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Frédéric edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 18 revisions

Infrastructure Abstraction

In the SONATA Service Platform the Infrastructure Abstraction plays the role of an abstraction layer between the MANO framework and the underlying (virtualised) infrastructure. The Infrastructure Abstraction allows the MANO's entities to interact with the infrastructure, regardless of the specific technology used to manage it. It exposes interf to manage service and VNF instances, retrieve monitoring information about the infrastructure status, reserve resources for services deployment, configure networking aspects. It is composed of two main modules, the Virtual Infrastructure Manager Adaptor (VIM Adaptor) and the WAN infrastructure Manager Adaptor (WAN Adaptor). The VIM Adaptor is responsible for exposing an interface to interact with one or more VIMs, managing computational, network or storage resource in one or more NVFi Points of Presence to the Sonata MANO framework. The WIM Adaptor allows the service platform to manage network resources connecting different NFVi-PoPs in a vendor agnostic fashion, in order to provide connectivity to the deployed services.


VIM Adaptor

  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture
  3. API Reference
  4. Usage and examples

WIM Adaptor

  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture
  3. API Reference
  4. Usage and examples

Infrastructure Utilities

  1. SONATA SFC Agent


  1. Infrastructure Abstraction Build and Installation

Vim Emulator Wrapper

  1. Development and Test Setup