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Extended Kendo UI Calendar widget that supports multiselection. Demo


npm i kendo-multi-calendar

kendo-multi-calendar(.min).js script should be included in your project along with kendo-ui-core or kendo-ui.


var multiCalendar = $("#multiCalendar").kendoMultiCalendar({
    // use 'values' option instead of 'value',
    // defaults to []
    values: [new Date(), new Date(2016, 5, 2)], 

    // set selection limits, 
    // defaults to null - no limit
    maxSelectedItems: 3,

    // if true - only today date will be selected after click on date in footer,
    // if false - today date will be added to selected dates,
    // defaults to true
    cleanSelectedItemsOnTodayClick: false,

    //... everything else is just like in ordinary Kendo UI Calendar



This module also contains type declarations.

// use 'reference' directive
/// <reference path="node_modules/kendo-multi-calendar/dist/kendo-multi-calendar.d.ts" />

// or add types to 'compilerOptions' in your tsconfig.json:
// ...
// "types": [ "kendo-multi-calendar" ],
// ...

const calendar = new kendoExt.MultiCalendar('#multiCalendar');