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OAI5G MEP demo on SophiaNode/R2lab

The script aims to deploy the OpenAirInterface Multi-access Edge Computing Platform blueprint within the Sopnode/R2lab platform.

The OpenAirInterface Multi-access Edge Computing Platform blueprint developed by Eurecom has been modified to be able to run it using either the rfsim mode or B210-based gNB and UE nodes (such as Quectel nodes and 5G phones) located in the R2lab platform. In the original blueprint, all the CN, RAN and MEP docker containers were running on the same host. The modified blueprint available in this r2lab branch will deploy the core-networks, ran and mep docker compose files on three different FIT nodes.

Software dependencies

Before you can run the script in this directory, you need to install its dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Basic usage

The mental model is that we are dealing with essentially three states:

  • (0) initially, the FIT/R2lab nodes are down;
  • (1) after setup, 3 FIT/R2lab node are loaded with the proper image to deploy the MEP blueprint, and depending on the UEs selected more FIT nodes can be loaded with Quectel-specific UE images;
  • (2) at that point one can use the --start option to start the system, which amounts to deploying containers on FIT nodes;
  • (back to 1) it is point one can roll back and come back to the previous state, using the --stop option

with none of the --start/--stop/--cleanup option the script goes from state 0 to (2), unless the --no-auto-start option is given.

Run --help for more details.



The nepi-ng script has various options to change default parameters, run ./ --help on your laptop to see all of them.

The main options are:

  • -a to not deploy the docker containers as it is done by default.
  • -s slicename to provide the slicename that you used to book the platform, which by default is inria_sopnode.
  • --ran mode use this option to select a specific node to run the gNB. It is by default fit02 but you can for instance use the new miniPC r2lab nodes pc01 and pc02 to run the gNB with B210 USRP device. E.g., --ran pc01 to select miniPC node pc01 or --ran 10 tu use FIT node fit10.
  • -R rfsim or -R b210 to select simulation mode or USRP B210-based gNB; by default the escript runs in simulation mode.
  • -L to retrieve all container logs when using the --stop option.
  • -P 1 and -P 2 to select phone1 and phone2 5G UEs.
  • -Q X to select FIT node with 5G Quectel UE; a specific r2lab image will be loaded in this case on the node; e.g. -Q9 will use fit09.
  • -q X to select Raspberry Pi4 with 5G Quectel UEs, e.g. -q9 will use qhat02.

We added the two following options to be used only when the script has already run at least once, i.e., when FIT nodes are up and ready to start the docker containers:

  • --stop to delete all docker containers.
  • --start to launch (again) all docker containers with same configuration as before.


First assume that you want to deploy the MEP blueprint with a gNB deployed on fit02 and with fit09 with 5G Quectel device selected as UE, you will run:

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ ./ -s your-slicename -Rb210 --ran 2 -Q9 -l

Then, when the script returns, you can check the containers created on the 3 physical hosts:

