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File metadata and controls

123 lines (92 loc) · 4.88 KB
.. index::
    single: Basket



For more information about our position regarding the basket architecture, you can read: :doc:`../architecture/basket`.


The SonataBasketBundle handles everything related to the Basket and the Order process (user workflow). It offers Basket, Address, Payment & Shipping forms, all the needed controller actions, and exposes Basket's handling services such as Provider, Factory and Loader.

Several actions are provided by the controller:

  • index: (step 1) Displays the current status of the Basket and its update form (where you can delete elements or update their quantity)
  • update: Validates the submitted update Basket form
  • reset: Empties the Basket
  • addProduct: As the name says, handles the add Product to Basket form submission
  • deliveryAddressStep: (step 2) Renders the Delivery address form and handles its submission (the user needs to be authenticated)
  • deliveryStep: (step 3) Renders the Delivery method (shipping) selection form and handles its submission
  • paymentStep: (step 4) Renders the Payment method selection form and handles its submission
  • finalReviewStep: (step 5) Renders the Basket status before Payment, terms & conditions acceptance form and handles its submission
  • headerPreview: Renders the preview of the Basket (to put in a header)
  • authenticationStep: Retrieves the Customer related to the logged in user and links it to the basket; this will redirect to the authentication form if the user is not logged in.

Anonymous basket invalidation

If you wish to invalidate the anonymous basket stored in session when the user logs out (and if you didn't invalidate the session), you'll need to edit your security.yaml file to add this to your logout configuration:

    # ...
        # ...
        main:                   # Your firewall name
            # ...
                # ...
                # We set invalidate_session to false because we want basket
                # to be fully persisted even when user logout and login again
                invalidate_session: false
                # And we add the handler to invalidate the anonymous basket once the user logs out
                handlers: ['sonata.basket.session.factory']



Here's the full default configuration for SonataBasketBundle:


    # Services
    builder:            sonata.basket.builder.standard
    factory:            sonata.basket.session.factory       # Replace with sonata.basket.entity.factory to store in db
    loader:             sonata.basket.loader.standard

    # Model
        basket:         App\Sonata\BasketBundle\Entity\Basket
        basket_element: App\Sonata\BasketBundle\Entity\BasketElement
        customer:       App\Sonata\CustomerBundle\Entity\Customer

    # Forms
            type:       sonata_basket_basket
            name:       sonata_basket_basket_form
            type:       sonata_basket_shipping
            name:       sonata_basket_shipping_form
            type:       sonata_basket_payment
            name:       sonata_basket_payment_form

As you can see, you can override the builder, factory & loader services ; basket, basket_element & customer classes and the various forms. Moreover, you're able to override the rest of the bundle by extending it (through SonataEasyExtendsBundle for instance).


There are two ways to deal with Basket storage:

  • Session storage (default)
  • DB storage

To enable DB storage, you'll need to change the following configuration values:

    # ...
    factory: sonata.basket.entity.factory     # This is where you switch to DB stored Basket ; sonata.basket.session.factory for session
    # ...

# Enable Doctrine to map the provided entities
                    ApplicationSonataBasketBundle: ~
                    SonataBasketBundle: ~

DB basket loading is slightly different as session one. It actually comes into play only once the customer is stored into database. Once that's done, we retrieve the baskets both from database and session, and replace basket elements in database with the ones from the session.

If you wish to customize this behavior, you'll need to create your custom basket factory (by overloading BasketEntityFactory for instance) and replace the service in your configuration.