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Token Metadata Descriptor

Token Metadata Descriptor is defines a way to extend Metaplex’s token metadata accounts on-chain. This is a specific implementation for how how any account can be extended on-chain and takes advantage of the update authority field maintained by the metadata. The protocol is written in such a way that it can be as simple or complex as a creator wants.

Please see this document for more info:

SDK documentation

See the dedicated README here.

Program documentation

Rust crate is published here. See the dedicated README here.

Environment Setup

Note: initial develop was done on MacOS, so those using other platforms may run into issues. PRs or issues to address problems are greatly appreciated.

  1. Install Rust from
  2. Install Solana from
  3. Install Anchor from
  4. Run yarn setup to install dependencies for every directory (root, sdk, and tests) and build the program for the first time.

You are now ready to modify the code, deploy, and/or run the tests.


There are 2 options:

  1. Simple build that generates a .so output: yarn build
  2. Full build that generates a .so output and updates the SDK: yarn full:build

If you choose the former, please remember to manually run yarn cp:binaries to copy the .so build artifact(s) to the local-binaries/ folder.


Running the tests is easy, but I'll explain what's happening behind the scenes. The testing strategy in this repository is more complex than a vanilla Anchor project because we don't use Anchor's default provider to generate a typescript interface into the underlying program. Instead, we use solita to automatically generate an SDK from the program. We can then use and extend that SDK however we want.

I'll only cover how to test locally in this README. Testing on devnet or mainnet-beta as an exercise to the reader, if that's your thing.

General steps:

  • Open a new tab in your preferred terminal application.
  • Verify you don't have another isntance of the local validator already running. We'll start a local validator via Amman using the command: yarn amman:start. We use configuration in .ammanrc.js to tell Amman what programs and accounts we would like loaded onto the local validator.
  • In another window, run yarn test to run the tests. Any time a test makes an RPC call, it will be to the program running on the local validator.
  • Stop the local validator with ctrl+c.
  • You can run a single test class by navigating to the sdk/ directory and running yarn tape dist/test/<name>.test.js where <name> represents a real test file.


There is a test dependency on @sooshisan/solana-add-data-to-buffer in order to create a buffer with data in it. It's only used for testing. The on-chain code has never been deployed, so the .so binary is committed to git and included in the local-binaries/ directory.


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