicker
    • Added prefix-icon and clear-icon attributes, #9237 (by @AdamSGit)
    • Added default-time attribute, #9094 (by @nighca)
    • value-format now supports timestamp, #9319 (by @wacky6)
  • InputNumber
    • Now the binding value can be undefined, #9361
  • Select
    • Added auto-complete attribute, #9388
  • Form
    • Added disabled attribute, #9529
    • Added validateOnRuleChange attribute, #8141
  • Notificaition
    • Added closeAll method, #9514

Bug fixes

  • InputNumber
    • Fixed value resetting when typing decimal point, #9116
  • Dropdown
    • Fixed dropdown menu incorrect positioning when the page only has a horizontal scrollbar in some browsers, #9138 (by @banzhuanmei)
  • Table
    • Fixed an error in calculating number of fixed columns after the column data changes, #9188(by @kolesoffac)
    • Fixed the border of the last column of the grouped header not properly displayed, #9326
    • Fixed incorrect positioning of table header in Safari, #9327
    • Fixed expanded row collapsing when the table data changes, #9462
    • Fixed unnecessary multiple renders in some conditions, #9426
    • Fixed column width calculation error when width of TableColumn changes, #9426
  • Loading
    • Fixed Loading not hiding correctly in some conditions, #9313
  • DatePicker
    • Fixed focus method not working in range mode, #9437
    • Fixed clicking the "now" button still selecting the current date even if it is disabled, #9470 (by @wacky6)
    • Fixed date clamping when navigating, #9577 (by @wacky6)
  • Steps
    • Fixed style error in IE 11, #9454

Breaking changes

  • Menu
    • The popup menu in collapse mode now appends directly to body, so that it is visible when nested in Aside, #9263
  • Table
    • Now checking the checkboxes in multi-selection Table doesn't trigger row-click event, #9467
  • Loading
    • The z-index of non-fullscreen loading mask is changed to 2000. The z-index of fullscreen loading mask will update dynamically with the popup components, #9522
  • Dropdown
    • show-timeout and hide-timeout attributes now only works when trigger is hover, #9573



  • Fixed border color issue of Select when in prepend or append slot of Input, #9089
  • Fixed remove-tag event's parameter of Select, #9090
  • Added show-timeout and hide-timeout attributes for SubMenu, #8934 (by @HugoLew)
  • Fixed missing Tooltip style of show-overflow-tooltip when Table is imported on demand, #9130
  • Fixed Table column's sorting malfunctioning after clearSort is executed on that column, #9100 (by @zEmily)
  • i18n config file for Czech is renamed from cz to cs-CZ, #9164



  • Fixed wrong max height calculation of Table when fixed column and summary row co-exist, #9026
  • Fixed uncompiled color style of empty text in Table, #9028
  • Now DatePicker only emits change event when value is truly changed, #9029 (by @remizovvv)
  • Added tabindex attribute for Input, #9041 (by @dicklwm)



  • Added before-remove hook function for Upload, #8788 (by @firesh)
  • Fixed initial value of error not working for FormItem, #8840
  • Now Loading directive supports custom class name by assigning element-loading-custom-class attribute, #8826 (by @earlymeme)
  • Fixed CarouselItem becoming invisible when data is asynchronously updated, #8921
  • Added renderAfterExpand attribute for Tree, #8972



  • Added Spanish documentation
  • Fixed show-timeout of Dropdown not working when trigger is click, #8734 (by @presidenten)
  • Fixed Form validation timing for rules whose trigger is blur, #8776
  • Fixed blur event of ranged DatePicker, #8784
  • format of TimePicker now supports AM/PM, #8620 (by @firesh)



  • Fixed disabled text button style, #8570



  • Fixed style bug of Table's sorting icons, #8405
  • Fixed trigger mechanism for Popover when its trigger is manual, #8467
  • Added prefix-icon and suffix-icon attributes for Autocomplete, #8446 (by @liyanlong)
  • Added separator attribute for Cascader, #8501
  • Added clearable attribute for Input, #8509 (by @lbogdan)
  • Added background attribute for Pagination, #8553



  • Fixed Popover, Tree, Breadcrumb and Cascader regression in 2.0.4, #8188 #8217 #8283
  • Fixed memory leak of clickoutside directive, #8168 #8225 (by @badpunman @STLighter)
  • Fixed multiple Select height when its value is cleared, #8317 (by @luciy)
  • Added collapse-tags attribute for multiple Select to replace tags with one line of text, #8190
  • Fixed high CPU consumption caused by hidden Table, #8351
  • Now you can use doLayout method of Table to update its layout, #8351



  • Improved accessibility for Cascader, Dropdown, Message, Notification, Popover, Tooltip and Tree
  • Fixed Container resize when the width of viewport decreases, #8042
  • Fixed Tree's updateKeyChildren incorrectly deleting child nodes, #8100
  • Fixed bordered CheckboxButton's height when nested in a Form, #8100
  • Fixed Menu's parsing error for custom colors, #8153 (by @zhouyixiang)