  • on the core-network host (fit01):
root@fit01:$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                     COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                          NAMES
34dd4ce6fe75   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-cm:latest         "oai_cm"                 5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes (healthy)                                  oai-cm
0fe43bce5971   mongo:latest                              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes (healthy)   27017/tcp                      mongodb
5420399fe1aa   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-smf:v1.5.0        "python3 /openair-sm…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 8080/tcp, 8805/udp     oai-smf
4efe8e9b2398   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf:v1.5.0        "python3 /openair-am…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 9090/tcp, 38412/sctp   oai-amf
cef4ce845368   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-ausf:v1.5.0       "python3 /openair-au…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp                         oai-ausf
0a16f3ed5d88   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udm:v1.5.0        "python3 /openair-ud…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp                         oai-udm
1063fd213422   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udr:v1.5.0        "python3 /openair-ud…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp                         oai-udr
83540a65cd8a   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-upf-vpp:v1.5.0    "/openair-upf/bin/en…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   2152/udp, 8085/udp             vpp-upf
220bec835b76   mysql:8.0                                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp            mysql
1926edfd8a0e   oaisoftwarealliance/trf-gen-cn5g:latest   "/bin/bash -c ' ipta…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)                                  oai-ext-dn
f72e4bed1fd8   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nrf:v1.5.0        "python3 /openair-nr…"   6 minutes ago   Up 6 minutes (healthy)   80/tcp, 9090/tcp               oai-nrf
  • on the ran host (fit02):
root@fit02:$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                                                                                                                                                   NAMES
48bf1b55db1e   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-flexric:1.0   "python3 -u rnisxapp…"   7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes (healthy)   36421-36422/sctp                                                                                                                                        oai-rnis-xapp
38eb39552d4e   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-flexric:1.0   "/usr/local/bin/near…"   7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes (healthy)   36421-36422/sctp                                                                                                                                        oai-flexric
e8568ea8ae26   rabbitmq:3-management-alpine          "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes (healthy)   4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 15671/tcp, 15691-15692/tcp, 25672/tcp,>5672/tcp, :::32769->5672/tcp,>15672/tcp, :::32768->15672/tcp   rabbitmq-broker
  • on the mep host (fit03):
root@fit03:$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                     PORTS                                                                                                           NAMES
97ef6555ca31   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-rnis:latest   "oai_rnis"               7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes (healthy)                                                                                                                     oai-rnis
401253b207be   oaisoftwarealliance/oai-mep:latest    "oai_mep"                7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes (healthy)                                                                                                                     oai-mep-registry
72fb320f9b15   kong:latest                           "/docker-entrypoint.…"   7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes (unhealthy)   8000/tcp, 8443-8444/tcp,>80/tcp, :::32773->80/tcp,>8001/tcp, :::32772->8001/tcp   oai-mep-gateway
eb69f6121e8b   postgres:9.6                          "docker-entrypoint.s…"   7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes (healthy)     5432/tcp                                                                                                        oai-mep-gateway-db

Now, stop the demo and retrieve the logs for all docker containers:

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ ./ -s your-slicename -Rb210 --ran 2 -Q9 --stop -L

The following logs will be retrieved automatically on your machine within the local STATS directory:

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ tar -ztvf STATS/oai5g-stats-core.tgz
drwxr-xr-x  0 root   root        0  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root    35757  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/amf.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     8186  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/udm.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root       59  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/vpp-upf.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root    25271  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/udr.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root    62943  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/nrf.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root    56010  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/smf.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root        0  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/23.11.06T15.05
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     8169  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/ausf.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     8963  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-core/cm.log

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ tar -ztvf STATS/oai5g-stats-ran.tgz

drwxr-xr-x  0 root   root        0  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-ran/
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root    59254  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-ran/rfsim5g-oai-gnb.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root       63  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-ran/oai-flexric.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root       65  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-ran/rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     3026  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-ran/oai-rnis-xapp.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root        0  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-ran/23.11.06T15.05
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root    19905  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-ran/rabbitmq-broker.log

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ tar -ztvf STATS/oai5g-stats-mep.tgz

drwxr-xr-x  0 root   root        0  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-mep/
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     3134  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-mep/oai-mep-gateway.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     1392  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-mep/oai-rnis.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root        0  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-mep/23.11.06T15.05
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     1946  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-mep/oai-mep-gateway-db.log
-rw-r--r--  0 root   root     1335  6 nov 15:05 oai5g-stats-mep/oai-mep-registry.log

Now, assume that you want to restart the demo in simulation mode, you will not have to reload R2lab images on the FIT nodes. No specific option is required as the simulation mode is used by default, just run:

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ ./ -s your-slicename

Then, start the simulated UE by running on the ran host:

root@fit02:$ cd blueprints/mep/
root@fit02:~/blueprints/mep# docker compose -f docker-compose/docker-compose-ran.yaml up -d oai-nr-ue

Note that we don't use "--start" option in this case as this option skips the reconfiguration step.

