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nayose is a Python module for data cleansing for Japanese address and is distributed under the MIT license.


You can install the latest this module with the command:

pip install nayose

Quick start

nayose has two main function of data cleansing for Japanese address.

complement_address is a function to complement dirty address. For example, the followings is a case of missing state(都道府県).

from nayose import complement_address

> "東京都千代田区大手町1−1−1大手町あいうえビル"

split_address is a function to split full address to state(都道府県), city(市区郡) and street(その他).

from nayose import split_address

> ('東京都', '千代田区', '大手町1−1−1大手町あいうえビル')

Important links


If you use nayose in a publication, we would appreciate citations:

For contributors

You can contribute it quickly by using docker image with the command.

git clone
docker-compose run nayose bash

For test.

bash scripts/test

If you add any modules, please re-build docker image after 'poetry update' .