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sorear committed Nov 14, 2011
0 parents commit a81bd45
Showing 1 changed file with 390 additions and 0 deletions.
390 changes: 390 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
package InputHandler;

my $UCD_XML = "ucd.nounihan.grouped.xml";
my $UCD_DIR = "UCD-6.0.0";

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

use parent qw(XML::SAX::Base);
use YAML;
use File::Slurp;
use Encode;
use XML::SAX;

my @PropertyAliases = read_file("$UCD_DIR/PropertyAliases.txt");

sub start_document {
my ($self, $e) = @_;

$self->{description} = '';
$self->{group} = {};
$self->{indesc} = 0;
$self->{stats} = {};
$self->{count} = 0;
$self->{last} = -1;
$self->{tables} = {};

$self->{files} = [];
$self->{header} = '';

$self->{p_named_seq} = [];
$self->{named_seq} = [];

print STDERR "Reading characters ... ", " " x 50;

sub _add_file {
my ($self, $name, @buf) = @_;

$self->{'header'} .= pack "Z*Z*cN*", $name, scalar(@buf),
map { length } @buf;

for (my $i = 0; $i < @buf; $i++) {
$self->{'files'}[$i] .= $buf[$i];

my $tot = 0;
$tot += length($_) for @buf;
print STDERR "add $name, code $buf[0], ", join("+",map { length } @buf), " (tot $tot) bytes.\n";

sub collect_tokens {
my ($self) = @_;

my %toks;
my @tx;
my $t = $self->{tables}{na};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
push @tx, split /\s+/, $t->[$i+1];
$t = $self->{tables}{na1};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
push @tx, split /\s+/, $t->[$i+1];
$t = $self->{named_seq};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
push @tx, split /\s+/, $t->[$i];
$t = $self->{p_named_seq};
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
push @tx, split /\s+/, $t->[$i];

for (@tx) {
my @tinfo = map { sprintf "%08d%s", 1e8 - $toks{$_}, $_ } keys %toks;
@tinfo = sort @tinfo;
print STDERR "(", scalar(keys(%toks)), " distinct tokens) ";
#write_file("keys", join "\n", @tinfo, "");

my %tmap;
my $i = 1;
my $buf = '';
for (@tinfo) {
$tmap{substr($_,8)} = $i++;
$buf .= pack "Z*", substr($_,8);

$self->{tok_map} = \%tmap;
$self->_add_file('!name_tokens', 'T', $buf);

sub format_table {
my ($self, $name, $type) = @_;
print STDERR "Formatting table $name ($type) ... ";

my $t = $self->{tables}{$name};
my $stat = $self->{stats}{$name};
my @buf;

#write_file("raw.$name", join "\n", @$t, "");

if ($name eq 'na' || $name eq 'na1') {
@buf = ('N', '');
my $prev = -1;
my @last;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
my @tx = split /\s+/, $t->[$i+1];

my $keep = 0;
while ($keep < @tx && $keep < @last && $last[$keep] eq $tx[$keep]) {

if ($t->[$i] != $prev + 1) {
$buf[1] .= "\0" . pack "w", $t->[$i] - $prev - 1;
$prev = $t->[$i];

$buf[1] .= chr(16 * $keep + @tx);

for (my $j = $keep; $j < @tx; $j++) {
$buf[1] .= pack "w", $self->{tok_map}{$tx[$j]};
@last = @tx;
elsif ($type eq 'String') {
@buf = ('S', '', '');
my @tix = @$t;

for (my $i = 1; $i < @tix; $i += 2) {
if ($tix[$i] eq '#') {
$tix[$i] = "\xD8\x01"; # placeholder
} elsif ($tix[$i] eq '') {
$tix[$i] = "\xD8\x00"; # useful to treat 0 chars as 1 here
} else {
$tix[$i] = join "", map { chr(hex($_)) } split ' ', $tix[$i];
$tix[$i] = encode("utf16be",$tix[$i]);

