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javascript library to track blockchain public keys


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Trackr-lib is a javascript library to track Ethereum address. sends an event when a new transaction contains a given Ethereum address as from or to property.

The node from which library is fetching data is configurable. You can only communicate through websocket due to dependency limitation.

How to install

Trackr-lib is available on our github public repo.

yarn add sonarplanet/trackr-lib#publish
npm install sonarplanet/trackr-lib#publish

N.B: If you don't specify #publish branch, you will get the dev package.

How to use

import * as trackr from 'trackr-lib'
    "ws://localhost:8546", /* Ethereum node url */
    "0x40C76cf136c270c2F1053398f1718b3fFe2574c4", /* Ethereum pub-key */
    (tx:string) => { /* new transaction hash */ },
    (error:Error) => { /* error occurs */ })

The Ethereum node fetching data is given as first parameter and identified as follow : ws://<IP_MACHINE>:<PORT>.

How to build

  1. yarn
  2. yarn build
  3. yarn test

Remove built files : yarn clean

Remove built files AND node_modules : yarn cleanAll