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Quantization-Aware-Training Tutorial

What is model Quantization-Aware-Training

In general, the weights and the activation of artificial neural networks are represented by float32; on the other hand, model quantization means use lower precision to represent numbers, such as float16, int8 and uint8.

By reducing the precision we can reduce model size and memory occupancy. What's more, on some devices we can also shorten the inference time.

However, using lower precision instead of float32 will introduces quantization error to the model. Quantization-Aware-Training (QAT) mitigates the quantization errors by simulating quantization effect at training time.

Quantization-Aware-Training with NNabla

In nnabla, we divide QAT into two stages, RERORDING and TRAINING. In RECORDING stage, we will collect and record the dynamic range of each parameter and buffer. In TRAINING stage, we will insert Quantization&Dequantization node to simulate the quantization effect.

We provide QATScheduler to support Quantization-Aware-Training. Here is some sample code about QATScheduler.

Create QATScheduler

Firstly, we need to create a QATScheduler. QATScheduler will convert the network automatically to make it support Quantization-Aware-Training.

from nnabla.utils.qnn import QATScheduler, QATConfig, PrecisionMode
# Create training network
pred = model(image, test=False)
# Create validation network
vpred = model(vimage, test=True)
# configure of QATScheduler
config = QATConfig()
config.bn_folding = True
config.bn_self_folding = True
config.channel_last = False
config.precision_mode = PrecisionMode.SIM_QNN
config.skip_bias = True
config.niter_to_recording = 1
config.niter_to_training = steps_per_epoch * 2
# Create a QATScheduler object
qat_scheduler = QATScheduler(config=config, solver=solver)
# register the training network to QATScheduler
# register the validation network to QATScheduler
qat_scheduler(vpred, training=False)

Modify your training loop

In general, Your training loop should look like this:

for step in range(max_step):
    x, y =
    image.d, label.d = x, y

Compare with the training loop above. You just need to insert a line of code. Inside the 'step' function, it records your training step and converts the network when the step reaches 'niter_to_recording' or 'niter_to_recording'.

for step in range(max_step):
    # Run qat_scheduler step by step
    x, y =
    image.d, label.d = x, y
# Save the QAT model'your_model.nnp', vimage, batch_size=1, deploy=False)

Performance of the quantized model

Model with BN-folding float32 model validation error(%) QAT model validation error(%)
Mobilenetv1 NO 28.05 27.53
Resnet18 NO 29.66 28.71
Resnet50 NO 23.46 23.19
Mobilenetv1 YES 28.05 27.92
Resnet18 YES 29.66 28.63
Resnet50 YES 23.46 23.16

Above is some Quantization-Aware-Training experimental results on imagenet dataset.

Deploy the model with TensorRT

with pow2 with BN-folding maximum absolute error mean absolute error maximum relative error mean relative error
NO NO 0.0144 0.0094 9.9737 0.0907
NO YES 4.639e-04 1.577e-04 13.3496 0.0151
YES NO 0.0378 0.0287 21.7627 0.0433
YES YES 4.673e-07 3.465e-07 0.00069 2.588e-08

You can also deploy the NNabla QAT model with other framework by using our :ref:`File_Format_Converter` to convert .nnp to other format. Above is the comparison between the output of NNabla and the output of TensorRT. The model we used to compare is mobilenetv1. If you want to deploy the model with TensorRT, we recommend that you enable these options in QATConfig: 'bn_folding', 'bn_self_folding', 'pow2', otherwise, the error between NNabla and TensorRT may become large. See also QATTensorRTConfig (lined).