  • Fixed editable and readonly attributes for ranged DatePicker, #7922
  • Fixed style error of nested Tabs, #7941
  • Fixed style error of the last Step of vertical Steps, #7980
  • Fixed trigger timing of current-change event for Pagination, #7995
  • Fixed unregistered Tooltip in Menu, #7995



  • Now right-clicking the buttons of InputNumber won't change its value, #7817
  • validate method of Form can now wait for asynchronous validations before executing its callback, #7774 (by @Allenice)
  • Fixed range selection of DatePicker not working in Chromium 53-57 browsers, #7838
  • Fixed missing preview and delete icons of Upload when its list-type is picture-card, #7857
  • Added sort-by attribute for TableColumn, #7828 (by @wangfengming)
  • Fixed DatePicker sometimes displaying wrong year number when selecting the first week in week mode, #7860 (by @hh23485)
  • Fixed icon style error of vertical Steps, #7891
  • The hot area for node arrows in Tree is expanded, #7891



  • Fixed style error of RadioButton and CheckboxButton, #7793
  • Fixed TimePicker not respond to mouse scroll in some conditions, #7811
  • Fixed incomplete styles of some components when imported on demand, #7811

2.0.0 Carbon


New features

  • General
    • A new theme: theme-chalk
    • Accessibility of the following components are improved: Alert, AutoComplete, Breadcrumb, Button, Checkbox, Collapse, Input, InputNumber, Menu, Progress, Radio, Rate, Slider, Switch, Upload
    • Added TypeScript typings
    • All existing icons are redesigned. Some new icons are added
    • Added a series of breakpoint-based utility classes that hide elements when the viewport size meets certain conditions
    • Added layout components: Container, Header, Aside, Main, Footer
    • Now you can configure component sizes globally. When importing Element, you can add a global config object with a size prop to configure default sizes for all components.
  • Button
    • Added round attribute. It's used for round-cornered Buttons #6643
  • TimeSelect
    • Now can be navigated by Up and Down, and hitting Enter selects the time #6023
  • TimePicker
    • Now can be navigated by arrow keys, and hitting Enter selects the time #6050
    • Added start-placeholder and end-placeholder. They're placeholders for the two input boxes in range mode #7169
    • Added arrow-control attribute to spin the time with arrows #7438
  • Tree
    • Now child nodes don't render before the first expand #6257
    • Added check-descendants attribute. It determines if child nodes are checked when checking their parent node in lazy mode #6235
  • Tag
    • Added size attribute #7203
  • Datepicker
    • Now timeFormat can format the TimePicker when type is set to datetimerange #6052
    • Added start-placeholder and end-placeholder. They're placeholders for the two input boxes in range mode #7169
    • Added value-format attribute to customize the format of the binding value, #7367
    • Added unlink-panels attribute to unlink the two date panels when selecting a date range
  • MessageBox
    • Added closeOnHashChange attribute #6043
    • Added center attribute so that the content can be centered #7029
    • Added roundButton attribute to display round Buttons #7029
    • Added dangerouslyUseHTMLString attribute. When set to true, message will be parsed as HTML string* #6043
    • Added inputType attribute to assign type for the inner input box, #7651
  • Dialog
    • Added widthfullscreenappend-to-body attributes. Now Dialog can be nested
    • Added center attribute so that the content can be centered #7042
    • Added focus-after-closedfocus-after-open to improve accessibility #6511
  • ColorPicker
    • Now you can type colors in the input box #6167
    • Added size and disabled attributes #7026
    • Added popper-class attribute #7351
  • Message
    • Now color of the icons can be overridden by CSS #6207
    • Added dangerouslyUseHTMLString attribute. When set to true, message will be parsed as HTML string* #6207
    • Added center attribute so that the content can be centered #6875
  • Notification
    • Added position attribute to configure where Notification pops up #6231
    • Added dangerouslyUseHTMLString attribute. When set to true, message will be parsed as HTML string* #6231
    • Added showClose attribute to hide the close button #6402
  • Rate
    • Added show-score attribute to determine if current score is displayed #6295
  • Tabs
    • Added tab-position attribute #6096
  • Radio
    • Added border and size attributes #6690
  • Checkbox
    • Added border and size attributes #6690
  • Alert
    • Added center attribute so that the content can be centered #6876
  • Menu
    • Added background-color, text-color and active-text-color attributes #7064
    • Added open and close methods to open and close SubMenu programmatically, #7412
  • Form
    • Added inline-message attribute to determine if the validation message is displayed in inline style #7032
    • Added status-icon attribute to display a feedback icon when validated #7032
    • Form and FormItem now have a size attribute. Inner components will inherit this size if not specified on themselves, #7428
    • validate method will now return a promise if the callback is omitted, #7405
    • Added clearValidate method for clearing validating results for all form items, #7623
  • Input
    • Added suffix and prefix named slots, suffixIcon and prefixIcon attributes to add contents inside the input box #7032
  • Breadcrumb
    • Added separator-class attribute to support icons as item separators #7203
  • Steps
    • Added simple attribute to activate simple-styled Steps #7274
  • Pagination
    • Added prev-text and next-text attributes to customize texts of previous page and next page #7005
  • Loading
    • Now you can customize spinner icon and background color with spinner and background prop, #7390
  • Autocomplete
    • Added debounce attribute, #7413
  • Upload
    • Added limit and on-exceed attributes to limit the amount of files, #7405
  • DateTimePicker
    • Added time-arrow-control attribute to activate arrow-control of the nesting TimePicker, #7438
  • Layout
    • Added a new breakpoint xl for viewport wider than 1920px
  • Table
    • Added span-method attribute for merging cells
    • Added clearSort method to clear sorting programmatically
    • Added clearFilter method to clear filter programmatically
    • For expandable rows, when a row is expanded, a .expanded class will be added to its class list, so that you can customize its style
    • Added size attribute
    • Added toggleRowExpansion method to expand or collapse expandable rows programmatically
    • Added cell-class-name attribute to assign class name for cells
    • Added cell-style attribute to style cells
    • Added header-row-class-name attribute to assign class name for header rows
    • Added header-row-style attribute to style header rows
    • Added header-cell-class-name attribute to assign class name for header cells
    • Added header-cell-style attribute to style header cells
    • TableColumn's prop attribute now accepts object[key] notations
    • Added index attribute for TableColumn to customize row indices
  • Select
    • Added reserve-keyword attribute for reserving current search keyword after selecting an option