Now, retrieve the IP addresses of all containers created on the 3 hosts:

  • on the core-network host:
root@fit01:~/blueprints/mep# docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}} %tab% {{.Name}}' $(docker ps -aq) | sed 's#%tab%#\t#g' | sed 's#/##g' | sort -t . -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n 	 oai-nrf 	 mysql 	 oai-amf 	 oai-smf 	 oai-udr 	 oai-udm 	 oai-ausf 	 mongodb 	 oai-cm 	 vpp-upf 	 oai-ext-dnb
  • on the ran host:
root@fit02:~/blueprints/mep# docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}} %tab% {{.Name}}' $(docker ps -aq) | sed 's#%tab%#\t#g' | sed 's#/##g' | sort -t . -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n 	 rfsim5g-oai-nr-ue 	 oai-flexric 	 oai-rnis-xapp 	 rabbitmq-broker 	 rfsim5g-oai-gnb
  • and finally, on mep host:
root@fit03:~/blueprints/mep# docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}} %tab% {{.Name}}' $(docker ps -aq) | sed 's#%tab%#\t#g' | sed 's#/##g' | sort -t . -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n 	 oai-mep-gateway 	 oai-mep-gateway-db 	 oai-mep-registry 	 oai-rnis

You can fetch what RAN KPIs are available by running on the mep host:

root@fit03:$ curl -X 'GET' '' -H 'accept: application/json'
    "KPIs": {
      "bler_dl": {
        "kpi": "bler_dl",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 5.605193857299268e-45
      "bler_ul": {
        "kpi": "bler_ul",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 5.605193857299268e-45
      "cqi": {
        "kpi": "cqi",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 0
      "data_dl": {
        "kpi": "data_dl",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 0
      "data_ul": {
        "kpi": "data_ul",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 0
      "mcs_dl": {
        "kpi": "mcs_dl",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 9
      "mcs_ul": {
        "kpi": "mcs_ul",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 9
      "phr": {
        "kpi": "phr",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": null,
        "value": 0
      "rsrp": {
        "kpi": "rsrp",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": "dBm",
        "value": -44
      "snr": {
        "kpi": "snr",
        "labels": {
          "amf_ue_ngap_id": 1
        "source": "RAN",
        "timestamp": 1699281114469113,
        "unit": "dBm",
        "value": 55.0
    "ueIPs": [

You can also try running the xapp example application provided in the Eurecom MEP blueprint to track the KPIs in real-time:

root@fit03:$ cd blueprints/mep/
root@fit03:~/blueprints/mep# python examples/
{'AssociateId': [''], 'CellId': 0, 'Report': {'cqi': {'kpi': 'cqi', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 0, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'rsrp': {'kpi': 'rsrp', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': 'dBm', 'value': -44, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'mcs_ul': {'kpi': 'mcs_ul', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 9, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'mcs_dl': {'kpi': 'mcs_dl', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 9, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'phr': {'kpi': 'phr', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 0, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'bler_ul': {'kpi': 'bler_ul', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 5.605193857299268e-45, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'bler_dl': {'kpi': 'bler_dl', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 5.605193857299268e-45, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'data_ul': {'kpi': 'data_ul', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 0, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'data_dl': {'kpi': 'data_dl', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': None, 'value': 0, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}, 'snr': {'kpi': 'snr', 'source': 'RAN', 'timestamp': 1699281400219109, 'unit': 'dBm', 'value': 55.0, 'labels': {'amf_ue_ngap_id': 1}}}, 'TimeStamp': 1699281400.2334554} - - [06/Nov/2023 15:36:40] "POST /subscriptions/l2meas-200 HTTP/1.1" 200 -


To clean up the demo, first delete all docker containers by running on your laptop:

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ ./ --stop

Then, to shutdown R2lab nodes and switch off USRP/Quectel devices, just run on your laptop the following command:

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ ./ --cleanup


You can have a look at the nepi-ng automata when using different script options by adding the - n flag. This will not run the script but will generate a graph showing the sequence of actions.

your-laptop:oai5g-mep$ ./ -Rb210 --ran 2 -Q9 -l -n
Running the MEP demo version on following FIT nodes:
	fit01 for CN and CM containers
	fit02 for gNB, flexric, rabbitmq and rnis-xapp containers
	fit03 for MEP and rnis containers
Using Quectel UE on node fit09
No UE phone involved
No qhat UE involved
	oai-gnb running with b210
FIT image loading: YES with u20.04-perf-uhd3.15-docker-images
Automatically start the demo after setup
********** run mode WITH rhubarbe imaging the FIT nodes (quectel node(s) prepared: ['9']) (no qhat node prepared) (no phone prepared)
 See main scheduler in demo-mep-graph.svg

Automata graph generated