Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to another master, or swap entire libraries.

- cmd option shift w - Swap the selected symbols and/or symbol instances to another master
- cmd option shift b - Swap all symbols from one library to another
Search for Symbol Swapper in Sketchrunner.
Once installed, Sketch will automatically notify you when an update is available (version 0.1 and later).
- Download and open symbol-swapper-master.zip
- Navigate to Symbol Swapper.sketchplugin and copy/move to your plugins directory
To find your plugins directory...
- In the Sketch menu, navigate to Plugins > Manage Plugins...
- Click the cog in the lower left of the plugins window, and click Reveal Plugins Folder
- 0.26 - Fix for Sketch 94.
- 0.25 - Fix for window truncation when swapping libraries.
- 0.24 - Fix for Sketch 72.
- 0.23 - Fix for application of tooltip causing error in population of symbols.
- 0.22 - Second attempt at fix for select box not populating correctly when swapping individual symbols.
- 0.21 - Fix for select box not populating correctly when swapping individual symbols.
- 0.20 - Improved select boxes when swapping instances, fixed broken check for updates after library swapping.
- 0.19 - Improved layout of library swapping window, added function to create inventory of a library.
- 0.18 - Fix for Sketch 58: plugin window closing when selecting library.
- 0.17 - Fix for Swap Libraries not working after last update.
- 0.16 - Fix for Swap Libraries not working if no local symbols.
- 0.15 - Fix for non-override instances of symbols not retaining their overrides.
- 0.14 - Added ability to swap libraries using symbol names instead of IDs.
- 0.13 - Fix for "alertWindow.buttons is not a function" issue introduced in last update.
- 0.12 - Library swapping window is now scrollable.
- 0.11 - Added support for migrating all symbols from current document to library, and added report for ignored symbols.
- 0.10 - Performance optimizations, bug fixes and support for Sketch 50.
- 0.9 - Fixed bug introduced in Sketch 48 as MSLayerPaster functionality was changed. Added new functionality to swap libraries individually.
- 0.8 - Symbol list for Let Me Choose is now sorted alphabetically, and allows for freeform searching.
- 0.7 - Added option to rename instances to master name, settings are now cached per document.
- 0.6 - When swapping a single selection, the match will be pre-selected in symbol list if found.
- 0.5 - Improved handling for when last used library no longer exists, improved performance when swapping siblings.
- 0.4 - Bug fixes for referencing current document.
- 0.3 - Added ability to choose a symbol of a different name, and to only swap selected instance (not siblings).
- 0.2 - Updated description in manifest.
- 0.1 - Initial commit.
Find me on Twitter @sonburn
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jason Burns (Sonburn). See LICENSE.md for further details.