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Goodreads-Rebot : A Reddit Book Bot, Ready for Industrialization on Google Cloud Platform

This bot fetches posts from a specified subreddit, searches for book titles mentioned by users in {{double braces}}, queries a database to find info on those books, and replies to the posts with additional details.

This is a revamp of Goodreads-bot, that first launched but died after Goodreads shut down API access. This version relies on a private database.

How it Works

The bot has a 3-step workflow:

  1. Crawling - Fetches recent posts from the subreddit and saves new post IDs to a BigQuery table.

  2. Matching - Checks the BigQuery table for new post IDs, extracts book titles from the post text, queries the database to find book info, and prepares a reply.

  3. Replying - Posts the prepared reply as a comment on the original post.

The main classes handling each step are:

  • Reader - Crawls subreddit looking for summoning pattern {{something}} and saves the post IDs to reply to.
  • Matcher - Matches book titles, fetches additional information, formats reply, posts on Reddit.
  • Bot - Initializes Reader and Matcher objects and runs workflow


The bot behavior is configured via the config.json file:

  • subreddit - Subreddit name to crawl
  • limit - Max number of posts to fetch per crawl
  • min_ratio - Minimum matching score (/100) to accept a book title match
  • table_* - Names of the BigQuery tables

Overview of Database Schema

The bot mainly uses the following BigQuery tables:

table_dim_books - Main book info table

  • master_grlink - Goodreads link for the book
  • short_title - Title without Series names (if so)
  • first_author - Main author
  • series_title - Series name if part of a series, NULL if not
  • book_number - Book number within series, NULL if not
  • tags - Array of topic tags
  • summary - Book summary text
  • other metadata fields

table_crawl_dates - Tracks last crawl timestamp per subreddit

  • subreddit - Subreddit name
  • crawl_timestamp - Last crawl time for subreddit

table_to_match - New post IDs to process

  • subreddit - Subreddit of post
  • post_id - Reddit post ID
  • post_timestamp - Post creation time
  • post_type - submission or comment

table_reply_logs - Logs replies posted by bot

  • post_id - Reddit post ID
  • reply_id - Reddit reply ID
  • score - Book title match score
  • master_grlink - Link to book page

Running the Bot

To start the bot:

  1. Set up BigQuery credentials
  2. Configure config.json
  3. Run the command: python --config config.json

The script will initialize the Reader and Matcher objects and run through the workflow ONCE: one crawling, one matching. Adapt the file for more advanced behavior.


Code for Reddit bot u/goodreads-rebot






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