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dbf2mysql v1.14
Patched and enchanted to mysql by Michael Widenius
Patched and enchanted to mysql by Alexander Anikeev


This package now consists of two programs: the old dbf2mysql, and the new,
alpha-code mysql2dbf, which makes it possible to dump an mySQL-table to a


This program takes an xBase-file and sends queries to an mySQL-server to
insert it into an mysql-table. It takes a number of arguments to set its

-v  verbose:
    Produce some status-output

-vv more verbose:

-vvv more verbose:
    Also produce progress-report.

-f  field-lowercase:
    translate all field-names in the xbase-file to lowercase

-u  uppercase:
    Translate all text in the xbase-file to uppercase

-l  lowercase:
    Translate all text in the xbase-file to lowercase

-n  allow NULL fields:
    'NOT NULL' will be not added in table creation statement.

-o  list fields to insert into mySQL database. Primary use is to make
    easier import of complex dbf files into mySQL where we want only few
    NOTE: -o is processed before substitution (-s). So you have to use
    dbf field names here.

-e  conversion file:
    Specify file for char fields conversion. File format is:
    1st line: number of characters to convert (number of lines).
    Further lines: <char_to_convert> <char_after_conversion>.

-s  substitute:
    Takes a list of fieldname/newfieldname pairs. Primary use is to avoid
    conflicts between fieldnames and mySQL reserved keywords. When the new
    fieldname is empty, the field is skipped in both the CREATE-clause and
    the INSERT-clauses, in common words: it will not be present in the


-i  list fields to be indexed. mySQL field names should be listed here.

-d  database:
    Select the database to insert into. Default is 'test'

-t  table:
    Select the table to insert into. Default is 'test'

-c  create:
    Create table if it not exists. If the table already exists, drop it and
    build a new one. The default is to insert all data into the named table.
    If -cc is specified then no records will be inserted.

-p  primary:
    Select the primary key. You have to give the exact

-h  host:
    Select the host where to insert into. Untested.

-F  Fixed length records (Else chars is saved as varchar)

-n  Allow NULL values in fields

-q  "quick" mode. Inserts data via temporary file using 'LOAD DATA INFILE'
    mySQL statement. This increased insertion speed on my PC 2-2.5 times.
    Also note that during whole 'LOAD DATA' affected table is locked.

-r  Trim trailing and leading whitspaces from CHAR type fields data

-C character set:
   Set charset for mysql connection. Tables will created with specified
   charset. All character fields will filled with specified charset.

Rudimentary read-only support for Visual FoxPro, DB III+, and DB IV memo
fields/files has been added.


This takes basically the same arguments as dbf2mysql, only [-p] has changed.

-v  verbose
-vv more verbose
-u  translate all field-contents to uppercase
-l  translate all field-contents to lowercase
-d  select database from where to read
-t  select table from where to read
-q  specifies custom-query to use
-p  specify precision to use in case of REAL-fields



To build it, take a look at the Makefile. You might have to change a
few things.

First of all, there's the compiler you use. Then you have to tell where
your 'install' program is. I use the syntax as in Solaris /usr/sbin/install,
and I don't know if this is the one with the most standard arguments, so
please bare with me if you have to fiddle with it.

Then, tell what compiler-options you want (probably optimizing :). The next
step is important: tell where your Minerva/mSQL is installed, since this
needs include-files and libraries from there. 

Next, tell where you want the binary to be installed (directory-name).

Some operating-systems require extra libraries to be linked against, Solaris
for example needs -lsocket and -lnsl to compile this cleanly. Specify this

Then you're probably set to go. There are 3 more options you can change, but
you only need them if you want to do a 'make dist'. These are 'RM', 'GZIP' and
'TAR'. Of these, probably the only one that _could_ give trouble is gzip,
but you probably already have this, else you wouldn't have succeeded in
reading this document :).


Use this piece of software as you want, modify it to suit your needs,
but please leave my name in place ok? :)


I do not accept any responsibility for possible damage you get as result
of using this program.


-   It can't write memo-files at this time.


Possibly incorrect field-lengths for REAL-numbers.


mysql2dbf v1.14  07-Jul-2000
William Volkman <william_volkman at netshark dot com>

- Updated to work with Visual FoxPro dbf files.
- Capability to read memo files/fields for Visual FoxPro, DB III+,
and DB IV has been implemented (Only tested with VFP V6.0 and
Paradox 9.0 generated files, YMMV).
- Minor bug and memory leak fixes.  Tweaked documentation.