while (@tix) {
if (@tix >= 6 && $tix[2] == $tix[0]+1 && $tix[4] == $tix[2]+1 &&
length($tix[1]) == length($tix[3]) &&
length($tix[3]) == length($tix[5])) {
# 3+ characters, in sequence, all with equal length values
my $next = $tix[0];
my $leng = length($tix[1]);
$buf[1] .= pack "N", ($next | ($leng << 23));

while (@tix >= 4 && $tix[0] == $next && $tix[2] == $next+1 &&
length($tix[1]) == $leng) {
$buf[2] .= $tix[1];
shift @tix;
shift @tix;
else {
$buf[1] .= pack "N", ($tix[0] | ((length($tix[1])+1) << 23)),
$buf[2] .= $tix[1];
shift @tix;
shift @tix;

my %look;
for (my $i = 0; $i < length($buf[2]); $i += 2) {

print STDERR "(", (length($buf[2])/2), " units ", scalar(keys %look), " distinct) ";
elsif ($type eq 'Binary') {
# special optimization: values are 0,1,0,1,0,1... and need not be saved
@buf = ('B', '');

my $last = 'N';
my $lix = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
next if $t->[$i+1] eq $last;
$last = $t->[$i+1];
$buf[1] .= pack "w", $t->[$i] - $lix;
$lix = $t->[$i];
elsif (keys(%$stat) <= 256) {
@buf = ('E', '', '', '');
my %cat;
print STDERR "( ", scalar(keys(%$stat)), " values) ";

my $lix = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
my $ix = $cat{$t->[$i+1]};
unless (defined($ix)) {
$ix = keys %cat;
$cat{$t->[$i+1]} = $ix;
$buf[3] .= pack "Z*", $t->[$i+1];
$buf[2] .= pack "C", $ix;
$buf[1] .= pack "w", $t->[$i] - $lix;
$lix = $t->[$i];
} else {
@buf = ('M','');
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$t; $i += 2) {
$buf[1] .= pack "NZ*", $t->[$i], $t->[$i+1];

$self->_add_file($name, @buf);

sub end_document {
my ($self, $e) = @_;
print STDERR "\n";


my $cooked_pa = '';
my $type = '';
for my $line (@PropertyAliases) {
if ($line =~ /^\w/) {
my @arr = split /;/, $line;
s/\s//g for @arr;
next if $arr[0] =~ /cjk/;
next if $arr[0] eq 'Name_Alias'; # XXX not in the XML data
$self->format_table($arr[0], $type);

$cooked_pa .= pack "Z*", $_ for @arr;
$cooked_pa .= "\0";
elsif ($line =~ /(\w+) Properties/) {
$type = $1;

for my $t (qw/ named_seq p_named_seq /) {
my $lst = $self->{$t};
my $buf = '';
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$lst; $i += 2) {
for my $tk (split /\s+/, $lst->[$i]) {
$buf .= pack "w", $self->{tok_map}{$tk};
$buf .= "\0";
for my $cp (split /\s+/, $lst->[$i+1]) {
$buf .= encode("utf16be", chr(hex($cp)));
$buf .= "\0\0";
$self->_add_file("!$t", '_', $buf);

$self->_add_file('!normalization-corrections', '_', $self->{normalization_correction});
$self->_add_file('!standardized-variants', '_', $self->{standardized_variant});
$self->_add_file('!cjk-radicals', '_', $self->{cjk_radical});
$self->_add_file('!emoji-sources', '_', $self->{emoji_source});
$self->_add_file('!PropertyAlias', '_', $cooked_pa);

print $self->{'header'};
print $_ for @{ $self->{'files'} };

sub _mong_attrs {
my ($into, $attrs) = @_;
for my $v (values %$attrs) {
$into->{$v->{LocalName}} = $v->{Value};

sub start_element {
my ($self,$e) = @_;
my $n = $e->{LocalName};

if ($n eq "group") {
$self->{group} = _mong_attrs({}, $e->{Attributes});
elsif ($n eq "char" || $n eq "reserved" || $n eq "noncharacter" || $n eq "surrogate") {
my $info = _mong_attrs({ %{ $self->{group} } }, $e->{Attributes});