Bug fixes

  • DatePicker
    • Fixed v-model returning the second day of the selected week in week mode #6038
    • Fixed the first input being cleared in daterange type #6021
  • DateTimePicker
    • Fixed DateTimePicker and TimePicker affecting each other when picked #6090
    • Fixed hour and second can be beyond limit when selecting time #6076
  • TimePicker
    • Fixed v-model not update correctly when blurred #6023
  • Dialog
    • Fixed texts having blurry edges when opening and closing nesting dropdowns #6088
  • Select
    • Improved performance. Now Vue dev-tool won't crash when a large number of Selects are destroyed #6151
  • Table
    • Fixed a bug that Table remains hiding when its parent element appears from display: none
    • Fixed Table expanding its width when its parent element has display: flex
    • Fixed a bug that fixed columns of a Table with append slot would disappear when data is dynamically fetched
    • Fixed expand-row-keys attribute not working with initial value
    • Fixed filter failing when data updates
    • Fixed a calculation error of fixed columns layout with grouped headers
    • Fixed a dynamic max-height bug
    • Fixed some style calculation errors

Breaking changes

  • General
    • Removed theme-default
    • Compatible with Vue 2.5.2+ and IE 10+
    • change event of form components and current-change event of Pagination now only trigger on user interaction
    • size attribute of Button and form components now accept medium, small and mini
    • To facilitate the use of third-party icons, icon attribute of Button and Steps, prefix-icon and suffix-icon attributes of Input now require a full class name
  • Dialog
    • Removed size attribute. Now the size of Dialog can be configured by width and fullscreen
    • Now the visibility of Dialog cannot be controlled by v-model
  • Rate
    • text-template is renamed to score-template
  • Dropdown
    • menu-align is renamed to placement. Now it supports more positions
  • Transfer
    • footer-format is renamed to format
  • Switch
    • Attributes starting with on-* will be parsed to events in JSX, making all on-* attributes of Switch not able to work in JSX. So on-* attributes are renamed to active-*, and accordingly off-* attributes are renamed to inactive-*. This change affects the following attributes: on-icon-class, off-icon-class, on-text, off-text, on-color, off-color, on-value, off-value
    • active-text and inactive-text attributes now don't have default values
  • Tag
    • type attribute now accepts success, info, warning and danger
  • Menu
    • Removed theme attribute. The color of Menu can be configured using background-color, text-color and active-text-color
  • Input
    • Removed icon attribute. Now the suffix icon can be configured using suffix-icon attribute or suffix named slot
    • Removed on-icon-click attribute and click event. Now to add click handler on icons, please use named slots
    • change event now behaves like the native input element, which triggers only on blur or pressing enter. If you need to respond to user input in real time, you can use input event.
  • Autocomplete
    • Removed custom-item attribute. Now the template of input suggestions can be customized using scoped slot
    • Removed props attribute. Now you can use value-key attribute to designate key name of the input suggestion object for display
  • Steps
    • Removed center attribute
    • Now the Steps will fill its parent container by default
  • DatePicker
    • The params of DatePicker's change event is now the binding value itself. Its format is controlled by value-format
  • Table
    • Removed support for customizing column template using inline-template
    • sort-method now aligns with Array.sort. It should return a number instead of a boolean
    • append slot is moved outside the tbody element to avoid multiple rendering
    • expand event is renamed to expand-change
    • The params of row-class-name and row-style method is now an object

* Dynamically rendering arbitrary HTML on your website can be very dangerous because it can easily lead to XSS attacks. So when dangerouslyUseHTMLString is on, please make sure the content of message is trusted, and never assign message to user-provided content.