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Configuration Files

frostworx edited this page May 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

stl uses both systemwide and user configuration files. This text is just some basic info and not all configs are convered, as nobody uses the config files directly anyway and it wouldn't make sense to always update this text when a new config was added. If you're interested just take a look into your STLCFGDIR (see below) for user configs and SYSTEMSTLCFGDIR (/usr/share/stl/) for system wide configs.

User Configuration

The main user configuration directory STLCFGDIR can be found under $HOME/.config/stl (or XDG_CONFIG_HOME/stl if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set).

When started for the first time stl will initially create a default configuration structure in its configdir STLCFGDIR


The main game-specific config is stored in the gamecfgs/id sub-directory under STLCFGDIR using the SteamAppID (called AID in stl) for the filename. A symlink with the gamename to that file also ist created in the gamecfgs/title sub-directory. All configuration options for that config can be configured within the Game Menu which can be found in the Main Menu.

Default Config

STLDEFGAMECFG ($STLCFGDIR/default_template.conf) Contains the default configurations options used as template for every new Game Config. Most options are disabled by default. To deploy appropriate global options early this file should be adjusted early. All available options can be configured in the Default Menu available in the Main Menu

Gui Config

For gui resolution configuration files (in $STLGUIDIR) see: Gui Window Size


STLDEFGLOBALCFG ($STLCFGDIR/global.conf) Contains universal configuration options used for all games, f.e. file paths, command line options for supported 3rd party programs, but also general "behavior" settings All available options can be configured in the Global Menu or via the Category-Menus which both can be found in the Main Menu.

Url Config

STLURLCFG ($STLCFGDIR/url.conf) For a transparent and easy overview all URLs available in stl are stored in here. The file can always be selected in the Editor Menu, but Urls is also of of the categories available in the Category Menu

Favorites Config

STLFAVMENUCFG ($STLCFGDIR/favorites.conf) Basically a plain list with all user selected configuration options variables which should be available in the Favorites Menu. The config can be configured with the Favorites Selection.

Systemwide Configuration

The system wide configuration directory SYSTEMSTLCFGDIR can be found under /usr/share/$PROGCMD (/usr/share/stl/)

All configs used here are read first, so user configs override them if required. System-wide configs help to keep configuration easy and get things to work ootb. f.e. there are preconfigured Steam Categories, custom per-game registry files, which are autodetected and applied (when REGEDIT is 1), and optionally some Tweak files

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