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Example of using Clojure to write agents for the Arcade Learning Environment using JavaCPP Presets.


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Some simple examples using Clojure to create agents for The Arcade Learning Environment using the JavaCPP Presets ALE module.

Random Agent

Here's an example of starting a game and running it through several episodes with randomly selected actions. This assumes you have a ROM for Kaboom in the roms directory.

(require '[ale-clj.core :refer [start-game reset-game act game-over?]])

(defn game-episode [{:keys [actions] :as game}]
  (reset-game game)
  (loop [rewards []]
    (if (game-over? game)
      (let [action (rand-nth actions)
            reward (act game action)]
        (recur (conj rewards reward))))))

(let [game (start-game "Kaboom.bin")
      rewards (doall (repeatedly
                        #(reduce + (game-episode game))))]

We can make this a little more interesting by displaying the game screens while it's running. I'm sure there are nicer ways to go about animating this, but this works well enough for these little examples.

(require '[ale-clj.screen :refer [set-screen-ints]]
         '[ale-clj.display :refer [create-frame display-screen dispose-frame]])

(defn game-episode [{:keys [actions frame] :as game}]
  (reset-game game)
  (loop [rewards []]
    (if (game-over? game)
      (let [action (rand-nth actions)
            reward (act game action)]
        ;; need to executre this if I want to do anything like display the screen since
        ;; otherwise the only thing ALE is sending back to the agent is the reward.
        (set-screen-ints game)
        (display-screen game)
        (recur (conj rewards reward))))))

(let [game (start-game "Kaboom.bin")
      {:keys [width height]} game
      frame (create-frame width height)
      rewards (doall (repeatedly
                      #(reduce + (game-episode
                                  (assoc game :frame frame)))))]
    (dispose-frame frame)

It's handy to subtract the (hopefully) static background from the game screens to reduce the number of features. It doesn't matter for this random agent, but I thought it would be cute to show what the that looks like. You can do this by requiring:

(require '[ale-clj.background :refer [subtract-background]])

and insertering (subtract-background game) after (set-screen-ints) in the game-episode function. This will only work if we actually determine what the background looks like, so if there isn't a file for the game in the backgrounds directory, you'll have to create one. Check the examples directory to see how that's done.

Another way to reduce the feature set is to tile the screen and we can see what that looks like by requiring this:

(require '[ale-clj.tiles :refer [tiled-screen-ints]])

and inserting (tiled-screen-ints game) after (subtract-background game).

More comprehesive examples with actual learning agents are in src/ale-clj/examples.


Copyright © 2018 Yieldbot, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Example of using Clojure to write agents for the Arcade Learning Environment using JavaCPP Presets.







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