Useful reference is Erik Bachmann's xbase page (you can find
it at http://www.e-bachmann/docs/xbase.htm)

mysql2dbf v1.13
Bob Schulze (

- added Date field handling tp mysql2dbf.
- added -P (passwd)  and -U (User) options to mysql2dbf and dfb2mysl

dbf2mysql v1.12
Patch by Gerald Clark <>:

- Fix of memory allocation bug

dbf2mysql v1.11
Patch by Gerald Clark <>:

- It adds a -x option to start each table with _rec and _timestamp
  fields, adds date fields, and converts boolean to enum fields.
  It also fixes a problem with quick mode inserts for blank numeric

dbf2mysql-1.10d: (1997.10.30)

-  Fixed insertion of characters from 2nd part of ASCII table (char
   codes >127). Don't know if that's correct. Will try to find
   correct solution.

dbf2mysql-1.10c: (1997.10.20)

-  Corrected README about available command line options.
-  Expanded -c behavior. If more than one c is specified ( -cc ) then
   no data will be inserted. Only table will be created.

dbf2mysql-1.10b: (1997.06.18)

-  Still fixing bugs left after porting dbf2sql to mySQL. This time
   bug which could screw program's execution after create-clause.
-  Fixed quite fatal bug in check_table which could prevent existing
   table name detection.
     Mindaugas Riauba <>

dbf2mysql-1.10: (1997.06.13)

-   Added -q flag to use "quick" insertion mode via temporary file and
    'LOAD DATA INFILE' statement. This increased speed 2-2.5 times on
    my PC running Linux 2.0.29.
      Mindaugas Riauba <>

dbf2mysql-1.06: (1997.05.02)

-   Added -e flag to specify file for char fields conversion. I'm using
    this to convert strings from one code page to other one.
-   Found, enabled and documented -n flag, which allows NULL fields.
-   Fixed bug which prevented data insertion without table creation. You
    reviewed and tested this code or not Michael? ;)
      Mindaugas Riauba <>

dbf2mysql-1.05: (1997.04.23)

-   Added -o flag to list fields to be processed. That was made to ease
    import of complex .dbf files where we want only few fields. Read note
    about relationship with -s.
-   Someone forgot to include F command line option to getopt ;).
-   Adjusted Makefile to Linux and new mySQL libraries (libmysqlclient
    instead of libmysql, etc.).
-   Added -i flag to specify fields to index.
-   Added -r flag t trim leading spaces from strings.
      Mindaugas Riauba <>


-   Fixed bug introduced in version 1.03 that calculated the header-length
    (it was only correct by incident, when I added a pointer to a struct
    this broke).
-   Added a check when reading in the field-descriptions for end-of-header.
    Could fix some problems. Patch from Aaron Kardell <>.
-   Made numeric fields 10 long (4^32 has 10 chars....)

dbf2msql-1.03 (never publically released):

-   Changed dbf.c to use a standard buffer to read the record in,
    as opposed to allocating one everytime we call dbf_get_record().
    This will save time in reading and writing records. With dbf2msql and
    msql2dbf you won't notice much difference, cos the most time-consuming
    action is the communication with msqld, however, when you use these
    routines for something else it should make a difference.


-   Fixed a typo in msql2dbf.c
-   Forgot to mention in the README of 1.02 that I also fixed a memory-
    leak, and I mean a major one..... (in dbf_get_record())
-   set *query = NULL in main() in msql2dbf.c. OSF on Alpha's chokes if you
    don't do this
-   changed strtoupper() and strtolower(), explicitly make it clear to
    the compiler *when* to increase the pointer.


-   Added a patch from Jeffrey Y. Sue <> to 'rename' fieldnames.
    This also makes it possible to skip fields altogether
-   Added some patches from Frank Koormann <fkoorman@usf.Uni-Osanbrueck.DE>
    to initialize the different data-area's to their correct values,
    to set the dbf-time correctly and to use the correct format
    for real-values in dbf_put_record()


-   Changed every occurence of FILE to file_no. FILE reportedly caused
    trouble on some systems.
-   Changed dbf2msql.c so that when inserting an empty INT-field, an NULL
    text is inserted in the INSERT-clause instead of nothing. Suggestion
    by Jeffrey Y. Sue (
-   Same for REAL-fields (comes automagically with the change above).
-   When an error occurs during an INSERT-query, the values of that query
    are displayed when -vv is set.
    Suggestion by Jeffrey Y. Sue (
-   Added alpha-support for writing dbf-files from msql-tables by means
    of the program msql2dbf


-   Added the -f flag to translate fieldnames to lowercase.
    Suggestion by David Perry (


-   fixed a little offset-bug. I came across a file that had an extra char
    inserted after the header. However, the headerlength-field was correct,
    so I changed the program to use this instead of calculating the
    headerlength ourself. Should have done this in the first place.
    Bugreport from David Perry (


-   moved call to do_create() to inside the check if to create the table
    or import it into an existing one


-   Reorganized the code, cleaned up main(), moved building and sending
    of 'create-clause' to do_create() and moved building and sending
    of 'insert-clauses' to do_inserts.
-   Changed allocation of (char *)query in do_create() from static
    to dynamic, thus avoiding overruns.
-   Changed allocation of (char *)query, (char *)keys and (char *)vals
    in do_inserts() from static to dynamic, thus preventing overruns.
-   Fixed a nasty little bug in freeing allocated memory in
    dbf_free_record(). This was stupid, and only showed up *after*
    the code-reorganization. Don't know why I didn't notice it before.
    If you had *very* large dbases (with large fields), this could fill
    up your memory completely.
-   Added the -l option on suggestion from David Perry
-   Added the -c option (dito)
-   Added the -vv option
-   Enhanced documentation (this little doc)


-   Initial release

Maarten Boekhold (


Add some fixes to original dbf2mysq






No releases published
