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mberends committed Sep 23, 2011
1 parent 10f1ad8 commit 24ecad7
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 0 deletions.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# Main documentation:, particularly Gnome
# (for Gdk and Gtk) and Mono (for Cairo) libraries.
# See also: The X-Windows Disaster at

constant $GTK = "gtk-sharp,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=35e10195dab3c99f";
constant $GDK = "gdk-sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e10195dab3c99f";
constant $GLIB = "glib-sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e10195dab3c99f";
# use 'gacutil -l' to look up similar module details

constant Application = CLR::("Gtk.Application,$GTK");
constant Window = CLR::("Gtk.Window,$GTK");
constant GdkCairoHelper = CLR::("Gdk.CairoHelper,$GDK");
constant GtkDrawingArea = CLR::("Gtk.DrawingArea,$GTK");
constant GLibTimeout = CLR::("GLib.Timeout,$GLIB");

my $window ="sierpinski");
my $windowSizeX = 640; my $windowSizeY = 560;
$window.Resize($windowSizeX, $windowSizeY);
my $drawingarea =;
$drawingarea.add_ExposeEvent: sub ($obj, $args) {
$args; # suppress 'declared but not used' warnings
my $cc = GdkCairoHelper.Create($obj.GdkWindow); # Cairo Context
my $windowX; my $windowY; my $windowWidth; my $windowHeight; my $windowDepth;
# TODO: the following line seems to pass parameters by value, it needs to pass by reference to integers
# Tracked as
$obj.GdkWindow.GetGeometry($windowX, $windowY, $windowWidth, $windowHeight, $windowDepth);
# TODO: remove the following cheat that works around the above problem
$windowWidth = $windowSizeX; $windowHeight = $windowSizeY;
$cc.SetSourceRGB(0, 1, 0); $cc.Paint(); # Make a green background
# Start the recursive drawing process
my $x0=0; my $y0=0; my $x1=$windowWidth-1; my $y1=$windowHeight/2;
my $x2=0; my $y2=$windowHeight-1;
my $depth = Sierpinski($cc, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, True, 1);
my $label = sprintf("%d x %d, %d levels", $windowWidth, $windowHeight, $depth);
say $label;
# TODO: Currently the following error appears at exit:
# Cairo.Context: called from finalization thread, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
# The following line should fix the above, but gives this error: Unable to resolve method Dispose
# $cc.Dispose(); # Should do: ((IDisposable) cc).Dispose();
# Tracked as
$window.add_DeleteEvent: sub ($obj, $args) {
$obj; $args; # suppress "declared but not used" Potential difficulties

sub Sierpinski($cc, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $colorflag, $depth is copy)
if $colorflag { $cc.SetSourceRGB(0, 0, 1); }
else { $cc.SetSourceRGB(1, 1, 0); }
$cc.MoveTo($x0.Int, $y0.Int); $cc.LineTo($x1.Int, $y1.Int);
$cc.LineTo($x2.Int, $y2.Int); $cc.LineTo($x0.Int, $y0.Int);
if (($x1-$x0)>2) && (($y2-$y0)>2) { # Prepare to recurse
# Calculate the midpoints of the 3 edges of the triangle
my $x01=(($x0+$x1)/2).Int; my $y01=(($y0+$y1)/2).Int;
my $x12=(($x1+$x2)/2).Int; my $y12=(($y1+$y2)/2).Int;
my $x20=(($x2+$x0)/2).Int; my $y20=(($y2+$y0)/2).Int;
# Recursively draw three smaller triangles
Sierpinski($cc, $x0, $y0, $x01,$y01, $x20,$y20, !$colorflag, $depth);
Sierpinski($cc, $x01,$y01, $x1, $y1, $x12,$y12, !$colorflag, $depth);
$depth =
Sierpinski($cc, $x20,$y20, $x12,$y12, $x2, $y2, !$colorflag, $depth);

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