## track first/last, update progress
my $obl = int(($self->{'last'}+1) * 1000 / 1114112);

my $first = hex($info->{'first-cp'} // $info->{'cp'});
if ($first != $self->{'last'} + 1) {
die "Out of order, " . $info->{'first-cp'} // $info->{'cp'};
my $last = $self->{'last'} = hex($info->{'last-cp'} // $info->{'cp'});

my $nbl = int(($self->{'last'}+1) * 1000 / 1114112);
if ($nbl != $obl) {
my $str = sprintf "%5.1f%% U+%04X %s", $nbl/10, $last, $info->{na};
printf STDERR "%s%-50.50s", "\b" x 50, $str;

delete $info->{'last-cp'};
delete $info->{'cp'};
delete $info->{'first-cp'};

if ($first >= 0xAC00 && $first < 0xD7A4) {
# Hangul - procedurally determined 'na' and 'dm' need not be
# stored
$info->{'na'} = '';
$info->{'dm'} = '';

for my $k (keys %$info) {
$self->{stats}{$k}{$info->{$k}} += $last - $first + 1
unless $k eq 'na' || $k eq 'na1';

my $t = ($self->{tables}{$k} //= []);
if (!@$t || $t->[-1] ne $info->{$k}) {
push @$t, $first, $info->{$k};
elsif ($n eq 'block') {
my $t = ($self->{tables}{blk} //= []);
my $a = _mong_attrs({}, $e->{Attributes});

if (@$t && $t->[-2] == hex($a->{'first-cp'})) {
pop @$t; pop @$t;
push @$t, hex($a->{'first-cp'}), $a->{'name'},
hex($a->{'last-cp'})+1, '';
elsif ($n eq 'named-sequence') {
my $a = _mong_attrs({}, $e->{Attributes});
push @{ $self->{inprov} ? $self->{p_named_seq} : $self->{named_seq} },
$a->{name}, $a->{cps};
elsif ($n eq 'provisional-named-sequences') {
$self->{inprov} = 1;
elsif ($n eq 'normalization-correction') {
my $a = _mong_attrs({}, $e->{Attributes});
$self->{normalization_correction} .= pack "NNNZ*",
hex($a->{cp}), hex($a->{old}), hex($a->{new}), $a->{version};
elsif ($n eq 'standardized-variant') {
my $a = _mong_attrs({}, $e->{Attributes});
my @cps = split / /, $a->{cps};
$self->{standardized_variant} .= pack "NNZ*Z*",
hex($cps[0]), hex($cps[1]), $a->{desc}, $a->{when};
elsif ($n eq 'cjk-radical') {
my $a = _mong_attrs({}, $e->{Attributes});
$a->{number} =~ /(\d+)('?)/;
$self->{cjk_radical} .= pack "nnn", ($2 ? 1024 : 0) + $1,
hex($a->{radical}), hex($a->{ideograph});
elsif ($n eq 'emoji-source') {
my $a = _mong_attrs({}, $e->{Attributes});
$self->{emoji_source} .= pack "nnn", hex($a->{docomo}),
hex($a->{kddi}), hex($a->{softbank});
my $uni = encode("utf16be", join "", map { chr(hex($_)) } split / /,
$self->{emoji_source} .= $uni . "\0\0";
elsif ($n eq 'description') {
$self->{indesc} = 1;

sub end_element {
my ($self,$e) = @_;
my $n = $e->{LocalName};

if ($n eq "group") {
$self->{group} = {};
} elsif ($n eq "description") {
$self->{indesc} = 0;

sub characters {
my ($self,$e) = @_;

if ($self->{indesc}) {
$self->{description} .= $e->{Data};

XML::SAX::ParserFactory->parser(Handler => InputHandler->new)

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