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A simple BNF parser generator for Python. Note: in development!


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A simple BNF parser generator for Python.

Creating parsers

It's recommended that you subclass the bnfparsing.ParserBase class whenever you create a new parser. This makes clear the purpose of the parser.

Using a grammar

Create a new parser using string-based grammar.

IF_STMT = """
if_stmt 	:= "if " test
test 		:= name cmp name
cmp 		:= "==" | "!=" | ">" | "<"
name		:= alpha name | alpha

class IfStmtParser(bnfparsing.ParserBase):

    def __init__(self):
p = IfStmtParser()
p.parse('if x==y')   

Note that you would have to define the rule alpha yourself if this was the entirety of the grammar - see below for other options!

Creating individual rules, from strings

Subclass the ParserBase class to create a new parser. You can create rules with a simple BNF (Backus-Naur Form) syntax. The first argument is the name of the rule, the second is the body of the rule.

Rules can call other rules or capture literals, in double or single quotes. Recursion is permitted. Use the ignore_whitespace parameter to instruct the parser to skip over any whitespace between tokens.

The grammar-based approach above is essentially parsing the grammar and then doing this under the hood.

class IfStmtParser(bnfparsing.ParserBase):

    def __init__(self):
        # add rules!
        self.new_rule('if_stmt', ' "if " test ')
        self.new_rule('test', 'name cmp name')
        self.new_rule('cmp', ' "==" | "!=" | ">" | "<" ')
        self.new_rule('name', 'alpha name | alpha')
p = IfStmtParser()
p.parse('if x==y')

You can also add customised rules at class creation time or dynamically later on.

Using functions as rules

Customised rules must accept an input string as an argument. If successful, the custom rule must return a tuple containing the token it creates and any unconsumed characters from the input string. If it fails, it must return None and the original input string.

class CaseParser(bnfparsing.ParserBase):

    # create rules as part of the class definition 
    # using the rule decorator
    def upper(self, string):
        """ Captures any upper-case letter. """
        char = string[0]
        if char.isupper():
            return Token('upper', char), string[1:]
            return None, string

# or create them later on...
def lowercase(string):
    """ Captures any lower-case letter. """
    char = string[0] 
    if char.islower():
        return Token('lower', char), string[1:]
        return None, string

p = CaseParser()

# ... as long as you add them as follows
p.rule_from_function('lower', lowercase)


This can be useful when you don't want 26 options in a row, e.g. "A" | "B" | "C".

Also see bnfparsing.common. This module contains some useful functions that can be dropped in as rules. Most parsers will need one or two of the common functions, which include:

  • alpha, lower and upper
  • digit
  • Sequence versions of the above, e.g. alpha_run. These capture sequences of alpha characters.
  • whitespace

Whitespace handling

When creating a parser, use the ws_handler option to specify a means by which the parse should handle whitespace between tokens. A whitespace handler is a function that is called on the input string before each literal token is parsed.

bnfparsing.whitespace defines three handlers for use.

  • ignore removes all whitespace between tokens and requires none.
  • ignore_specific removes all of the given types of whitespace prior to parsing, much like the in-built str.lstrip.
  • require raises a DelimiterError if a specific whitespace phrase is not found between tokens. Use the ignore option to optionally remove other whitespace that is surplus to that required

ignore can be passed directly as a whitespace handler, whereas the other two are functions that generate handlers - accordingly they must be passed with arguments, e.g. require(' ').

You are free to define your own handler - it must accept an input string and return a string. You can also specify whether custom rules should use whitespace handling with the rule_with_option decorator.


As seen, you can run the parser on an input string using the parse method. This raises an error if the given string does not fit the rule set or if there are any tokens remaining - unless you call parse with the optional allow_partial argument.

Otherwise, the parser will consume the string and return an instance of bnfparsing.Token. This the top-most node of the syntax tree; any child nodes represent the components of each node.

Use the value method to generate the content of each node. For the nodes at the base of the tree this will return the value in the node. For all others, value recursively combines the values of the tokens beneath it.

# using the example above...
root = p.parse('if x==y')

assert(root.value() == 'if x==y')

for t in root.iter_under():
	print(t.token_type, ':',  t.value())

Leading to...

>>> 'literal : if'
>>> 'test: x == y'

Tokens also come equipped with a range of methods for searching or iterating over the tokens below them. These include:

  • child: returns the nth child
  • series: returns a lowest level tokens in a list.
  • level: recursively returns a list of the nth-deepest tokens
  • find: returns all tokens of a given token type
  • flatten: returns a new token with the same value, but collapsing the repeatedly recursive tokens generated by recursive rules.

See documentation for more information. Some of these methods come with an as_str option, returning lists of strings instead of lists of tokens.

Further work

  • Expanded set of common functions?
  • EBNF syntax, without relying on recursion?S


A simple BNF parser generator for Python. Note: in development!







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